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October 22, 2024

hackergotchi for Dirk Eddelbuettel

Dirk Eddelbuettel

drat 0.2.5 on CRAN: Small Updates

drat user

A new minor release of the drat package arrived on CRAN today, which is just over a year since the previous release. drat stands for drat R Archive Template, and helps with easy-to-create and easy-to-use repositories for R packages. Since its inception in early 2015 it has found reasonably widespread adoption among R users because repositories with marked releases is the better way to distribute code.

Because for once it really is as your mother told you: Friends don’t let friends install random git commit snapshots. Properly rolled-up releases it is. Just how CRAN shows us: a model that has demonstrated for over two-and-a-half decades how to do this. And you can too: drat is easy to use, documented by six vignettes and just works. Detailed information about drat is at its documentation site. That said, and ‘these days’, if you mainly care about github code then r-universe is there too, also offering binaries its makes and all that jazz. But sometimes you just want to, or need to, roll a local repository and drat can help you there.

This release contains a small PR (made by Arne Holmin just after the previous release) adding support for an ‘OSflacour’ variable (helpful for macOS). We also corrected an issue with one test file being insufficiently careful of using git2r only when installed, and as usual did a round of maintenance for the package concerning both continuous integration and documentation.

The NEWS file summarises the release as follows:

Changes in drat version 0.2.5 (2024-10-21)

  • Function insertPackage has a new optional argument OSflavour (Arne Holmin in #142)

  • A test file conditions correctly about git2r being present (Dirk)

  • Several smaller packaging updates and enhancements to continuous integration and documentation have been added (Dirk)

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is a comparison to the previous release. More detailed information is on the drat page as well as at the documentation site.

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

22 October, 2024 12:38AM

October 21, 2024

Sven Hoexter

Terraform: Making Use of Precondition Checks

I'm in the unlucky position to have to deal with GitHub. Thus I've a terraform module in a project which deals with populating organization secrets in our GitHub organization, and assigning repositories access to those secrets.

Since the GitHub terraform provider internally works mostly with repository IDs, not slugs (this human readable organization/repo format), we've to do some mapping in between. In my case it looks like this:

#tfvars Input for Module
org_secrets = {
    "SECRET_A" = {
        repos = [
    "SECRET_B" = {
        repos = [

# Module Code
Limitation: The GH search API which is queried returns at most 1000
results. Thus whenever we reach that limit this approach will no longer work.
The query is also intentionally limited to internal repositories right now.
data "github_repositories" "repos" {
    query           = "org:myorg archived:false -is:public -is:private"
    include_repo_id = true

The properties of the github_repositories.repos data source queried
above contains only lists. Thus we've to manually establish a mapping
between the repository names we need as a lookup key later on, and the
repository id we got in another list from the search query above.
locals {
    # Assemble the set of repository names we need repo_ids for
    repos = toset(flatten([for v in var.org_secrets : v.repos]))

    # Walk through all names in the query result list and check
    # if they're also in our repo set. If yes add the repo name -> id
    # mapping to our resulting map
    repos_and_ids = {
        for i, v in data.github_repositories.repos.names : v => data.github_repositories.repos.repo_ids[i]
        if contains(local.repos, v)

resource "github_actions_organization_secret" "org_secrets" {
    for_each        = var.org_secrets
    secret_name     = each.key
    visibility      = "selected"
    # the logic how the secret value is sourced is omitted here
    plaintext_value =
    selected_repository_ids = [
        for r in each.value.repos : local.repos_and_ids[r]
        if can(local.repos_and_ids[r])

Now if we do something bad, delete a repository and forget to remove it from the configuration for the module, we receive some error message that a (numeric) repository ID could not be found. Pretty much useless for the average user because you've to figure out which repository is still in the configuration list, but got deleted recently.

Luckily terraform supports since version 1.2 precondition checks, which we can use in an output-block to provide the information which repository is missing. What we need is the set of missing repositories and the validation condition:

locals {
    # Debug facility in combination with an output and precondition check
    # There we can report which repository we still have in our configuration
    # but no longer get as a result from the data provider query
    missing_repos = setsubtract(local.repos, data.github_repositories.repos.names)

# Debug facility - If we can not find every repository in our
# search query result, report those repos as an error
output "missing_repos" {
    value = local.missing_repos
    precondition {
        condition     = length(local.missing_repos) == 0
        error_message = format("Repos in config missing from resultset: %v", local.missing_repos)

Now you only have to be aware that GitHub is GitHub and the TF provider has open bugs, but is not supported by GitHub and you will encounter inconsistent results. But it works, even if your terraform apply failed that way.

21 October, 2024 01:28PM

Russ Allbery

California general election

As usual with these every-two-year posts, probably of direct interest only to California residents. Maybe the more obscure things we're voting on will be a minor curiosity to people elsewhere. I'm a bit late this year, although not as late as last year, so a lot of people may have already voted, but I've been doing this for a while and wanted to keep it up.

This post will only be about the ballot propositions. I don't have anything useful to say about the candidates that isn't hyper-local. I doubt anyone who has read my posts will be surprised by which candidates I'm voting for.

As always with Calfornia ballot propositions, it's worth paying close attention to which propositions were put on the ballot by the legislature, usually because there's some state law requirement (often that I disagree with) that they be voted on by the public, and propositions that were put on the ballot by voter petition. The latter are often poorly written and have hidden problems. As a general rule of thumb, I tend to default to voting against propositions added by petition. This year, one can conveniently distinguish by number: the single-digit propositions were added by the legislature, and the two-digit ones were added by petition.

Proposition 2: YES. Issue $10 billion in bonds for public school infrastructure improvements. I generally vote in favor of spending measures like this unless they have some obvious problem. The opposition argument is a deranged rant against immigrants and government debt and fails to point out actual problems. The opposition argument also claims this will result in higher property taxes and, seriously, if only that were true. That would make me even more strongly in favor of it.

Proposition 3: YES. Enshrines the right to marriage without regard to sex or race into the California state constitution. This is already the law given US Supreme Court decisions, but fixing California state law is a long-overdue and obvious cleanup step. One of the quixotic things I would do if I were ever in government, which I will never be, would be to try to clean up the laws to make them match reality, repealing all of the dead clauses that were overturned by court decisions or are never enforced. I am in favor of all measures in this direction even when I don't agree with the direction of the change; here, as a bonus, I also strongly agree with the change.

Proposition 4: YES. Issue $10 billion in bonds for infrastructure improvements to mitigate climate risk. This is basically the same argument as Proposition 2. The one drawback of this measure is that it's kind of a mixed grab bag of stuff and probably some of it should be supported out of the general budget rather than bonds, but I consider this a minor problem. We definitely need to ramp up climate risk mitigation efforts.

Proposition 5: YES. Reduces the required super-majority to pass local bond measures for affordable housing from 67% to 55%. The fact that this requires a supermajority at all is absurd, California desperately needs to build more housing of any kind however we can, and publicly funded housing is an excellent idea.

Proposition 6: YES. Eliminates "involuntary servitude" (in other words, "temporary" slavery) as a legally permissible punishment for crimes in the state of California. I'm one of the people who think the 13th Amendment to the US Constitution shouldn't have an exception for punishment for crimes, so obviously I'm in favor of this. This is one very, very tiny step towards improving the absolutely atrocious prison conditions in the state.

Proposition 32: YES. Raises the minimum wage to $18 per hour from the current $16 per hour, over two years, and ties it to inflation. This is one of the rare petition-based propositions that I will vote in favor of because it's very straightforward, we clearly should be raising the minimum wage, and living in California is absurdly expensive because we refuse to build more housing (see Propositions 5 and 33). The opposition argument is the standard lie that a higher minimum wage will increase unemployment, which we know from numerous other natural experiments is simply not true.

Proposition 33: NO. Repeals Costa-Hawkins, which prohibits local municipalities from enacting rent control on properties built after 1995. This one is going to split the progressive vote rather badly, I suspect.

California has a housing crisis caused by not enough housing supply. It is not due to vacant housing, as much as some people would like you to believe that; the numbers just don't add up. There are way more people living here and wanting to live here than there is housing, so we need to build more housing.

Rent control serves a valuable social function of providing stability to people who already have housing, but it doesn't help, and can hurt, the project of meeting actual housing demand. Rent control alone creates a two-tier system where people who have housing are protected but people who don't have housing have an even harder time getting housing than they do today. It's therefore quite consistent with the general NIMBY playbook of trying to protect the people who already have housing by making life harder for the people who do not, while keeping the housing supply essentially static.

I am in favor of rent control in conjunction with real measures to increase the housing supply. I am therefore opposed to this proposition, which allows rent control without any effort to increase housing supply. I am quite certain that, if this passes, some municipalities will use it to make constructing new high-density housing incredibly difficult by requiring it all be rent-controlled low-income housing, thus cutting off the supply of multi-tenant market-rate housing entirely. This is already a common political goal in the part of California where I live. Local neighborhood groups advocate for exactly this routinely in local political fights.

Give me a mandate for new construction that breaks local zoning obstructionism, including new market-rate housing to maintain a healthy lifecycle of housing aging into affordable housing as wealthy people move into new market-rate housing, and I will gladly support rent control measures as part of that package. But rent control on its own just allocates winners and losers without addressing the underlying problem.

Proposition 34: NO. This is an excellent example of why I vote against petition propositions by default. This is a law designed to affect exactly one organization in the state of California: the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. The reason for this targeting is disputed; one side claims it's because of the AHF support for Proposition 33, and another side claims it's because AHF is a slumlord abusing California state funding. I have no idea which side of this is true. I also don't care, because I am fundamentally opposed to writing laws this way. Laws should establish general, fair principles that are broadly applicable, not be written with bizarrely specific conditions (health care providers that operate multifamily housing) that will only be met by a single organization. This kind of nonsense creates bad legal codes and the legal equivalent of technical debt. Just don't do this.

Proposition 35: YES. I am, reluctantly, voting in favor of this even though it is a petition proposition because it looks like a useful simplification and cleanup of state health care funding, makes an expiring tax permanent, and is supported by a very wide range of organizations that I generally trust to know what they're talking about. No opposition argument was filed, which I think is telling.

Proposition 36: NO. I am resigned to voting down attempts to start new "war on drugs" nonsense for the rest of my life because the people who believe in this crap will never, ever, ever stop. This one has bonus shoplifting fear-mongering attached, something that touches on nasty local politics that have included large retail chains manipulating crime report statistics to give the impression that shoplifting is up dramatically. It's yet another round of the truly horrific California "three strikes" criminal penalty obsession, which completely misunderstands both the causes of crime and the (almost nonexistent) effectiveness of harsh punishment as deterrence.

21 October, 2024 12:03AM

October 20, 2024

hackergotchi for Bits from Debian

Bits from Debian

Ada Lovelace Day 2024 - Interview with some Women in Debian

Alt Ada Lovelace portrait

Ada Lovelace Day was celebrated on October 8 in 2024, and on this occasion, to celebrate and raise awareness of the contributions of women to the STEM fields we interviewed some of the women in Debian.

Here we share their thoughts, comments, and concerns with the hope of inspiring more women to become part of the Sciences, and of course, to work inside of Debian.

This article was simulcasted to the debian-women mail list.

Beatrice Torracca

1. Who are you?

I am Beatrice, I am Italian. Internet technology and everything computer-related is just a hobby for me, not my line of work or the subject of my academic studies. I have too many interests and too little time. I would like to do lots of things and at the same time I am too Oblomovian to do any.

2. How did you get introduced to Debian?

As a user I started using newsgroups when I had my first dialup connection and there was always talk about this strange thing called Linux. Since moving from DR DOS to Windows was a shock for me, feeling like I lost the control of my machine, I tried Linux with Debian Potato and I never strayed away from Debian since then for my personal equipment.

3. How long have you been into Debian?

Define "into". As a user... since Potato, too many years to count. As a contributor, a similar amount of time, since early 2000 I think. My first archived email about contributing to the translation of the description of Debian packages dates 2001.

4. Are you using Debian in your daily life? If yes, how?

Yes!! I use testing. I have it on my desktop PC at home and I have it on my laptop. The desktop is where I have a local IMAP server that fetches all the mails of my email accounts, and where I sync and back up all my data. On both I do day-to-day stuff (from email to online banking, from shopping to taxes), all forms of entertainment, a bit of work if I have to work from home (GNU R for statistics, LibreOffice... the usual suspects). At work I am required to have another OS, sadly, but I am working on setting up a Debian Live system to use there too. Plus if at work we start doing bioinformatics there might be a Linux machine in our future... I will of course suggest and hope for a Debian system.

5. Do you have any suggestions to improve women's participation in Debian?

This is a tough one. I am not sure. Maybe, more visibility for the women already in the Debian Project, and make the newcomers feel seen, valued and welcomed. A respectful and safe environment is key too, of course, but I think Debian made huge progress in that aspect with the Code of Conduct. I am a big fan of promoting diversity and inclusion; there is always room for improvement.

Ileana Dumitrescu (ildumi)

1. Who are you?

I am just a girl in the world who likes cats and packaging Free Software.

2. How did you get introduced to Debian?

I was tinkering with a computer running Debian a few years ago, and I decided to learn more about Free Software. After a search or two, I found Debian Women.

3. How long have you been into Debian?

I started looking into contributing to Debian in 2021. After contacting Debian Women, I received a lot of information and helpful advice on different ways I could contribute, and I decided package maintenance was the best fit for me. I eventually became a Debian Maintainer in 2023, and I continue to maintain a few packages in my spare time.

4. Are you using Debian in your daily life? If yes, how?

Yes, it is my favourite GNU/Linux operating system! I use it for email, chatting, browsing, packaging, etc.

5. Do you have any suggestions to improve women's participation in Debian?

The mailing list for Debian Women may attract more participation if it is utilized more. It is where I started, and I imagine participation would increase if it is more engaging.

Kathara Sasikumar (kathara)

1. Who are you?

I'm Kathara Sasikumar, 22 years old and a recent Debian user turned Maintainer from India. I try to become a creative person through sketching or playing guitar chords, but it doesn't work! xD

2. How did you get introduced to Debian?

When I first started college, I was that overly enthusiastic student who signed up for every club and volunteered for anything that crossed my path just like every other fresher.

But then, the pandemic hit, and like many, I hit a low point. COVID depression was real, and I was feeling pretty down. Around this time, the FOSS Club at my college suddenly became more active. My friends, knowing I had a love for free software, pushed me to join the club. They thought it might help me lift my spirits and get out of the slump I was in.

At first, I joined only out of peer pressure, but once I got involved, the club really took off. FOSS Club became more and more active during the pandemic, and I found myself spending more and more time with it.

A year later, we had the opportunity to host a MiniDebConf at our college. Where I got to meet a lot of Debian developers and maintainers, attending their talks and talking with them gave me a wider perspective on Debian, and I loved the Debian philosophy.

At that time, I had been distro hopping but never quite settled down. I occasionally used Debian but never stuck around. However, after the MiniDebConf, I found myself using Debian more consistently, and it truly connected with me. The community was incredibly warm and welcoming, which made all the difference.

3. How long have you been into Debian?

Now, I've been using Debian as my daily driver for about a year.

4. Are you using Debian in your daily life? If yes, how?

It has become my primary distro, and I use it every day for continuous learning and working on various software projects with free and open-source tools. Plus, I've recently become a Debian Maintainer (DM) and have taken on the responsibility of maintaining a few packages. I'm looking forward to contributing more to the Debian community 🙂

Rhonda D'Vine (rhonda)

1. Who are you?

My name is Rhonda, my pronouns are she/her, or per/pers. I'm 51 years old, working in IT.

2. How did you get introduced to Debian?

I was already looking into Linux because of university, first it was SuSE. And people played around with gtk. But when they packaged GNOME and it just didn't even install I looked for alternatives. A working colleague from back then gave me a CD of Debian. Though I couldn't install from it because Slink didn't recognize the pcmcia drive. I had to install it via floppy disks, but apart from that it was quite well done. And the early GNOME was working, so I never looked back. 🙂

3. How long have you been into Debian?

Even before I was more involved, a colleague asked me whether I could help with translating the release documentation. That was my first contribution to Debian, for the slink release in early 1999. And I was using some other software before on my SuSE systems, and I wanted to continue to use them on Debian obviously. So that's how I got involved with packaging in Debian. But I continued to help with translation work, for a long period of time I was almost the only person active for the German part of the website.

4. Are you using Debian in your daily life? If yes, how?

Being involved with Debian was a big part of the reason I got into my jobs since a long time now. I always worked with maintaining Debian (or Ubuntu) systems. Privately I run Debian on my laptop, with occasionally switching to Windows in dual boot when (rarely) needed.

5. Do you have any suggestions to improve women's participation in Debian?

There are factors that we can't influence, like that a lot of women are pushed into care work because patriarchal structures work that way, and don't have the time nor energy to invest a lot into other things. But we could learn to appreciate smaller contributions better, and not focus so much on the quantity of contributions. When we look at longer discussions on mailing lists, those that write more mails actually don't contribute more to the discussion, they often repeat themselves without adding more substance. Through working on our own discussion patterns this could create a more welcoming environment for a lot of people.

Sophie Brun (sophieb)

1. Who are you?

I'm a 44 years old French woman. I'm married and I have 2 sons.

2. How did you get introduced to Debian?

In 2004 my boyfriend (now my husband) installed Debian on my personal computer to introduce me to Debian. I knew almost nothing about Open Source. During my engineering studies, a professor mentioned the existence of Linux, Red Hat in particular, but without giving any details.

I learnt Debian by using and reading (in advance) The Debian Administrator's Handbook.

3. How long have you been into Debian?

I've been a user since 2004. But I only started contributing to Debian in 2015: I had quit my job and I wanted to work on something more meaningful. That's why I joined my husband in Freexian, his company. Unlike most people I think, I started contributing to Debian for my work. I only became a DD in 2021 under gentle social pressure and when I felt confident enough.

4. Are you using Debian in your daily life? If yes, how?

Of course I use Debian in my professional life for almost all the tasks: from administrative tasks to Debian packaging.

I also use Debian in my personal life. I have very basic needs: Firefox, LibreOffice, GnuCash and Rhythmbox are the main applications I need.

Sruthi Chandran (srud)

1. Who are you?

A feminist, a librarian turned Free Software advocate and a Debian Developer. Part of Debian Outreach team and DebConf Committee.

2. How did you get introduced to Debian?

I got introduced to the free software world and Debian through my husband. I attended many Debian events with him. During one such event, out of curiosity, I participated in a Debian packaging workshop. Just after that I visited a Tibetan community in India and they mentioned that there was no proper Tibetan font in GNU/Linux. Tibetan font was my first package in Debian.

3. How long have you been into Debian?

I have been contributing to Debian since 2016 and Debian Developer since 2019.

4. Are you using Debian in your daily life? If yes, how?

I haven't used any other distro on my laptop since I got introduced to Debian.

5. Do you have any suggestions to improve women's participation in Debian?

I was involved with actively mentoring newcomers to Debian since I started contributing myself. I specially work towards reducing the gender gap inside the Debian and Free Software community in general. In my experience, I believe that visibility of already existing women in the community will encourage more women to participate. Also I think we should reintroduce mentoring through debian-women.

Tássia Camões Araújo (tassia)

1. Who are you?

Tássia Camões Araújo, a Brazilian living in Canada. I'm a passionate learner who tries to push myself out of my comfort zone and always find something new to learn. I also love to mentor people on their learning journey. But I don't consider myself a typical geek. My challenge has always been to not get distracted by the next project before I finish the one I have in my hands. That said, I love being part of a community of geeks and feel empowered by it. I love Debian for its technical excellence, and it's always reassuring to know that someone is taking care of the things I don't like or can't do. When I'm not around computers, one of my favorite things is to feel the wind on my cheeks, usually while skating or riding a bike; I also love music, and I'm always singing a melody in my head.

2. How did you get introduced to Debian?

As a student, I was privileged to be introduced to FLOSS at the same time I was introduced to computer programming. My university could not afford to have labs in the usual proprietary software model, and what seemed like a limitation at the time turned out to be a great learning opportunity for me and my colleagues. I joined this student-led initiative to "liberate" our servers and build LTSP-based labs - where a single powerful computer could power a few dozen diskless thin clients. How revolutionary it was at the time! And what an achievement! From students to students, all using Debian. Most of that group became close friends; I've married one of them, and a few of them also found their way to Debian.

3. How long have you been into Debian?

I first used Debian in 2001, but my first real connection with the community was attending DebConf 2004. Since then, going to DebConfs has become a habit. It is that moment in the year when I reconnect with the global community and my motivation to contribute is boosted. And you know, in 20 years I've seen people become parents, grandparents, children grow up; we've had our own child and had the pleasure of introducing him to the community; we've mourned the loss of friends and healed together. I'd say Debian is like family, but not the kind you get at random once you're born, Debian is my family by choice.

4. Are you using Debian in your daily life? If yes, how?

These days I teach at Vanier College in Montréal. My favorite course to teach is UNIX, which I have the pleasure of teaching mostly using Debian. I try to inspire my students to discover Debian and other FLOSS projects, and we are happy to run a FLOSS club with participation from students, staff and alumni. I love to see these curious young minds put to the service of FLOSS. It is like recruiting soldiers for a good battle, and one that can change their lives, as it certainly did mine.

5. Do you have any suggestions to improve women's participation in Debian?

I think the most effective way to inspire other women is to give visibility to active women in our community. Speaking at conferences, publishing content, being vocal about what we do so that other women can see us and see themselves in those positions in the future. It's not easy, and I don't like being in the spotlight. It took me a long time to get comfortable with public speaking, so I can understand the struggle of those who don't want to expose themselves. But I believe that this space of vulnerability can open the way to new connections. It can inspire trust and ultimately motivate our next generation. It's with this in mind that I publish these lines.

Another point we can't neglect is that in Debian we work on a volunteer basis, and this in itself puts us at a great disadvantage. In our societies, women usually take a heavier load than their partners in terms of caretaking and other invisible tasks, so it is hard to afford the free time needed to volunteer. This is one of the reasons why I bring my son to the conferences I attend, and so far I have received all the support I need to attend DebConfs with him. It is a way to share the caregiving burden with our community - it takes a village to raise a child. Besides allowing us to participate, it also serves to show other women (and men) that you can have a family life and still contribute to Debian.

My feeling is that we are not doing super well in terms of diversity in Debian at the moment, but that should not discourage us at all. That's the way it is now, but that doesn't mean it will always be that way. I feel like we go through cycles. I remember times when we had many more active female contributors, and I'm confident that we can improve our ratio again in the future. In the meantime, I just try to keep going, do my part, attract those I can, reassure those who are too scared to come closer. Debian is a wonderful community, it is a family, and of course a family cannot do without us, the women.

These interviews were conducted via email exchanges in October, 2024. Thanks to all the wonderful women who participated in this interview. We really appreciate your contributions in Debian and to Free/Libre software.

20 October, 2024 10:01PM by Anupa Ann Joseph

Russell Coker

MG4 Review

In the past I haven’t had a high opinion of MG cars, decades ago they were small and expensive and didn’t seem to offer anything I wanted. As there’s a conveniently located MG dealer I decided to try out an MG electric car and see if they are any good. I brought two friends along who are also interested in new technology.

I went to the MG dealer without any preconceptions or much prior knowledge of the MG electric cars apart from having vaguely noticed that they were significantly cheaper than Teslas. I told the salesperson that I didn’t have a model in mind and I just wanted to see what MG offers, so they offered me a test driver of a “MG4 64 EXCITE”. The MG web site isn’t very good and doesn’t give an indication of what this model costs, my recollection is that it’s something like $40,000, the base model is advertised at $30,990. I’m not particularly interested in paying for extras above the base model and the only really desirable feature that the “Excite 64” offers over the “Excite 51” is the extra range (the numbers 51 and 64 represent the battery capacity in KWh). The base model has a claimed range of 350KM which is more than I drive in a typical week, generally there are only about 4 days a year when I need to drive more than 300KM in a day and on those rare days I can spend a bit of time at a charging station without much inconvenience.

The experience of driving an MG4 is not much different from other EVs I’ve driven, the difference between that and the Genesis GV60 (which was advertised at $117,000) [1] isn’t significant. The Genesis has some nice camera features giving views from all directions and showing a view of the side on the dash when you put your turn indicator on. Also some models of Genesis (not the one I test drove) have cameras instead of side mirrors. The MG4 lacks most of those cameras but has a very effective reversing camera which estimates the distance to an “obstacle” behind you in cm. Some of the MG electric cars have a sunroof or moonroof (sunroof that just opens to transparent glass not open to the air), the one I tested didn’t have them and I didn’t feel I was missing much. While a moonroof is a nice feature I probably won’t want to pay as much extra as they will demand for it.

The dash of the MG4 doesn’t have any simulation of the old fashioned dash unlike the Genesis GV60 which had a display in the same location as is traditionally used which displays analogue instruments (except when the turn indicators are on). The MG4 has two tablets, a big one in the middle of the front for controlling heating/cooling and probably other things like the radio and a small one visible through the steering wheel which has the instruments. I didn’t have to think about the instruments, they just did the job which is great.

For second hand cars I looked at AutoTrader which seems to be the only Australian site for second hand cars that allows specifying electric as a search criteria [2]. For the EVs advertised on that site the cheapest are around $13,000 for cars about 10 years old and $21,000 for a 5yo LEAF. If you could only afford to spend $21,000 on a car then a 5yo LEAF would definitely be better than nothing, but when comparing a 5yo car for $21,000 and a new car for $31,000 the new car is the obvious choice if you can afford it. There was an Australian company importing used LEAFs and other EVs and selling them over the web for low prices, if they were still around and still selling LEAFs for $15,000 then that would make LEAF vs MG3 a difficult decision for me. But with the current prices for second hand LEAFs the decision is easy.

When I enrolled for the test drive the dealer took my email address and sent me an automated message with details about the test drive and an email address to ask for more information. The email address they used bounced all mail, even from my gmail account. They had a contact form on their web site but that also doesn’t get a response. MG really should periodically test their dealer’s email addresses, they are probably losing sales because of this.

On the same day I visited a Hyundai dealer to see what they had to offer. A salesman there said that the cheapest Hyundai was $60,000 and suggested that I go elsewhere if I am prepared to buy a lesser car to save money. I don’t need to get negged by a car dealer and I really don’t think there’s much scope for a car to be significantly better than the MG3 while also not competing with the Genesis cars. Genesis is a Hyundai brand and their cars are very nice, but the prices are well outside the range I’m prepared to pay.

Next I have to try the BYD. From what I’ve heard they are mostly selling somewhat expensive cars in Australia (a colleague recently got one which was about $60,000 which he is extremely happy with) but hopefully they have some of the cheaper ones available too. I don’t want to flex on my neighbors, I just want a reliable and moderately comfortable car that doesn’t cost too much.

20 October, 2024 08:50PM by etbe

hackergotchi for Daniel Pocock

Daniel Pocock

Diana von Bidder (EVP, Basel) & Debian suicide cluster

Diana von Bidder is listed on Linked In as a Senior IT Security Consultant for Swiss Post Cybersecurity.

She is a candidate for the EVP in the Basel Stadt parliament.

She takes the name von Bidder from her late husband, Adrian von Bidder who died from a mysterious heart attack. She was previously Diana Senn.

Cybersecurity is a vital topic for Switzerland and social engineering attacks are a significant issue in the realm of cybersecurity.

Organizations like Google, Facebook and LinkedIn could be seen as a very effective social engineering attack against Swiss culture and privacy.

Frans Pop, the Debian Day Volunteer Suicide Victim, had sent at least one of his suicide notes on debian-private gossip network the night before Debian Day. If an organization can get into somebody's head like that, such that decisions about life and death revolve around this software, we could contemplate the possibility that Frans Pop died under the influence of a social engineering culture.

Days later, Mark Shuttleworth himself warned that there is a high risk in this group. Less than a year after Shuttleworth's warning, Adrian von Bidder had this heart attack.

Adrian von Bidder died on the same day that Carla and I got married. Why can't we ask questions about that?

Switzerland reportedly has a higher per-capita ratio of Debian Developers than any other country except perhaps Ireland. Yet according to Shuttleworth's email, many of these people have a loyalty to Debian culture that is above their loyalty to Swiss employers and Swiss law. This dual allegience appears to be a sign that they are under the sway of social engineering or at risk of external influence.

By way of background, in 2006, Adrian and Diana got married. In 2007, the suicide petition to Basel Stadt authorities was signed by A. von Bidder. In August 2010, we had the confirmed suicide of Frans Pop, the warning from Mark Shuttleworth and a sustained period of stress among volunteers in the Debian Developer world. In April 2011, Adrian von Bidder died. It was discussed like a suicide but they told us casually that it could be a heart attack.

There was no comment about whether the couple had any children during the five years of their marriage.

On 28 April 2011, very soon after von Bidder died, Diana modified his blog, adding a new post:

Sadly, I have to make an end to this blog. Adrian - my husband - died on april 17th of a heart attack.

Adrian von Bidder had made various blog posts with critical commentary about the risks of social media and other devious enterprises. Many of his concerns have been proven correct by the passage of time. Yet I feel the manner in which Diana writes "I have to make an end to this blog" has an air of disapproval for Adrian's work. Then again, this must have been a very disturbing time for Diana and on top of that, English may not be her native language so the tone of her comments may not reflect her real thoughts and feelings about the subject.

Some time later, Diana completely erased the blog, removed the DNS entry for blog. and placed a picture on the main page

The picture's metadata tells us it was taken on 20 January 2011 with a Canon EOS 40D, possibly the camera Adrian discussed in some of his blog posts.

We know that other Debian Developers in Switzerland were subject to social engineering attacks involving blackmail and public humiliation. One of those cases was the blackmail of Daniel Baumann. Did Adrian von Bidder receive similar messages in the days before his heart attack?

Did Adrian von Bidder communicate with anybody before his heart attack, for example, leaving a note? In English-speaking countries, all these things are published by the coroner's office. In Switzerland, it is the opposite, evidence is only given to those in close proximity to the deceased. At the time, Diana may not have known about the earlier suicide of Frans Pop. She may not have realized there was the risk of a connection between deaths in a single community. Now the suicide cluster is public knowledge, is it time for a fresh discussion about that?

Most cybersecurity experts around the world believe that transparency is important for education and mitigating risks.

Here is a photo of Diana and Adrian on their wedding day:

Diana von Bidder, Adrian von Bidder, wedding

Please see the chronological history of how the Debian harassment and abuse culture evolved.

20 October, 2024 12:00PM


Nazi research into Jewish smell, Hitler's love of dogs & the SVP in Switzerland

Hitler and the Nazis were obsessed with the idea that Jews could be identified by a distinctive smell. While America was building the A-bomb, Hitler diverted science funding to research the Jewish smell. The smell was rumored to resemble sulfur.

More recently, research has considered the similarities in accusations of an African smell and a Jewish smell:

It makes the case that there was a shift in the way that smell, beginning in the late nineteenth century, was used to not simply demarcate groups but, in addition, to supposedly detect ‘race’ and ethnicity.

Dogs have a very strong sense of smell and coincidentally, it is documented that Adolf Hitler loved dogs and there are rumors, harder to substantiate, that Hitler was not fond of cats or maybe even afraid of them.

It is easy to see why a fascist dictator would prefer dogs and not cats. Dogs can be trained and they are obedient like foot-soldiers in the army. Cats, on the other hand, do not obey human commands or Codes of Conduct imposed upon them.

Prominent Debian Developer Daniel Pocock has recently released details of the Swiss harassment judgment. His former landlady, an organizer of the SVP senioren (far right Swiss seniors group) had started rumors about a smell coming from Pocock's cats. Even the judge asked if it could be acceptable to pose questions about this imaginary smell. Obviously the judge was not familiar with this awkward similarity to the persecution of Jewish and African people throughout history.

20 October, 2024 06:00AM

October 19, 2024

hackergotchi for Daniel Pocock

Daniel Pocock

Swiss harassment judgment, paw behavior against black cats & Debian gossip

For about six years now, people have been creating gossip about harassment and abuse against various Debian co-authors. Nobody ever provided any evidence. Earlier this year, when I nominated in the European elections, the misfits were desperate to attack me but they didn't have any grounds to do so. They waited until the last minute before voting began and on 6 June 2024, the day before voting, they published a document that appears to be invalid, full of forgeries, racism and nonsense.

But wait, there really was a harassment case and a judgment. With the Irish General Election approaching, I am considering whether to nominate again and it is really important that people can see the truth about who really harassed who.

Swiss racism, cats of colour, women harassing women and a 10,000 Swiss franc settlement

The only mistake I made was taking black cats to Zurich.

The real Debian harassment story is about women harassing women and occasionally, a woman harassing our cats and women harassing men.

In Switzerland, both in the law and in the culture, when you have a harassment problem like this the matter is usually settled privately and everybody moves on with their life as quickly as possible.

Carla and our black cats, who are also female victims, were subject to racism from a white Swiss woman. We received a payment of CHF 10,000. Surely I would have rushed to publish that on my blog the same day. But I didn't publish it before. When the WeMakeFedora case was resolved, I immediately put it on my blog. But in the case of the harassment in Zurich, I wanted to respect all the parties involved, I wanted to respect the Swiss cultural approach to such disputes in Switzerland and just put it out of my mind and get on with serious problems.

Nonetheless, Debianists, including people like Axel Beckert at ETH Zurich and at the Google office in Zurich have been stirring up rumors about the harassment and paw behavior for six years.

Ironically, the Google engineering headquarters for Europe is located in Zurich and Google's role in spreading rumors about the harassment case had actually undermined the privacy that people used to take for granted in Switzerland.

Women harassing women: a common problem

In the case of serious violent crime against women, the majority of perpetrators appear to be male.

In the case of less tangible crimes, like harassment, stalking, racism and even sexism, we can find many cases where women are either protagonists or associates of an offender.

The recent Netflix series Baby Reindeer cast a spotlight on the story of a woman harassing a male employee at a bar.

In 2021, we saw a female volunteer, Molly de Blanc, started an online petition harassing her former boss, Dr Richard Stallman at FSF. Approximately three thousand people joined the petition but a petition about a person is not a real petition at all, it is harassment. de Blanc made the petition more than two years after leaving her job at FSF.

In a previous blog, I looked at the case of another non-developing Debian volunteer, Laura Arjona, harassing one of my female interns in the Outreachy program. After learning that this goes on behind mentors' backs, I didn't volunteer to be a mentor again.

Then there was Amaya Rodrigo Sastre who helped spread the rumors that Ted Walther's partner at the DebConf6 dinner was alleged to be a prostitute. In fact, the woman was a dentist and these rumors were disastrous for her reputation.

Ariadne Conill from the Alpine Linux project, which has no relationship to Switzerland as far as I can tell, was spreading the rumor that my intern in Google Summer of Code was my girlfriend. The rumor was offensive to me but even more offensive to the intern because that was the year she got married.

Shortly before DebConf15, we received nasty messages from Margarita (Marga) Manterola of Google telling us that Carla is not welcome to eat the food at DebConf, despite the fact that other woman like Marga go there with their husbands every year.

I've published a number of blogs recently about the role of female Albanian whistleblowers who exposed exploitation of women in the open source supply chain. In fact, two of the people responsible for organizing the exploitation were other women. We can see Silva Arapi was given permission to ask for travel funds while other female volunteers were told they had to go through Silva. Silva was listed as an employee of one of the male gatekeepers, a role that she had in parallel with her role at the Albanian hackerspace.

While waiting for the train to go down the Uetliberg one day, Carla and I were talking to a British woman in the playground beside the railway station. The woman told us about her Swiss landlady, a little old lady, who had been whinging and whining about the behavior of her small children. The Swiss landlady had become quite obsessed and had even been caught at the window taking pictures of the way the children played inside their home.

Looking at the invalid and falsified legal documents distributed by rogue members of Debian, we can find various references to my Irish heritage. Everybody seems to know that I was born and raised in Australia. I acquired Irish citizenship because my mother is from Ireland. We find that the racist women in Switzerland, and we'll see more of them in this blog, are not classifying people based on our skills and talents, they are obsessed about little things like my mother's Irish heritage. In fact, some of these documents were prepared by two women in Zurich, Pascale Koster and Albane die Ziegler. The documents don't mention that I am a citizen of three countries, they emphasize my Irish heritage as some kind of a hint to their racist colleagues that my mother and I should be treated badly in Zurich. What we see here is another example of women being offensive to other women.

One of the most well known examples of women exhibiting poor behavior to other women in Zurich was the infamous Oprah Winfrey handbag incident. A woman in the handbag shop refused to let Oprah look at a particular handbag. Oprah gives a testimony about her experience with the Swiss saleswoman (Kauffrau) in this video:

This brings us to the point where we will consider the paw behavior of a Swiss landlady towards Carla and our black cats, who are both female cats, so there was a female offender and three female victims.

cat, handbag

I don't wish to make the generalization that all women are like this. I've worked with many professional women who act with integrity in everything they do. But when we see gossipmongers making up stories about harassment in groups like Debian, we need to remember the risk of listening to attention seekers and their paid lawyers/liars. Gossip and social engineering attacks go hand in hand and if we care about cybersecurity, we need to call out gossip behavior.

Harassment and racism are not only Swiss problems

Before rushing to any conclusion about racism in Switzerland, we need to remember that there is racism in every country.

When we look at the concerns about Brexit in the United Kingdom, there was a lot of racism during the campaign period before the referendum. Some of the practical changes in the UK, like canceling the driving licenses of foreigners, actually happened before the Brexit referendum. Likewise, whenever there is a Swiss referendum about the relationship with the EU, some people may voice racist opinions about the subject but there may be some valid political or economic discussions that take place at the same time.

We can also ask the question: are there times when Swiss citizens are subject to extreme acts of bullying or extreme injustice by employers, landladies or the public authorities? In fact, some examples do exist.

Looking at the JuristGate affair, we can see that the rogue legal protection scheme, which smells like a ponzi scheme, had both Swiss customers and foreign customers. All the customers lost their money at the same time. When FINMA shut down the rogue insurance, they hid the details from everybody, both Swiss and foreign clients were kept in the dark to an equal extent. Therefore, there was extraordinary injustice, there were some foreign clients but racism wasn't the main theme in JuristGate.

When I look at the case of Adrian von Bidder (avbb / cmot), the Debian Developer who died on our wedding day, I wonder if he had one of the same bad experiences that foreigners often complain about in Switzerland. For example, did one of the health insurance companies bungle a treatment for his wife or did an employer fail to make contributions to his pension scheme and then go into liquidation?

Here is a photo of Diana and Adrian on their wedding day:

Diana von Bidder, Adrian von Bidder, wedding

In Swiss culture, sensitivity about the cause of death is an important cultural consideration. After blogging the initial evidence about how the death was discussed in the debian-private gossip channel, I came to realize that Adrian's widow, Diana, was listed as a member of the Basel City parliament. In such cases, there is obviously even more opportunity to ask questions about the interaction between the death, any environmental or cultural factors, whether in Debian or in his community but at the same time, the cultural aversion to asking those questions is a very steep obstacle.

Diana von Bidder is a candidate in the Kanton Basel Stadt parliament election on 20 October 2024. She is in the political party Evangelische Volkspartei (EVP).

Diana previously served in the Bürgergemeinde der Stadt Basel ( 2021 year book).

Adrian and his wife Diana von Bidder-Senn were both graduates of the computing school at the university ETH Zurich. More recently, we've seen how an ETH Zurich staff member, Axel Beckert, has signed documents denouncing our joint copyright interest in Debian as Debian Developers. This is an extraordinary act of bullying and deception. But does this only happen to foreigners in Switzerland or does this type of thing happen to Swiss citizens too?

Real harassment, real evidence ordered chronologically

Some time in 2017 or 2018, Chris Lamb, former leader of the Debian project, started making mischievous references to harassment. He didn't provide any facts, dates, victims or evidence.

Some people spent vast sums of money trying to find (or bribe) some evidence into existence. All they are doing is trying to undermine privacy experts who are speaking the truth about Google and social media.

Yet this is the real evidence. We have letters, photographs, recordings and a few dead bodies (mice, birds, Frans Pop and Adrian von Bidder, the Debian Developer who died on our wedding day).

In defence of Zurich landlords

Most of the larger property management companies in Zurich and Switzerland are somewhat consistent in their application of tenancy regulations.

When people find a nice apartment with a responsible landlord, they usually keep the apartment for a very long time.

Some smaller buildings, usually sized between five and ten apartments, are owned by a resident landlord/landlady. This gives rise to the phenomena where the landlady and tenant may cross paths almost every day.

Oerlikon, Zurich

It goes without saying that the turnover of tenants in some of these owner-occupier buildings is much higher than in the buildings owned by a silent investor.

Web sites advertising the apartments sometimes have a checkbox and filter option for potential tenants to exclude apartments with a resident landlady (Vermieter wohnt im Mehrfamilienhaus). Most people who have had a bad experience with one of these will go out of their way to avoid them in future.

Homegate, Switzerland

Due to the very high turnover in buildings with a resident landlady, the number of advertisements for such apartments is disproportionate to the number of buildings that don't have a resident landlady.

Laundry duties & the status of women

Very new buildings in Switzerland have a washing machine and clothes dryer in every apartment. Most traditional buildings and some new buildings have a laundry room or drying room shared by all the tenants. Most buildings have a handwritten roster where the tenants can reserve the machines for a particular day.

You may only have one reservation to use the laundry every two weeks. If that reservation falls on a work day and you have multiple loads of washing to do then it can be very inconvenient. Nonetheless, nobody sees any urgency to change this system. There is a prevailing attitude that the wife or girlfriend will stay home on the laundry day and ensure that all the clothes are nicely washed, dried and folded and the laundry room is left in a proper state for the tenant who will use it on the following day.

Switzerland is notable for its neutral status and hosting diplomats from around the world at the United Nations in Geneva. But if the washing machine breaks down and one tenant's drying time runs over into the next day, there is anything but diplomacy and tenants regress to communicating with each other through handwritten notes written in one of the four official Swiss languages.

Laundry room, Zurich

The application process, religious harassment and cats

When tenants arrive to visit a prospective apartment, they are given an application form that must be completed for the landlord or letting manager.

They tend to ask more questions than necessary. It is not unusual to find questions about your religious affiliations on the form. We can quickly find examples of these forms in a search engine by searching for words like Anmeldungformular and Konfession ( Example 1, Example 2, Example 3).

Anmeldungformular, Konfession, religion, Kulte

In effect, if your religion has been persecuted in Switzerland, you may well feel that filling out the application form is an experience of harassment.

News articles appear from time to time about whether or not you should declare your religion. ( Example 1, Example 2, Example 3).

Not every Anmeldungformular asks about religion but it is almost certain they will ask about your pets and musical instruments. It is a good idea to answer those questions honestly in any country. While some landlords and letting agents will decline certain requests, others will be quite happy to direct you to the most suitable apartments for your lifestyle.

Whenever we applied for any apartment in Switzerland, we did so with total honesty and integrity. We declared our cats (Katzen):

cats declared

Specifically, we have written Hauskatzen, which literally translates to house cats. In other words, we are not talking about something exotic like a tiger or panther.

cats declared

No room for undocumented aliens

The confession of cat ownership led to a flurry of paperwork mediated by the letting agent. Everybody who rents an apartment in Switzerland is expected to purchase a civil liability insurance and pay three months of rent as a security deposit.

In our case, that simply wasn't enough. The landlady insisted that we sign a guarantee against any paw behavior by our cats:

cat guarantee

Costs anticipated by this document were already anticipated by the security deposit and our civil liability insurance. Therefore, I feel this additional cat contract was superfluous. Can we call it harassment or bullying?

Fair wear and tear

Switzerland has high standards for construction and due to the level of wealth, even the most mundane apartments typically have very high quality components in their bathrooms and kitchens. It is typical to have mixer taps on the showers and sinks, good water pressure and wall mounted toilets.

When tenancies are concluded in Switzerland, the apartment or house is subject to a forensic examination that may last several hours.

It is expected that the tenant leaving an apartment will arrange to have it cleaned back to the original state before the inspection day.

Even if the bathroom is 30 or 40 years old, the high quality components still look like new after each cleaning.

Nonetheless, internal components like washers and gaskets don't last forever, no matter how beautiful the sinks and toilet bowls appear on the outside.

In this particular apartment we experienced the failure of both the shower mixer and the gasket joining the cistern to the toilet bowl. Both of these things failed within a short span of time. The plumber came promptly to make the necessary repairs.

Nonetheless, after the drama about whether our cats were a national security risk, we were never on a good footing with this particular landlady. She was 76 years old and the far right party, of which she was a member, was constantly warning her to be on the lookout for mischievous foreigners.

If you look at the far right propaganda circulated in advance of referendums and elections in Switzerland, the foreigners are typically depicted in black, like our cats.

black sheep, immigration, referendum, switzerland

At Kaltbad on the Rigi, we found a white cat in the snow:

Carla, white cat, Rigi, Kaltbad, Switzerland

A large professional landlord company with thousands of apartments probably wouldn't worry about the cost of repairing these washers and gaskets. On the other hand, for these owner-occupier landladies who like to micro-manage their tenancies, some of them stay up all night worrying about whether tenants (or cats) do something like this as a prank.

Zurich, faulty toilet, leak

Here is the report about the shower defect about two weeks after we moved in. There is no way that tenants or cats could have put rust into the pipes. These are simply the problems of an old building.

Subject: bath / shower water problems
Date: Thu, 1 Dec 2016 09:39:29 +0100
From: Daniel Pocock <>
To: Letting agent

Hi [redacted],

The plumber visited today, he replaced the dishwasher door and the
shower hose.

He also looked at the flow from the hot water tap in the shower.  He
found a lot of rust inside the tap.

He removed the hot and cold taps, cleaned out the taps and ran the water
directly from the pipes in the wall.  A lot of rust came out of both hot
and cold pipes.

- the hot water pipe is now flowing better, but it is still less than normal

- water from both hot and cold pipes still has a slight red colour

He said he will contact you to explain and discuss how it can be fixed.



Cat smell letter

While I was on a trip to the UK, Carla received this ugly letter:

Zurich, racism, cat smell letter

It says there is an unknown smell in the common areas and it asks if the smell could come from our cats or deficiencies in cleanliness.

Carla and the cats were really sad.

Zurich, racism, sad cats

We contacted our legal insurance and had a lawyer draft a response. We hoped that would be the end of the matter.

The window nazi

Then came the windows. There are 11 apartments in the building and somebody would sometimes open one of the windows in the stairwell and leave it open.

The landlady become obsessed with closing the windows and leaving handwritten notes on the windows.

Zurich, windows, stairwell, harassment

Mediation requested

After some months of receiving insults in the post and in the common areas, it reached a point where we had to take legal action. We demanded a mediation session at the tribunal of Zurich.

bezirksgericht, Zurich, tribunal, mediation

Our cats were members of our family. Everybody loved our cats. My Italian cousin came to stay with them on several occasions:

Cat tree, Buffy

Remarkably, the landlady sent an expensive lawyer to repeat the accusations about a cat smell, the window in the stairs and a dirty towel that another tenant found in the washing room.

There were no fingerprints, no paw-prints, no video evidence, no DNA evidence, not even a whisker to link any of these problems to us. It was just a witchhunt and as we had black cats, we were the most recent arrivals in the building, and we were foreigners, we felt we had been victimized.

Here is the accusation about a disobedient tenant who opens the window in the stairs:

Swiss lawyer tried to deceive Swiss judge about far right membership

Early in the mediation session, the lawyer for the landlady claimed that it wasn't clear whether or not she was really a member of the far right political party.

We were able to show the judge that the landlady had a web site promoting the party. Here is one of the photos, she is chairing a meeting and the poster attached to the table has her name and face on it. The filename tells us it is a meeting of the far right seniors committee (SVP senioren):

SVP, far right seniors, senioren, Switzerland

In this photo, she is standing beside then president of the Kanton parliament, Dr. Christian Huber:

SVP, Dr Christian Huber, Zurich

Shortly after the photo was taken, Dr Huber resigned from the parliament and resigned from the SVP in mysterious circumstances. Dr Huber and his spouse spent the next ten years traveling around the European Union by houseboat. This is ironic of course, a leader from an anti-immigration/anti-EU party living like a refugee in a boat in the EU. In Australia the far right uses the term boat people as a derogatory term for immigrants who travel by boat.

Mystery smell: who is defaming who?

Here is the accusation about a mysterious smell. The lawyer is saying it is not clear where it comes from because he doesn't want to be caught defaming foreigners directly. He doesn't provide any expert evidence or witnesses, he basically says the landlady has a hunch about this smell and the judge should trust the landlady. The letting agent is also in the room and if the rumor was credible he would have surely commented on it. I don't think he wanted to comment about the smell at all so it came down to the expensive lawyer to talk this imaginary smell into existence. When I hear references to these mysterious smells, I feel it is a way for the jurists to give each other a wink and a nod and ask for the foreigners to be punished.

Women's work

It wasn't until 1990 that women could vote in all 26 cantons of Switzerland. For foreign women in Switzerland, they may feel like they are in a time machine.

Every time Carla went down to the laundry in the basement, the little old lady would appear. We don't know if she had video surveillance cameras or if she spent all her day going up and down the steps to check on the laundry.

Nonetheless, Carla had become quite upset about the cat letter and the intrusions in the laundry and at some point I had to start doing the laundry because it was impossible for Carla to go down there alone.

The landlady was taken aback by the sight of a man in the laundry. She started calling Carla's employer. We don't know what she was hoping to achieve. Was she trying to determine if Carla had absconded? Or was she trying to find out why the employer expected Carla to work on laundry day?

The lawyer sent a stern letter demanding that these phone calls to Carla's employer must cease immediately.

Frau [----] hat letzte Woche beim Arbeitsort meiner Mandantin
angerufen und unter Vorwand, sie wolle mit ihr sprechen,
gegenüber der Chefin meiner Mandnatin während ca. 30 Minuten
meine Mandanten im Zusammenhang mit dem vorliegenden Verfahren
angeschwärzt, resp. diese in ihrer Ehre verletzt.

Ich fordere Sie auf, Ihre Klientin über die Tragweite der
Bestimmungen über strafbare Handlungen gegen üble Nachrede
und Verleumdung zu informieren.

Es gab und gibt keinen Grund der direkten Kontaktaufnahme und
insbesondere keinen Grund für Ihr Klientin, beim Arbeitsort
meiner Mandantin anzurufen.

Sollte es noch einmal vorkommen, dass Ihre Klientin gegenüber
meinen Mandanten oder Dritten ausfällig wird und sich sonst
rassistisch äussert, so wird dies entsprechende Konsequenzen haben.

Ich denke auch nicht, dass das Verhalten Ihrer Klientin die
Verhandlungsbereitschaft meiner Mandanten bezüglich des
vorliegenden Verfahrens erhöht. 

and translated into English:

Last week, [----] called my client's place of work and,
under the pretext that she wanted to speak to her,
spent around 30 minutes denigrating my client in connection
with the current proceedings to my client's boss, and insulted her honor.

I request that you inform your client of the scope of the
provisions on criminal offenses against slander and defamation.

There was and is no reason to make direct contact and in particular
no reason for your client to call my client's place of work.

Should your client become abusive towards my client or third parties
or otherwise make racist comments, this will have the appropriate

I also do not think that your client's behavior increases my
client's willingness to negotiate with regard to the current proceedings.

Would a female judge in Zurich be any more sympathetic than a female landlady? Maybe not. Here, the landlady's lawyer is explaining that if the man (me) is busy with my job, the woman (Carla) can look for another flat. The judge and the translator are both female. Nobody calls out the sexism.

The search for a flat in Zurich is not a trivial task. In German, the press refer to it as the Wohnungslotterie. When a new building is about to be completed, hundreds of prospective tenants line up outside to submit copies of their Anmeldungformular in person.

What we see here is Swiss feminism, that is feminism for Swiss women. I don't think it's up to a man to give the definition of feminism. But I feel it is safe to say that Swiss feminism or Australian feminism are contradictions because it is basically privileged women from rich countries who go to university and become jurists and meddle in the lives of women from other countries.

One of the reasons we are in court in the first place is because Carla didn't feel comfortable being that woman from latin America who does laundry with the Swiss landlady looking over her shoulder. When Swiss families want to apply for apartments, they send their foreign nannies to stand in those queues and submit the forms.

This isn't just a Swiss problem. We had some very talented women in the engineering school in Melbourne. One of them was interviewed by the newspaper after she graduated:

"In the early days ... every client meeting I would be asked to get the coffee. The other male graduates were never asked to do such things,"

She's right: in more than twenty years since I graduated, nobody ever asked me to make coffee in the workplace. And when I tried to share responsibility for doing the laundry in Zurich, the landlady was opposed to the idea. She seemed to feel that women like Carla were easier to control.

In Renens, Canton Vaud, a white cat can sleep on the steps at the railway station and nobody complains about the risk that somebody might trip over the cat. Every ten minutes, the metro arrives at the top of the steps and hundreds of people come down the steps to search for their trains. There is a serious risk that somebody could trip over the cat and suffer an injury. If it was a black cat, would the police come with dogs to remove it?

white cat, Renens VD, gare

Everybody in west Lausanne seems to know this cat but nobody knows who it belongs to.

Here is the part of the trial where they talk about the landlady calling Carla's workplace about the laundry:

Who owns that towel?

Given the lack of evidence about the imaginary cat smell, the landlady had tried to diversify her legal strategy by introducing a dirty towel that somebody found in the washing room.

Most landlords would simply provide a basket for lost property. Even at Swiss prices, the cost of a basket for these elusive towels and socks would be far less than the cost of the lawyers.

The cat smell trial consisted of four jurists, an interpreter, the letting manager and an engineer, myself. The combined cost of our time was over CHF 2,000 per hour for three hours in court debating the anxieties of a landlady who didn't show up. In comparison, many Swiss residents drive over to Germany or France each weekend for shopping. At Action in France, you can buy another towel and a lost property basket for a combined cost of less than ten Swiss francs.

The fact they tried to bring this towelgate affair into the courtroom only proves that they had no serious case in the first place. They were clutching at straws.

Speaking English in a Zurich courtroom

I think the judge realized that the landlady had a very weak case and on top of that, the landlady's lawyer had been somewhat deceptive about the political connection. The judge decided to continue the mediation session using the English language.

I have studied some German and I even have a certificate confirming an A2 level of German on the European scale.

German certificate, A2

The far right Swiss landlady was unable to sleep due to the imaginary smell, the sight of a man doing laundry and our stubborn refusal to take phone calls during our working hours about every little drama in the missing towels department. Yet my family had far more serious concerns due to my father's health. I tried to explain that in the court but were they listening?

Switzerland is a very small country and many people live in the same valley where they grew up with their parents. Even if they move from their valley to a city like Zurich, they can always reach most of their extended family with a short journey by train.

In the most hostile company where I worked in Switzerland, a line manager's mother had developed a terminal illness and had less than six months to live. The manager went back to his country for a number of months and the company strategy, organization and culture was totally unable to cope with this situation.

Nonetheless, in our case, Carla's aunt was getting very old and my father was very ill. The financial cost of the mediation session where we spoke about missing towels and the imaginary cat smell was greater than the financial cost of a trip to Australia to see my father.

The judge and I seem to agree there are cultural differences but the extent to which some people react to small differences is extraordinary:

Defending the honor of black cats before a Swiss judge

When I was granted Swiss citizenship, I had to take an oath of citizenship (la promesse solennelle vaudois, Loi sur le droit de cité vaudois 2018). Here is the text of the oath in French:

Vous promettez d’être fidèle à la Constitution fédérale et à la Constitution du Canton de Vaud. Vous promettez de maintenir et de défendre en toute occasion et de tout votre pouvoir les droits, les libertés et l’indépendance de votre nouvelle patrie, de procurer et d’avancer son honneur et profit, comme aussi d’éviter tout ce qui pourrait lui porter perte ou dommage

and translated into English:

You promise to be true to the federal constitution and the constitution of the Canton of Vaud. You promise to maintain and defend on every occasion and with all your powers the rights, freedoms and independence of your new country, to develop and advance her reputation and wealth and equally to avoid all that could cause her loss or damage.

What does an oath like this mean in practice? In the Zurich courthouse, I defended the honor and reputation of our black cats before a Swiss tribunal:

Remarkably, the judge repeats the question about whether there could be a smell. This was so offensive to us as a family.

In fact, these rumors about smells have Holocaust origins. Hitler commissioned significant scientific research to determine if the Jews have a distinctive smell. When the judge tried to legitimize these black-cat-smell comments in Zurich, I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

When the Albanian whistleblowers came to Zurich, they slept with the cats. Here is Anisa Kuci from OpenStreetmap, Wikimedia and GNOME Foundation on our sofa bed with Buffy the black kitten sleeping beside her:

Anisa Kuci, Albania, whistleblower, Buffy, cat, Zurich, Switzerland

If people want to confirm the cat smell was a lie, just ask Anisa.

Switzerland vs Australia, which country is more beautiful

I feel that honesty is always important in any relationship.

When we see courtrooms on television, the witnesses promise to tell the whole truth, the complete truth and nothing but the truth. I guess that mantra stuck in my head. I simply told the tribunal that I didn't really want that apartment anyway because Australia is more beautiful. At that very moment, the jurists stop speaking English and revert to German.

In fact, both Switzerland and Australia have some amazing geographic and cultural features and I think we were just unlucky with this particular landlady from the SVP senioren (far right seniors) cabal.

Far right dictator or eccentric old lady?

While this landlady was definitely a member of the far right party, her behavior was rather foolish and I don't think every member of the far right party behaves like this. Many of the people in the far right party own small businesses and they don't want to start silly disputes with their customers and tourists over things like a missing towel.

In this case, I suspect the propaganda of the far right party has become mixed up with the aging process and contributed to behavior that is erratic.

Most political parties and religions try to exploit the insecurities of little old ladies like this in the hope little old ladies will leave bequests to the party or the religion in question.

With that in mind, I don't blame the landlady alone for the pain my family experienced in Zurich.

Google and Debian forcing the harassment verdict into the spotlight

While we had to collect a lot of evidence at the time of the dispute, I never imagined publishing this case on my blog.

The only reason I am publishing this is because of vague rumors about a harassment case being distributed on the web sites of Debian, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva and some other web sites. I don't want to encourage cat enthusiasts to seek revenge against this little old lady. If she is still alive today, and I haven't even bothered to check, she would be well into her eighties and there would be no benefit whatsoever from harassing her.

The case was resolved with a cash settlement of CHF 10,000, equivalent to EUR 10,500 or USD 10,000.

Swiss francs, harassment, compensation, settlement

The cats were transported in a box to a new home:

Here is the judgment in German. We've redacted parts of it to avoid identifying anybody. Ultimately, this was another case of a woman instigating harassment, a lot like Baby Reindeer:

SVP, harassment, settlement, Zurich

Chris Lamb and Molly de Blanc violated Swiss privacy

Soon after the harassment case was finished, it was Chris Lamb and Molly de Blanc who started a gossip campaign.

Some of these women spreading rumors in the free software community are particularly vicious.

One of the cats, Floe, died shortly after the relocation.

de Blanc then showed up at FOSDEM in Brussels with her infamous speech about putting cats behind bars:

Molly de Blanc, cat behind bars

de Blanc's behavior was a horrible act of trolling after the death of our beloved cat.

Carla and I did not choose to make the harassment verdict public. We didn't have any vendetta with that little old lady. We just wanted to get on with our lives.

The far right landlady paid the compensation money on time. She has a right to get on with her life too. She is well into her eighties now and Google is violating her privacy with the ongoing gossip about harassment.

The ten thousand Swiss francs we received is less than half the cost of the handbag that Oprah Winfrey wanted to see in Bahnhofstrasse, Zurich.

What we see is a range of women, both the landlady and Molly de Blanc, meddling in peoples' lives. Women and female cats are victims of these stalkers but the stalkers are women too.

Footnote (paw note?): law of the jungle

In 2020, a tiger at the Zurich Zoo killed a female zoo keeper.

Swiss prosecutors conducted an investigation and concluded that the tiger was not guilty.

The protagonist, the tiger Irina, was also female, as in many of the female-initiated harassment cases considered in this blog.

Please see the chronological history of how the Debian harassment and abuse culture evolved.

19 October, 2024 10:30PM

October 15, 2024

Andrew Cater

Mini-DebConf Cambridge 20241013 1300


 I haven't blogged until now: I should have done from Thursday onwards.

It's a joy to be here in Cambridge at ARM HQ. Lots of people I recognise from last year  here: lots *not* here because this mini-conference is a month before the next one in Toulouse and many people can't attend both.

Two days worth of chatting, working on bits and pieces, chatting and informal meetings was a very good and useful way to build relationships and let teams find some space for themselves.

Lots of quiet hacking going on - a few loud conversations. A new ARM machine in mini-ITX format - see Steve McIntyre's blog on about Rock 5 ITX.

Two days worth of talks for Saturday and Sunday. For some people, this is a first time. Lightning talks are particularly good to break down barriers - three slides and five minutes (and the chance for a bit of gamesmanship to break the rules creatively).

Longer talks: a couple from Steve Capper of ARM were particularly helpful to those interested in upcoming development. A couple of the talks in the schedule are traditional: if the release team are here, they tell us what they are doing, for example.

ARM are main sponsors and have been very generous in giving us conference and facilities space. Fast network, coffee and interested people - what's not to like :)

[EDIT/UPDATE - And my talk is finished and went fairly well: slides have now been uploaded and the talk is linked from the Mini-DebConf pages]

15 October, 2024 10:13PM by Andrew Cater (

hackergotchi for Dirk Eddelbuettel

Dirk Eddelbuettel

qlcal 0.0.13 on CRAN: Small Calendar Update

The thirteenth release of the qlcal package arrivied at CRAN today.

qlcal delivers the calendaring parts of QuantLib. It is provided (for the R package) as a set of included files, so the package is self-contained and does not depend on an external QuantLib library (which can be demanding to build). qlcal covers over sixty country / market calendars and can compute holiday lists, its complement (i.e. business day lists) and much more. Examples are in the README at the repository, the package page, and course at the CRAN package page.

This releases synchronizes qlcal with the QuantLib release 1.36 (made this week) and contains some minor updates to two calendars.

Changes in version 0.0.13 (2024-10-15)

  • Synchronized with QuantLib 1.36 released yesterday

  • Calendar updates for South Korea and Poland

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is a diffstat report for this release. See the project page and package documentation for more details, and more examples. If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

15 October, 2024 08:17PM

Iustin Pop

Optical media lifetime - one data point

Way back (more than 10 years ago) when I was doing DVD-based backups, I knew that normal DVDs/Blu-Rays are no long-term archival solutions, and that if I was real about doing optical media backups, I need to switch to M-Disc. I actually bought a (small stack) of M-Disc Blu-Rays, but never used them.

I then switched to other backups solutions, and forgot about the whole topic. Until, this week, while sorting stuff, I happened upon a set of DVD backups from a range of years, and was very curious whether they are still readable after many years.

And, to my surprise, there were no surprises! Went backward in time, and:

  • 2014, TDK DVD+R, fully readable
  • 2012, JVC DVD+R and TDK DVD+R, fully readable
  • 2010, Verbatim DVD+R, fully readable
  • 2009/2008/2007, Verbatim DVD+R, 4 DVDs, fully readable

I also found stack of dual-layer DVD+R from 2012-2014, some for sure Verbatim, and some unmarked (they were intended to be printed on), but likely Verbatim as well. All worked just fine. Just that, even at ~8GiB per disk, backing up raw photo files took way too many disks, even in 2014 😅.

At this point I was happy that all 12+ DVDs I found, ranging from 10 to 14 years, are all good. Then I found a batch of 3 CDs! Here the results were mixed:

  • 2003: two TDK “CD-R80â€�, “Mettalicâ€�, 700MB: fully readable, after 21 years!
  • unknown year, likely around 1999-2003, but no later, “Creationâ€� CD-R, 700MB: read errors to the extent I can’t even read the disk signature (isoinfo -d).

I think the takeaway is that for all explicitly selected media - TDK, JVC and Verbatim - they hold for 10-20 years. Valid reads from summer 2003 is mind boggling for me, for (IIRC) organic media - not sure about the “TDK metallic� substrate. And when you just pick whatever (“Creation�), well, the results are mixed.

Note that in all this, it was about CDs and DVDs. I have no idea how Blu-Rays behave, since I don’t think I ever wrote a Blu-Ray. In any case, surprising to me, and makes me rethink a bit my backup options. Sizes from 25 to 100GB Blu-Rays are reasonable for most critical data. And they’re WORM, as opposed to most LTO media, which is re-writable (and to some small extent, prone to accidental wiping).

Now, I should check those M-Disks to see if they can still be written to, after 10 years 😀

15 October, 2024 02:00PM

hackergotchi for Jonathan Dowland

Jonathan Dowland

Whisper (pipewire tool)

It's time to mint a new blog tag…

I want to write to pour praise on some software I recently discovered.

I'm not up to speed on Pipewire—the latest piece of Linux plumbing related to audio—nor how it relates to the other bits (Pulseaudio, ALSA, JACK, what else?). I recently tried to plug something into the line-in port on my external audio interface, and wished to hear it on the machine. A simple task, you'd think.

I'll refrain from writing about the stuff that didn't work well and focus on the thing that did: A little tool called Whisper, which is designed to let you listen to a microphone through your speakers.

_Whisper_'s UI. Screenshot from upstream.

Whisper's UI. Screenshot from upstream.

Whisper does a great job of hiding the complexity of what lies beneath and asking two questions: which microphone, and which speakers? In my case this alone was not quite enough, as I was presented with two identically-named "SB Live Extigy" "microphone" devices, but that's easily resolved with trial and error.

More stuff like this please!

15 October, 2024 10:51AM

Arturia Microfreak

Arturia Microfreak. [© CC-BY-SA 4](

Arturia Microfreak. © CC-BY-SA 4

I nearly did, but ultimately I didn't buy an Arturia Microfreak.

The Microfreak is a small form factor hybrid synth with a distinctive style. It's priced at the low end of the market and it is overflowing with features. It has a weird 2-octave keyboard which is a stylophone-style capacitive strip rather than weighted keys. It seems to have plenty of controls, but given the amount of features it has, much of that functionality is inevitably buried in menus. The important stuff is front and centre, though. The digital oscillators are routed through an analog filter. The Microfreak gained sampler functionality in a firmware update that surprised and delighted its owners.

I watched a load of videos about the Microfreak, but the above review from musician Stimming stuck in my mind because it made a comparison between the Microfreak and Teenage Engineering's OP-1.

The Teenage Engineering OP-1.

The Teenage Engineering OP-1.

I'd been lusting after the OP-1 since it appeared in 2011: a pocket-sized1 music making machine with eleven synthesis engines, a sampler, and less conventional features such as an FM radio, a large colour OLED display, and a four track recorder. That last feature in particular was really appealing to me: I loved the idea of having an all-in-one machine to try and compose music. Even then, I was not keen on involving conventional computers in music making.

Of course in many ways it is a very compromised machine. I never did buy a OP-1, and by now they've replaced it with a new model (the OP-1 field) that costs 50% more (but doesn't seem to do 50% more) I'm still not buying one.

Framing the Microfreak in terms of the OP-1 made the penny drop for me. The Microfreak doesn't have the four-track functionality, but almost no synth has: I'm going to have to look at something external to provide that. But it might capture a similar sense of fun; it's something I could use on the sofa, in the spare room, on the train, during lunchbreaks at work, etc.

On the other hand, I don't want to make the same mistake as with the Micron: too much functionality requiring some experience to understand what you want so you can go and find it in the menus. I also didn't get a chance to audition the unusual keyboard: there's only one music store carrying synths left in Newcastle and they didn't have one.

So I didn't buy the Microfreak. Maybe one day in the future once I'm further down the road. Instead, I started to concentrate my search on more fundamental, back-to-basics instruments…

  1. Big pockets, mind

15 October, 2024 10:49AM

October 14, 2024

hackergotchi for Dirk Eddelbuettel

Dirk Eddelbuettel

RcppDate 0.0.4: New Upstream Minor

RcppDate wraps the featureful date library written by Howard Hinnant for use with R. This header-only modern C++ library has been in pretty wide-spread use for a while now, and adds to C++11/C++14/C++17 what will be (with minor modifications) the ‘date’ library in C++20.

This release, the first in 3 1/2 years, syncs the code with the recent date 3.0.2 release from a few days ago. It also updates a few packaging details such as URLs, badges or continuous integration.

Changes in version 0.0.4 (2024-10-14)

  • Updated to upstream version 3.0.2 (and adjusting one pragma)

  • Several small updates to overall packaging and testing

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for the most recent release. More information is available at the repository or the package page.

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

14 October, 2024 09:44PM

hackergotchi for Philipp Kern

Philipp Kern

Touch Notifications for YubiKeys

When setting up your YubiKey you have the option to require the user to touch the device to authorize an operation (be it signing, decrypting, or authenticating). While web browsers often provide clear prompts for this, other applications like SSH or GPG will not. Instead the operation will just hang without any visual indication that user input is required. The YubiKey itself will blink, but depending on where it is plugged in that is not very visible.

yubikey-touch-detector (fresh in unstable) solves this issue by providing a way for your desktop environment to signal the user that the device is waiting for a touch. It provides an event feed on a socket that other components can consume. It comes with libnotify support and there are some custom integrations for other environments.

For GNOME and KDE libnotify support should be sufficient, however you still need to turn it on:

$ mkdir -p ~/.config/yubikey-touch-detector
  < /usr/share/doc/yubikey-touch-detector/examples/service.conf.example \
  > ~/.config/yubikey-touch-detector/service.conf
$ systemctl --user restart yubikey-touch-detector

I would still have preferred a more visible, more modal prompt. I guess that would be an exercise for another time, listening to the socket and presenting a window. But for now, desktop notifications will do for me.

PS: I have not managed to get SSH's no-touch-required to work with YubiKey 4, while it works just fine with a YubiKey 5.

14 October, 2024 10:39AM by Philipp Kern (

October 13, 2024

hackergotchi for Andy Simpkins

Andy Simpkins

The state of the art

A long time ago….

A long time ago a computer was a woman (I think almost exclusively a women, not a man) who was employed to do a lot of repetitive mathematics – typically for accounting and stock / order processing.

Then along came Lyons, who deployed an artificial computer to perform the same task, only with fewer errors in less time. Modern day computing was born – we had entered the age of the Digital Computer.

These computers were large, consumed huge amounts of power but were precise, and gave repeatable, verifiable results.

Over time the huge mainframe digital computers have shrunk in size, increased in performance, and consume far less power – so much so that they often didn’t need the specialist CFC based, refrigerated liquid cooling systems of their bigger mainframe counterparts, only requiring forced air flow, and occasionally just convection cooling. They shrank so far and became cheep enough that the Personal Computer became to be, replacing the mainframe with its time shared resources with a machine per user. Desktop or even portable “laptop” computers were everywhere.

We networked them together, so now we can share information around the office, a few computers were given specialist tasks of being available all the time so we could share documents, or host databases these servers were basically PCs designed to operate 24×7, usually more powerful than their desktop counterparts (or at least with faster storage and networking).

Next we joined these networks together and the internet was born. The dream of a paperless office might actually become realised – we can now send email (and documents) from one organisation (or individual) to another via email. We can make our specialist computers applications available outside just the office and web servers / web apps come of age.

Fast forward a few years and all of a sudden we need huge data-halls filled with “Rack scale” machines augmented with exotic GPUs and NPUs again with refrigerated liquid cooling, all to do the same task that we were doing previously without the magical buzzword that has been named AI; because we all need another dot com bubble or block chain band waggon to jump aboard. Our AI enabled searches take slightly longer, consume magnitudes more power, and best of all the results we are given may or may not be correct….

Progress, less precise answers, taking longer, consuming more power, without any verification and often giving a different result if you repeat your question AND we still need a personal computing device to access this wondrous thing.

Remind me again why we are here?

(time lines and huge swaves of history simply ignored to make an attempted comic point – this is intended to make a point and not be scholarly work)

13 October, 2024 03:15PM by andy

October 12, 2024

hackergotchi for Jonathan Dowland

Jonathan Dowland

Code formatting in documents

I've been exploring typesetting and formatting code within text documents such as papers, or my thesis. Up until now, I've been using the listings package without thinking much about it. By default, some sample Haskell code processed by listings looks like this (click any of the images to see larger, non-blurry versions):

default output of listings on a Haskell code sample

It's formatted with a monospaced font, with some keywords highlighted, but not syntactic symbols.

There are several other options for typesetting and formatting code in LaTeX documents. For Haskell in particular, there is the preprocessor lhs2tex, The default output of which looks like this:

default output of lhs2tex on a Haskell code sample

A proportional font, but it's taken pains to preserve vertical alignment, which is syntactically significant for Haskell. It looks a little cluttered to me, and I'm not a fan of nearly everything being italic. Again, symbols aren't differentiated, but it has substituted them for more typographically pleasing alternatives: -> has become , and \ is now λ.

Another option is perhaps the newest, the LaTeX package minted, which leverages the Python Pygments program. Here's the same code again. It defaults to monospace (the choice of font seems a lot clearer to me than the default for listings), no symbolic substitution, and liberal use of colour:

default output of minted on a Haskell code sample

An informal survey of the samples so far showed that the minted output was the most popular.

All of these packages can be configured to varying degrees. Here are some examples of what I've achieved with a bit of tweaking

_listings_ adjusted with colour and some symbols substituted (but sadly not the two together)

listings adjusted with colour and some symbols substituted (but sadly not the two together)

_lhs2tex_ adjusted to be less italic, sans-serif and use some colour

lhs2tex adjusted to be less italic, sans-serif and use some colour

All of this has got me wondering whether there are straightforward empirical answers to some of these questions of style.

Firstly, I'm pretty convinced that symbolic substitution is valuable. When writing Haskell, we write ->, \, /= etc. not because it's most legible, but because it's most practical to type those symbols on the most widely available keyboards and popular keyboard layouts.1 Of the three options listed here, symbolic substitution is possible with listings and lhs2tex, but I haven't figured out if minted can do it (which is really the question: can pygments do it?)

I'm unsure about proportional versus monospaced fonts. We typically use monospaced fonts for editing computer code, but that's at least partly for historical reasons. Vertical alignment is often very important in source code, and it can be easily achieved with monospaced text; it's also sometimes important to have individual characters (., etc.) not be de-emphasised by being smaller than any other character.

lhs2tex, at least, addresses vertical alignment whilst using proportional fonts. I guess the importance of identifying individual significant characters is just as true in a code sample within a larger document as it is within plain source code.

From a (brief) scan of research on this topic, it seems that proportional fonts result in marginally quicker reading times for regular prose. It's not clear whether those results carry over into reading computer code in particular, and the margin is slim in any case. The drawbacks of monospaced text mostly apply when the volume of text is large, which is not the case for the short code snippets I am working with.

I still have a few open questions:

  • Is colour useful for formatting code in a PDF document?
    • does this open up a can of accessibility worms?
  • What should be emphasised (or de-emphasised)
  • Why is the minted output most popular: Could the choice of font be key? Aspects of the font other than proportionality (serifs? Size of serifs? etc)

  1. The Haskell package Data.List.Unicode lets the programmer use a range of unicode symbols in place of ASCII approximations, such as instead of elem, instead of /=. Sadly, it's not possible to replace the denotation for an anonymous function, \, with λ this way.

12 October, 2024 08:43PM

October 11, 2024

hackergotchi for Steve McIntyre

Steve McIntyre

Rock 5 ITX

It's been a while since I've posted about arm64 hardware. The last machine I spent my own money on was a SolidRun Macchiatobin, about 7 years ago. It's a small (mini-ITX) board with a 4-core arm64 SoC (4 * Cortex-A72) on it, along with things like a DIMM socket for memory, lots of networking, 3 SATA disk interfaces.

The Macchiatobin was a nice machine compared to many earlier systems, but it took quite a bit of effort to get it working to my liking. I replaced the on-board U-Boot firmware binary with an EDK2 build, and that helped. After a few iterations we got a new build including graphical output on a PCIe graphics card. Now it worked much more like a "normal" x86 computer.

I still have that machine running at home, and it's been a reasonably reliable little build machine for arm development and testing. It's starting to show its age, though - the onboard USB ports no longer work, and so it's no longer useful for doing things like installation testing. :-/


I was involved in a conversation in the #debian-arm IRC channel a few weeks ago, and diederik suggested the Radxa Rock 5 ITX. It's another mini-ITX board, this time using a Rockchip RK3588 CPU. Things have moved on - the CPU is now an 8-core big.LITTLE config: 4*Cortex A76 and 4*Cortex A55. The board has NVMe on-board, 4*SATA, built-in Mali graphics from the CPU, soldered-on memory. Just about everything you need on an SBC for a small low-power desktop, a NAS or whatever. And for about half the price I paid for the Macchiatobin. I hit "buy" on one of the listed websites. :-)

A few days ago, the new board landed. I picked the version with 24GB of RAM and bought the matching heatsink and fan. I set it up in an existing case borrowed from another old machine and tried the Radxa "Debian" build. All looked OK, but I clearly wasn't going to stay with that. Onwards to running a native Debian setup!

I installed an EDK2 build from onto the onboard SPI flash, then rebooted with a Debian 12.7 (Bookworm) arm64 installer image on a USB stick. How much trouble could this be?

I was shocked! It Just Worked (TM)

I'm running a standard Debian arm64 system. The graphical installer ran just fine. I installed onto the NVMe, adding an Xfce desktop for some simple tests. Everything Just Worked. After many years of fighting with a range of different arm machines (from simple SBCs to desktops and servers), this was without doubt the most straightforward setup I've ever done. Wow!

It's possible to go and spend a lot of money on an Ampere machine, and I've seen them work well too. But for a hobbyist user (or even a smaller business), the Rock 5 ITX is a lovely option. Total cost to me for the board with shipping fees, import duty, etc. was just over £240. That's great value, and I can wholeheartedly recommend this board!

The two things that are missing compared to the Macchiatobin? This is soldered-on memory (but hey, 24G is plenty for me!) It also doesn't have a PCIe slot, but it has sufficient onboard network, video and storage interfaces that I think it will cover most people's needs.

Where's the catch? It seems these are very popular right now, so it can be difficult to find these machines in stock online.

FTAOD, I should also point out: I bought this machine entirely with my own money, for my own use for development and testing. I've had no contact with the Radxa or Rockchip folks at all here, I'm just so happy with this machine that I've felt the need to shout about it! :-)

Here's some pictures...

Rock 5 ITX top view

Rock 5 ITX back panel view

Rock 5 EDK2 startuo

Rock 5 xfce login

Rock 5 ITX running Firefox

11 October, 2024 01:53PM

October 10, 2024

Antoine Beaupré

Why I should be running Debian unstable right now

So a common theme on the Internet about Debian is so old. And right, I am getting close to the stage that I feel a little laggy: I am using a bunch of backports for packages I need, and I'm missing a bunch of other packages that just landed in unstable and didn't make it to backports for various reasons.

I disagree that "old" is a bad thing: we definitely run Debian stable on a fleet of about 100 servers and can barely keep up, I would make it older. And "old" is a good thing: (port) wine and (any) beer needs time to age properly, and so do humans, although some humans never seem to grow old enough to find wisdom.

But at this point, on my laptop, I am feeling like I'm missing out. This page, therefore, is an evolving document that is a twist on the classic NewIn game. Last time I played seems to be #newinwheezy (2013!), so really, I'm due for an update. (To be fair to myself, I do keep tabs on upgrades quite well at home and work, which do have their share of "new in", just after the fact.)

New packages to explore

Those tools are shiny new things available in unstable or perhaps Trixie (testing) already that I am not using yet, but I find interesting enough to list here.

  • backdown: clever file deduplicator
  • codesearch: search all of Debian's source code (tens of thousands of packages) from the commandline! (see also dcs-cli, not in Debian)
  • dasel: JSON/YML/XML/CSV parser, similar to jq, but different syntax, not sure I'd grow into it, but often need to parse YML like JSON and failing
  • fyi: notify-send replacement
  • git-subrepo: git-submodule replacement I am considering
  • gtklock: swaylock replacement with bells and whistles, particularly interested in showing time, battery and so on
  • hyprland: possible Sway replacement, but there are rumors of a toxic community (rebuttal, I haven't reviewed either in detail), so approach carefully)
  • kooha: simple screen recorder with audio support, currently using wf-recorder which is a more.. minimalist option
  • linescroll: rate graphs on live logs, mostly useful on servers though
  • ruff: faster Python formatter and linter, flake8/black/isort replacement, alas not mypy/LSP unfortunately, designed to be ran alongside such a tool, which is not possible in Emacs eglot right now, but is possible in lsp-mode
  • sfwbar: pretty status bar, may replace waybar, which i am somewhat unhappy with (my UTC clock disappears randomly)
  • spytrap-adb: cool spy gear
  • trippy: trippy network analysis tool, kind of an improved MTR

New packages I won't use

Those are packages that I have tested because I found them interesting, but ended up not using, but I think people could find interesting anyways.

  • kew: surprisingly fast music player, parsed my entire library (which is huge) instantaneously and just started playing (I still use Supersonic, for which I maintain a flatpak on my Navidrome server)
  • mdformat: good markdown formatter, think black or gofmt but for markdown), but it didn't actually do what I needed, and it's not quite as opinionated as it should (or could) be)

Backports already in use

Those are packages I already use regularly, which have backports or that can just be installed from unstable:

  • asn: IP address forensics
  • markdownlint: markdown linter, I use that a lot
  • poweralertd: pops up "your battery is almost empty" messages
  • sway-notification-center: used as part of my status bar, yet another status bar basically, a little noisy, stuck in a libc dep update
  • tailspin: used to color logs

Out of date packages

Those are packages that are in Debian stable (Bookworm) already, but that are somewhat lacking and could benefit from an upgrade.

Last words

If you know of cool things I'm missing out of, then by all means let me know!

That said, overall, this is a pretty short list! I have most of what I need in stable right now, and if I wasn't a Debian developer, I don't think I'd be doing the jump now. But considering how easier it is to develop Debian (and how important it is to test the next release!), I'll probably upgrade soon.

Previously, I was running Debian testing (which why the slug on that article is why-trixie), but now I'm actually considering just running unstable on my laptop directly anyways. It's been a long time since we had any significant instability there, and I can typically deal with whatever happens, except maybe when I'm traveling, and then it's easy to prepare for that (just pin testing).

10 October, 2024 08:04PM

hackergotchi for Sean Whitton

Sean Whitton


I finally figured out how to have an application launcher with my usual Emacs completion keybindings:

This is with Icomplete. If you use another completion framework it will look different. Crucially, it’s what you are already used to using inside Emacs, with the same completion style (flex vs. orderless vs. …), bindings etc..

Here is my Sway binding:

    bindsym p exec i3-dmenu-desktop \
        --dmenu="dmenu_emacsclient 'Application: '", \
        mode "default"

(for me this is inside a mode { } block)

The dmenu_emacsclient script is here. It relies on the function spw/sway-completing-read from my init.el.

As usual, this code is available for your reuse under the terms of the GNU GPL. Please see the license and copyright information in the linked files.

You also probably want a for_window directive in your Sway config to enable floating the window, and perhaps to resize it. Enjoy having your Emacs completion bindings for application launching, too!

10 October, 2024 05:23AM

hackergotchi for Gunnar Wolf

Gunnar Wolf

Started a guide to writing FUSE filesystems in Python

As DebConf22 was coming to an end, in Kosovo, talking with Eeveelweezel they invited me to prepare a talk to give for the Chicago Python User Group. I replied that I’m not really that much of a Python guy… But would think about a topic. Two years passed. I meet Eeveelweezel again for DebConf24 in Busan, South Korea. And the topic came up again. I had thought of some ideas, but none really pleased me. Again, I do write some Python when needed, and I teach using Python, as it’s the language I find my students can best cope with. But delivering a talk to ChiPy?

On the other hand, I have long used a very simplistic and limited filesystem I’ve designed as an implementation project at class: FIUnamFS (for “Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México�: the Engineering Faculty for Mexico’s National University, where I teach. Sorry, the link is in Spanish — but you will find several implementations of it from the students 😉). It is a toy filesystem, with as many bad characteristics you can think of, but easy to specify and implement. It is based on contiguous file allocation, has no support for sub-directories, and is often limited to the size of a 1.44MB floppy disk.

As I give this filesystem as a project to my students (and not as a mere homework), I always ask them to try and provide a good, polished, professional interface, not just the simplistic menu I often get. And I tell them the best possible interface would be if they provide support for FIUnamFS transparently, usable by the user without thinking too much about it. With high probability, that would mean: Use FUSE.

Python FUSE

But, in the six semesters I’ve used this project (with 30-40 students per semester group), only one student has bitten the bullet and presented a FUSE implementation.

Maybe this is because it’s not easy to understand how to build a FUSE-based filesystem from a high-level language such as Python? Yes, I’ve seen several implementation examples and even nice web pages (i.e. the examples shipped with thepython-fuse module Stavros’ passthrough filesystem, Dave Filesystem based upon, and further explaining, Stavros’, and several others) explaining how to provide basic functionality. I found a particularly useful presentation by Matteo Bertozzi presented ~15 years ago at PyCon4… But none of those is IMO followable enough by itself. Also, most of them are very old (maybe the world is telling me something that I refuse to understand?).

And of course, there isn’t a single interface to work from. In Python only, we can find python-fuse, Pyfuse, Fusepy… Where to start from?

…So I setup to try and help.

Over the past couple of weeks, I have been slowly working on my own version, and presenting it as a progressive set of tasks, adding filesystem calls, and being careful to thoroughly document what I write (but… maybe my documentation ends up obfuscating the intent? I hope not — and, read on, I’ve provided some remediation).

I registered a GitLab project for a hand-holding guide to writing FUSE-based filesystems in Python. This is a project where I present several working FUSE filesystem implementations, some of them RAM-based, some passthrough-based, and I intend to add to this also filesystems backed on pseudo-block-devices (for implementations such as my FIUnamFS).

So far, I have added five stepwise pieces, starting from the barest possible empty filesystem, and adding system calls (and functionality) until (so far) either a read-write filesystem in RAM with basicstat() support or a read-only passthrough filesystem.

I think providing fun or useful examples is also a good way to get students to use what I’m teaching, so I’ve added some ideas I’ve had: DNS Filesystem, on-the-fly markdown compiling filesystem, unzip filesystem and uncomment filesystem.

They all provide something that could be seen as useful, in a way that’s easy to teach, in just some tens of lines. And, in case my comments/documentation are too long to read, uncommentfs will happily strip all comments and whitespace automatically! 😉

So… I will be delivering my talk tomorrow (2024.10.10, 18:30 GMT-6) at ChiPy (virtually). I am also presenting this talk virtually at Jornadas Regionales de Software Libre in Santa Fe, Argentina, next week (virtually as well). And also in November, in person, at, that will be held in Mexico City for the first time.

Of course, I will also share this project with my students in the next couple of weeks… And hope it manages to lure them into implementing FUSE in Python. At some point, I shall report!

Update: After delivering my ChiPy talk, I have uploaded it to YouTube: A hand-holding guide to writing FUSE-based filesystems in Python, and after presenting at Jornadas Regionales, I present you the video in Spanish here: Aprendiendo y enseñando a escribir sistemas de archivo en espacio de usuario con FUSE y Python.

10 October, 2024 01:07AM

October 09, 2024

hackergotchi for Ben Hutchings

Ben Hutchings

FOSS activity in September 2024

09 October, 2024 10:57PM by Ben Hutchings

October 08, 2024

Thorsten Alteholz

My Debian Activities in September 2024

FTP master

This month I accepted 441 and rejected 29 packages. The overall number of packages that got accepted was 448.

I couldn’t believe my eyes, but this month I really accepted the same number of packages as last month.

Debian LTS

This was my hundred-twenty-third month that I did some work for the Debian LTS initiative, started by Raphael Hertzog at Freexian. During my allocated time I uploaded or worked on:

  • [unstable] libcupsfilters security update to fix one CVE related to validation of IPP attributes obtained from remote printers
  • [unstable] cups-filters security update to fix two CVEs related to validation of IPP attributes obtained from remote printers
  • [unstable] cups security update to fix one CVE related to validation of IPP attributes obtained from remote printers
  • [DSA 5778-1] prepared package for cups-filters security update to fix two CVEs related to validation of IPP attributes obtained from remote printers
  • [DSA 5779-1] prepared package for cups security update to fix one CVE related to validation of IPP attributes obtained from remote printers
  • [DLA 3905-1] cups-filters security update to fix two CVEs related to validation of IPP attributes obtained from remote printers
  • [DLA 3904-1] cups security update to fix one CVE related to validation of IPP attributes obtained from remote printers
  • [DLA 3905-1] cups-filters security update to fix two CVEs related to validation of IPP attributes obtained from remote printers

Despite the announcement the package libppd in Debian is not affected by the CVEs related to CUPS. By pure chance there is an unrelated package with the same name in Debian. I also answered some question about the CUPS related uploads. Due to the CUPS issues, I postponed my work on other packages to October.

Last but not least I did a week of FD this month and attended the monthly LTS/ELTS meeting.

Debian ELTS

This month was the seventy-fourth ELTS month. During my allocated time I uploaded or worked on:

  • [ELA-1186-1]cups-filters security update for two CVEs in Stretch and Buster to fix the IPP attribute related CVEs.
  • [ELA-1187-1]cups-filters security update for one CVE in Jessie to fix the IPP attribute related CVEs (the version in Jessie was not affected by the other CVE).

I also started to work on updates for cups in Buster, Stretch and Jessie, but their uploads will happen only in October.

I also did a week of FD and attended the monthly LTS/ELTS meeting.

Debian Printing

This month I uploaded …

  • libcupsfilters to also fix a dependency and autopkgtest issue besides the security fix mentioned above.
  • splix for a new upstream version. This package is managed now by OpenPrinting.

Last but not least I tried to prepare an update for hplip. Unfortunately this is a nerve-stretching task and I need some more time.

This work is generously funded by Freexian!

Debian Matomo

This month I even found some time to upload packages that are dependencies of Matomo …

This work is generously funded by Freexian!

Debian Astro

This month I uploaded a new upstream or bugfix version of:

Most of the uploads were related to package migration to testing. As some of them are in non-free or contrib, one has to build all binary versions. From my point of view handling packages in non-free or contrib could be very much improved, but well, they are not part of Debian …

Anyway, starting in December there is an Outreachy project that takes care of automatic updates of these packages. So hopefully it will be much easier to keep those package up to date. I will keep you informed.

Debian IoT

This month I uploaded new upstream or bugfix versions of:

Debian Mobcom

This month I did source uploads of all the packages that were prepared last month by Nathan and started the transition. It went rather smooth except for a few packages where the new version did not propagate to the tracker and they got stuck in old failing autopkgtest. Anyway, in the end all packages migrated to testing.

I also uploaded new upstream releases or fixed bugs in:


This month I uploaded new upstream or bugfix versions of:

Most of those uploads were needed to help packages to migrate to testing.

08 October, 2024 09:49PM by alteholz

hackergotchi for Steinar H. Gunderson

Steinar H. Gunderson

Pimp my SV08

The Sovol SV08 is a 3D printer which is a semi-assembled clone of Voron 2.4, an open-source design. It's not the cheapest of printers, but for what you get, it's extremely good value for money—as long as you can deal with certain, err, quality issues.

Anyway, I have one, and one of the fun things about an open design is that you can switch out things to your liking. (If you just want a tool, buy something else. Bambu P1S, for instance, if you can live with a rather closed ecosystem. It's a bit like an iPhone in that aspect, really.) So I've put together a spreadsheet with some of the more common choices:

Pimp my SV08

It doesn't contain any of the really difficult mods, and it also doesn't cover pure printables. And none of the dreaded macro stuff that people seem to be obsessing over (it's really like being in the 90s with people's mIRC scripts all over again sometimes :-/), except where needed to make hardware work.

08 October, 2024 05:41PM

Antoine Beaupré

Playing with fonts again

I am getting increasingly frustrated by Fira Mono's lack of italic support so I am looking at alternative fonts again.

Commit Mono

This time I seem to be settling on either Commit Mono or Space Mono. For now I'm using Commit Mono because it's a little more compressed than Fira and does have a italic version. I don't like how Space Mono's parenthesis (()) is "squarish", it feels visually ambiguous with the square brackets ([]), a big no-no for my primary use case (code).

So here I am using a new font, again. It required changing a bunch of configuration files in my home directory (which is in a private repository, sorry) and Emacs configuration (thankfully that's public!).

One gotcha is I realized I didn't actually have a global font configuration in Emacs, as some Faces define their own font family, which overrides the frame defaults.

This is what it looks like, before:

A dark terminal showing the test sheet in Fira Mono
Fira Mono


A dark terminal showing the test sheet in Fira Mono
Commit Mono

(Notice how those screenshots are not sharp? I'm surprised too. The originals look sharp on my display, I suspect this is something to do with the Wayland transition. I've tried with both grim and flameshot, for what its worth.)

They are pretty similar! Commit Mono feels a bit more vertically compressed maybe too much so, actually -- the line height feels too low. But it's heavily customizable so that's something that's relatively easy to fix, if it's really a problem. Its weight is also a little heavier and wider than Fira which I find a little distracting right now, but maybe I'll get used to it.

All characters seem properly distinguishable, although, if I'd really want to nitpick I'd say the © and ® are too different, with the latter (REGISTERED SIGN) being way too small, basically unreadable here. Since I see this sign approximately never, it probably doesn't matter at all.

I like how the ampersand (&) is more traditional, although I'll miss the exotic one Fira produced... I like how the back quotes (`, GRAVE ACCENT) drop down low, nicely aligned with the apostrophe. As I mentioned before, I like how the bar on the "f" aligns with the other top of letters, something in Fira mono that really annoys me now that I've noticed it (it's not aligned!).

A UTF-8 test file

Here's the test sheet I've made up to test various characters. I could have sworn I had a good one like this lying around somewhere but couldn't find it so here it is, I guess.

US keyboard coverage:


latin1 coverage: ¡¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿

ambiguity test:

e¢coC0ODQ iI71lL!|¦
b6G&0B83  [](){}/\.…·•
zs$S52Z%  ´`'"‘’“”«»

all characters in a sentence, uppercase:

the quick fox jumps over the lazy dog

same, in french:

Portez ce vieux whisky au juge blond qui fume.

dès noël, où un zéphyr haï me vêt de glaçons würmiens, je dîne
d’exquis rôtis de bœuf au kir, à l’aÿ d’âge mûr, &cætera.


Ligatures test:

-<< -< -<- <-- <--- <<- <- -> ->> --> ---> ->- >- >>-
=<< =< =<= <== <=== <<= <= => =>> ==> ===> =>= >= >>=
<-> <--> <---> <----> <=> <==> <===> <====> :: ::: __
<~~ </ </> /> ~~> == != /= ~= <> === !== !=== =/= =!=
<: := *= *+ <* <*> *> <| <|> |> <. <.> .> +* =* =: :>
(* *) /* */ [| |] {| |} ++ +++ \/ /\ |- -| <!-- <!---

Box drawing alignment tests:
╔══╦══╗  ┌──┬──┐  ╭──┬──╮  ╭──┬──╮  ┏━━┳━━┓ ┎┒┏┑   ╷  ╻ ┏┯┓ ┌┰┐    ▉ ╱╲╱╲╳╳╳
║┌─╨─┐║  │╔═╧═╗│  │╒═╪═╕│  │╓─╁─╖│  ┃┌─╂─┐┃ ┗╃╄┙  ╶┼╴╺╋╸┠┼┨ ┝╋┥    ▊ ╲╱╲╱╳╳╳
║│╲ ╱│║  │║   ║│  ││ │ ││  │║ ┃ ║│  ┃│ ╿ │┃ ┍╅╆┓   ╵  ╹ ┗┷┛ └┸┘    ▋ ╱╲╱╲╳╳╳
╠╡ ╳ ╞╣  ├╢   ╟┤  ├┼─┼─┼┤  ├╫─╂─╫┤  ┣┿╾┼╼┿┫ ┕┛┖┚     ┌┄┄┐ ╎ ┏┅┅┓ ┋ ▌ ╲╱╲╱╳╳╳
║│╱ ╲│║  │║   ║│  ││ │ ││  │║ ┃ ║│  ┃│ ╽ │┃ ░░▒▒▓▓██ ┊  ┆ ╎ ╏  ┇ ┋ ▍
║└─╥─┘║  │╚═╤═╝│  │╘═╪═╛│  │╙─╀─╜│  ┃└─╂─┘┃ ░░▒▒▓▓██ ┊  ┆ ╎ ╏  ┇ ┋ ▎
╚══╩══╝  └──┴──┘  ╰──┴──╯  ╰──┴──╯  ┗━━┻━━┛          └╌╌┘ ╎ ┗╍╍┛ ┋ ▏▁▂▃▄▅▆▇█

Dashes alignment test:


Update: here is another such sample sheet, it's pretty good and has support for more languages while being still relatively small.

So there you have it, got completely nerd swiped by typography again. Now I can go back to writing a too-long proposal again.

Sources and inspiration for the above:

  • the unicode(1) command, to lookup individual characters to disambiguate, for example, - (U+002D HYPHEN-MINUS, the minus sign next to zero on US keyboards) and − (U+2212 MINUS SIGN, a math symbol)

  • searchable list of characters and their names - roughly equivalent to the unicode(1) command, but in one page, amazingly the /usr/share/unicode database doesn't have any one file like this

  • bits/UTF-8-Unicode-Test-Documents - full list of UTF-8 characters

  • UTF-8 encoded plain text file - nice examples of edge cases, curly quotes example and box drawing alignment test which, incidentally, showed me I needed specific faces customisation in Emacs to get the Markdown code areas to display properly, also the idea of comparing various dashes

  • sample sentences in many languages - unused, "Sentences that contain all letters commonly used in a language"

  • UTF-8 sampler - unused, similar

Other fonts

In my previous blog post about fonts, I had a list of alternative fonts, but it seems people are not digging through this, so I figured I would redo the list here to preempt "but have you tried Jetbrains mono" kind of comments.

My requirements are:

  • no ligatures: yes, in the previous post, I wanted ligatures but I have changed my mind. after testing this, I find them distracting, confusing, and they often break the monospace nature of the display (note that some folks wrote emacs code to selectively enable ligatures which is an interesting compromise)z
  • monospace: this is to display code
  • italics: often used when writing Markdown, where I do make use of italics... Emacs falls back to underlining text when lacking italics which is hard to read
  • free-ish, ultimately should be packaged in Debian

Here is the list of alternatives I have considered in the past and why I'm not using them:

  • agave: recommended by tarzeau, not sure I like the lowercase a, a bit too exotic, packaged as fonts-agave

  • Cascadia code: optional ligatures, multilingual, not liking the alignment, ambiguous parenthesis (look too much like square brackets), new default for Windows Terminal and Visual Studio, packaged as fonts-cascadia-code

  • Fira Code: ligatures, was using Fira Mono from which it is derived, lacking italics except for forks, interestingly, Fira Code succeeds the alignment test but Fira Mono fails to show the X signs properly! packaged as fonts-firacode

  • Hack: no ligatures, very similar to Fira, italics, good alternative, fails the X test in box alignment, packaged as fonts-hack

  • Hermit: no ligatures, smaller, alignment issues in box drawing and dashes, packaged as fonts-hermit somehow part of cool-retro-term

  • IBM Plex: irritating website, replaces Helvetica as the IBM corporate font, no ligatures by default, italics, proportional alternatives, serifs and sans, multiple languages, partial failure in box alignment test (X signs), fancy curly braces contrast perhaps too much with the rest of the font, packaged in Debian as fonts-ibm-plex

  • Inconsolata: no ligatures, maybe italics? more compressed than others, feels a little out of balance because of that, packaged in Debian as fonts-inconsolata

  • Intel One Mono: nice legibility, no ligatures, alignment issues in box drawing, not packaged in Debian

  • Iosevka: optional ligatures, italics, multilingual, good legibility, has a proportional option, serifs and sans, line height issue in box drawing, fails dash test, not in Debian

  • Jetbrains Mono: (mandatory?) ligatures, good coverage, originally rumored to be not DFSG-free (Debian Free Software Guidelines) but ultimately packaged in Debian as fonts-jetbrains-mono

  • Monoid: optional ligatures, feels much "thinner" than Jetbrains, not liking alignment or spacing on that one, ambiguous 2Z, problems rendering box drawing, packaged as fonts-monoid

  • Mononoki: no ligatures, looks good, good alternative, suggested by the Debian fonts team as part of fonts-recommended, problems rendering box drawing, em dash bigger than en dash, packaged as fonts-mononoki

  • Server mono: no ligatures, italics, old school

  • Source Code Pro: italics, looks good, but dash metrics look whacky, not in Debian

  • spleen: bitmap font, old school, spacing issue in box drawing test, packaged as fonts-spleen

  • sudo: personal project, no ligatures, zero originally not dotted, relied on metrics for legibility, spacing issue in box drawing, not in Debian

  • victor mono: italics are cursive by default (distracting), ligatures by default, looks good, more compressed than commit mono, good candidate otherwise, has a nice and compact proof sheet

So, if I get tired of Commit Mono, I might probably try, in order:

  1. Hack
  2. Jetbrains Mono
  3. IBM Plex Mono

Iosevka, Monoki and Intel One Mono are also good options, but have alignment problems. Iosevka is particularly disappointing as the EM DASH metrics are just completely wrong (much too wide).

This was tested using the Programming fonts site which has all the above fonts, which cannot be said of Font Squirrel or Google Fonts, amazingly. Other such tools:

Also note that there is now a package in Debian called fnt to manage fonts like this locally, including in-line previews (that don't work in bookworm but should be improved in trixie and later).

08 October, 2024 04:08PM

October 07, 2024

Reproducible Builds

Reproducible Builds in September 2024

Welcome to the September 2024 report from the Reproducible Builds project!

Our reports attempt to outline what we’ve been up to over the past month, highlighting news items from elsewhere in tech where they are related. As ever, if you are interested in contributing to the project, please visit our Contribute page on our website.

Table of contents:

  1. New binsider tool to analyse ELF binaries
  2. Unreproducibility of GHC Haskell compiler “95% fixed”
  3. Mailing list summary
  4. Towards a 100% bit-for-bit reproducible OS…
  5. Two new reproducibility-related academic papers
  6. Distribution work
  7. diffoscope
  8. Other software development
  9. Android toolchain core count issue reported
  10. New Gradle plugin for reproducibility
  11. Website updates
  12. Upstream patches
  13. Reproducibility testing framework

New binsider tool to analyse ELF binaries

Reproducible Builds developer Orhun Parmaksız has announced a fantastic new tool to analyse the contents of ELF binaries. According to the project’s README page:

Binsider can perform static and dynamic analysis, inspect strings, examine linked libraries, and perform hexdumps, all within a user-friendly terminal user interface!

More information about Binsider’s features and how it works can be found within Binsider’s documentation pages.

Unreproducibility of GHC Haskell compiler “95% fixed”

A seven-year-old bug about the nondeterminism of object code generated by the Glasgow Haskell Compiler (GHC) received a recent update, consisting of Rodrigo Mesquita noting that the issue is:

95% fixed by [merge request] !12680 when -fobject-determinism is enabled. []

The linked merge request has since been merged, and Rodrigo goes on to say that:

After that patch is merged, there are some rarer bugs in both interface file determinism (eg. #25170) and in object determinism (eg. #25269) that need to be taken care of, but the great majority of the work needed to get there should have been merged already. When merged, I think we should close this one in favour of the more specific determinism issues like the two linked above.

Mailing list summary

On our mailing list this month:

  • Fay Stegerman let everyone know that she started a thread on the Fediverse about the problems caused by unreproducible zlib/deflate compression in .zip and .apk files and later followed up with the results of her subsequent investigation.

  • Long-time developer kpcyrd wrote that “there has been a recent public discussion on the Arch Linux GitLab [instance] about the challenges and possible opportunities for making the Linux kernel package reproducible”, all relating to the CONFIG_MODULE_SIG flag. []

  • Bernhard M. Wiedemann followed-up to an in-person conversation at our recent Hamburg 2024 summit on the potential presence for Reproducible Builds in recognised standards. []

  • Fay Stegerman also wrote about her worry about the “possible repercussions for RB tooling of Debian migrating from zlib to zlib-ng” as reproducibility requires identical compressed data streams. []

  • Martin Monperrus wrote the list announcing the latest release of maven-lockfile that is designed aid “building Maven projects with integrity”. []

  • Lastly, Bernhard M. Wiedemann wrote about potential role of reproducible builds in combatting silent data corruption, as detailed in a recent Tweet and scholarly paper on faulty CPU cores. []

Towards a 100% bit-for-bit reproducible OS…

Bernhard M. Wiedemann began writing on journey towards a 100% bit-for-bit reproducible operating system on the openSUSE wiki:

This is a report of Part 1 of my journey: building 100% bit-reproducible packages for every package that makes up [openSUSE’s] minimalVM image. This target was chosen as the smallest useful result/artifact. The larger package-sets get, the more disk-space and build-power is required to build/verify all of them.

This work was sponsored by NLnet’s NGI Zero fund.

Marvin Strangfeld published his bachelor thesis, “Reproducibility of Computational Environments for Software Development” from RWTH Aachen University. The author offers a more precise theoretical definition of computational environments compared to previous definitions, which can be applied to describe real-world computational environments. Additionally, Marvin provide a definition of reproducibility in computational environments, enabling discussions about the extent to which an environment can be made reproducible. The thesis is available to browse or download in PDF format.

In addition, Shenyu Zheng, Bram Adams and Ahmed E. Hassan of Queen’s University, ON, Canada have published an article on “hermeticity” in Bazel-based build systems:

A hermetic build system manages its own build dependencies, isolated from the host file system, thereby securing the build process. Although, in recent years, new artifact-based build technologies like Bazel offer build hermeticity as a core functionality, no empirical study has evaluated how effectively these new build technologies achieve build hermeticity. This paper studies 2,439 non-hermetic build dependency packages of 70 Bazel-using open-source projects by analyzing 150 million Linux system file calls collected in their build processes. We found that none of the studied projects has a completely hermetic build process, largely due to the use of non-hermetic top-level toolchains. []

Distribution work

In Debian this month, 14 reviews of Debian packages were added, 12 were updated and 20 were removed, all adding to our knowledge about identified issues. A number of issue types were updated as well. [][]

In addition, Holger opened 4 bugs against the debrebuild component of the devscripts suite of tools. In particular:

  • #1081047: Fails to download .dsc file.
  • #1081048: Does not work with a proxy.
  • #1081050: Fails to create a debrebuild.tar.
  • #1081839: Fails with E: mmdebstrap failed to run error.

Last month, an issue was filed to update the Salsa CI pipeline (used by 1,000s of Debian packages) to no longer test for reproducibility with reprotest’s build_path variation. Holger Levsen provided a rationale for this change in the issue, which has already been made to the tests being performed by This month, this issue was closed by Santiago R. R., nicely explaining that build path variation is no longer the default, and, if desired, how developers may enable it again.

In openSUSE news, Bernhard M. Wiedemann published another report for that distribution.


diffoscope is our in-depth and content-aware diff utility that can locate and diagnose reproducibility issues. This month, Chris Lamb made the following changes, including preparing and uploading version 278 to Debian:

  • New features:

    • Add a helpful contextual message to the output if comparing Debian .orig tarballs within .dsc files without the ability to “fuzzy-match” away the leading directory.  []
  • Bug fixes:

    • Drop removal of calculated os.path.basename from GNU readelf output. []
    • Correctly invert “X% similar” value and do not emit “100% similar”. []
  • Misc:

    • Temporarily remove procyon-decompiler from Build-Depends as it was removed from testing (via #1057532). (#1082636)
    • Update copyright years. []

For trydiffoscope, the command-line client for the web-based version of diffoscope, Chris Lamb also:

  • Added an explicit python3-setuptools dependency. (#1080825)
  • Bumped the Standards-Version to 4.7.0. []

Other software development

disorderfs is our FUSE-based filesystem that deliberately introduces non-determinism into system calls to reliably flush out reproducibility issues. This month, version 0.5.11-4 was uploaded to Debian unstable by Holger Levsen making the following changes:

  • Replace build-dependency on the obsolete pkg-config package with one on pkgconf, following a Lintian check. []
  • Bump Standards-Version field to 4.7.0, with no related changes needed. []

In addition, reprotest is our tool for building the same source code twice in different environments and then checking the binaries produced by each build for any differences. This month, version 0.7.28 was uploaded to Debian unstable by Holger Levsen including a change by Jelle van der Waa to move away from the pipes Python module to shlex, as the former will be removed in Python version 3.13 [].

Android toolchain core count issue reported

Fay Stegerman reported an issue with the Android toolchain where a part of the build system generates a different classes.dex file (and thus a different .apk) depending on the number of cores available during the build, thereby breaking Reproducible Builds:

We’ve rebuilt [tag v3.6.1] multiple times (each time in a fresh container): with 2, 4, 6, 8, and 16 cores available, respectively:

  • With 2 and 4 cores we always get an unsigned APK with SHA-256 14763d682c9286ef….
  • With 6, 8, and 16 cores we get an unsigned APK with SHA-256 35324ba4c492760… instead.

New Gradle plugin for reproducibility

A new plugin for the Gradle build tool for Java has been released. This easily-enabled plugin results in:

reproducibility settings [being] applied to some of Gradle’s built-in tasks that should really be the default. Compatible with Java 8 and Gradle 8.3 or later.

Website updates

There were a rather substantial number of improvements made to our website this month, including:

Upstream patches

The Reproducible Builds project detects, dissects and attempts to fix as many currently-unreproducible packages as possible. We endeavour to send all of our patches upstream where appropriate. This month, we wrote a large number of such patches, including:

Reproducibility testing framework

The Reproducible Builds project operates a comprehensive testing framework running primarily at in order to check packages and other artifacts for reproducibility. In September, a number of changes were made by Holger Levsen, including:

  • Debian-related changes:

    • Upgrade the osuosl4 node to Debian trixie in anticipation of running debrebuild and rebuilderd there. [][][]
    • Temporarily mark the osuosl4 node as offline due to ongoing xfs_repair filesystem maintenance. [][]
    • Do not warn about (very old) broken nodes. []
    • Add the risc64 architecture to the multiarch version skew tests for Debian trixie and sid. [][][]
    • Mark the virt{32,64}b nodes as down. []
  • Misc changes:

    • Add support for powercycling OpenStack instances. []
    • Update the fail2ban to ban hosts for 4 weeks in total [][] and take care to never ban our own Jenkins instance. []

In addition, Vagrant Cascadian recorded a disk failure for the virt32b and virt64b nodes [], performed some maintenance of the cbxi4a node [][] and marked most armhf architecture systems as being back online.

Finally, If you are interested in contributing to the Reproducible Builds project, please visit our Contribute page on our website. However, you can get in touch with us via:

07 October, 2024 09:12PM

October 06, 2024

hackergotchi for Bits from Debian

Bits from Debian

Bits from the DPL

Dear Debian community,

this are my bits from DPL for September.

New lintian maintainer

I'm pleased to welcome Louis-Philippe Véronneau as a new Lintian maintainer. He humorously acknowledged his new role, stating, "Apparently I'm a Lintian maintainer now". I remain confident that we can, and should, continue modernizing our policy checker, and I see this as one important step toward that goal.

SPDX name / license tools

There was a discussion about deprecating the unique names for DEP-5 and migrating to fully compliant SPDX names.

Simon McVittie wrote: "Perhaps our Debian-specific names are better, but the relevant question is whether they are sufficiently better to outweigh the benefit of sharing effort and specifications with the rest of the world (and I don't think they are)." Also Charles Plessy sees the value of deprecating the Debian ones and align on SPDX.

The thread on debian-devel list contains several practical hints for writing debian/copyright files.

proposal: Hybrid network stack for Trixie

There was a very long discussion on debian-devel list about the network stack on Trixie that started in July and was continued in end of August / beginning of September. The discussion was also covered on LWN. It continued in a "proposal: Hybrid network stack for Trixie" by Lukas Märdian.

Contacting teams

I continued reaching out to teams in September. One common pattern I've noticed is that most teams lack a clear strategy for attracting new contributors. Here's an example snippet from one of my outreach emails, which is representative of the typical approach:

Q: Do you have some strategy to gather new contributors for your team? A: No. Q: Can I do anything for you? A: Everything that can help to have more than 3 guys :-D

Well, only the first answer, "No," is typical. To help the JavaScript team, I'd like to invite anyone with JavaScript experience to join the team's mailing list and offer to learn and contribute. While I've only built a JavaScript package once, I know this team has developed excellent tools that are widely adopted by others. It's an active and efficient team, making it a great starting point for those looking to get involved in Debian. You might also want to check out the "Little tutorial for JS-Team beginners".

Given the lack of a strategy to actively recruit new contributors--a common theme in the responses I've received--I recommend reviewing my talk from DebConf23 about teams. The Debian Med team would have struggled significantly in my absence (I've paused almost all work with the team since becoming DPL) if I hadn't consistently focused on bringing in new members. I'm genuinely proud of how the team has managed to keep up with the workload (thank you, Debian Med team!). Of course, onboarding newcomers takes time, and there's no guarantee of long-term success, but if you don't make the effort, you'll never find out.

OS underpaid

The Register, in its article titled "Open Source Maintainers Underpaid, Swamped by Security, Going Gray", summarizes the 2024 State of the Open Source Maintainer Report. I find this to be an interesting read, both in general and in connection with the challenges mentioned in the previous paragraph about finding new team members.

Kind regards Andreas.

06 October, 2024 10:00PM by Andreas Tille

October 04, 2024

hackergotchi for Jonathan Dowland

Jonathan Dowland


Although I've never written about them, I've been interested in music synthesisers for ages. My colleagues know this. Whilst I've been off sick, they had a whip-round and bought me a voucher for Andertons, a UK-based music store, to cheer me up.

I'm absolutely floored by this generosity. And so, I'm now on a quest to buy a synthesizer! Although, not my first one.

Alesis Micron on my desk, taunting me

Alesis Micron on my desk, taunting me

I bought my first synth, an Alesis Micron, from a colleague at $oldjob, 16 years ago. For various reasons, I've struggled to engage with it, and it's mostly been gathering dust on my desk in all that time. (I might write more about the Micron in a later blog post). "Bad Gear" sums it up better than I could:

So, I'm not truly buying my "first" synth, but for all intents and purposes I'm on a similar journey to if I was, and I thought it might be fun to write about it.


I want something which has as many of its parameters presented physically, as knobs or sliders etc., as possible. One reason I've failed to engage with the Micron (so far) is it's at the other end of this spectrum, with hundreds of tunable parameters but a small handful of knobs. To change parameters you have to go diving into menus presented on a really old-fashioned, small LCD display. If you know what you are looking for, you can probably find it; but if you just want to experiment and play around, it's off-putting.

Secondly, I want something I can use away from a computer, as much as possible. Computers are my day-job, largely dominate my existing hobbies, and are unavoidable even in some of the others (like 3d printing). Most of the computers I interact with run Linux. And for all its strengths, audio management is not one of them. If I'm going to carve out some of my extremely limited leisure time to explore this stuff, I don't to spend any of it (at least now) fighting Pulseaudio/ALSA/Pipewire/JACK/OSS/whatever, or any of the other foibles that might crop up1.

Thirdly, I'd like something which, in its soul, is an instrument. You can get some amazing little synth boxes with a huge number of features in them. Something with a limited number of features but which really feels well put together would suit me better.

So… next time, I'll write about the 2-3 top candidates on my list. Can you guess what they might be?

  1. To give another example. The other day I sat down to try and use the Micron, which had its audio out wired into an external audio interface, in turn plugged into my laptop's Thunderbolt dock. For a while I couldn't figure out why I couldn't hear anything, until I realised the Thunderbolt dock was having "a moment" and not presenting its USB devices to the laptop. Hobby time window gone!

04 October, 2024 08:55PM

hackergotchi for Bits from Debian

Bits from Debian

Debian welcomes Freexian as our newest partner!

Freexian logo

We are excited to announce and welcome Freexian into Debian Partners.

Freexian specializes in Free Software with a particular focus on Debian GNU/Linux. Freexian can assist with consulting, training, technical support, packaging, or software development on projects involving use or development of Free software.

All of Freexian's employees and partners are well-known contributors in the Free Software community, a choice that is integral to Freexian's business model.

About the Debian Partners Program

The Debian Partners Program was created to recognize companies and organizations that help and provide continuous support to the project with services, finances, equipment, vendor support, and a slew of other technical and non-technical services.

Partners provide critical assistance, help, and support which has advanced and continues to further our work in providing the 'Universal Operating System' to the world.

Thank you Freexian!

04 October, 2024 01:17AM by Donald Norwood

October 03, 2024

hackergotchi for Mike Gabriel

Mike Gabriel

Creating (a) new frontend(s) for Polis

After (quite) a summer break, here comes the 4th article of the 5-episode blog post series on Polis, written by Guido Berhörster, member of staff at my company Fre(i)e Software GmbH.

Have fun with the read on Guido's work on Polis,

Table of Contents of the Blog Post Series

  1. Introduction
  2. Initial evaluation and adaptation
  3. Issues extending Polis and adjusting our goals
  4. Creating (a) new frontend(s) for Polis (this article)
  5. Current status and roadmap

4. Creating (a) new frontend(s) for Polis

Why a new frontend was needed...

Our initial experiences of working with Polis, the effort required to implement more invasive changes and the desire of iterating changes more rapidly ultimately lead to the decision to create a new foundation for frontend development that would be independent of but compatible with the upstream project.

Our primary objective was thus not to develop another frontend but rather to make frontend development more flexible and to facilitate experimentation and rapid prototyping of different frontends by providing abstraction layers and building blocks.

This also implied developing a corresponding backend since the Polis backend is tightly coupled to the frontend and is neither intended to be used by third-party projects nor supporting cross-domain requests due to the expectation of being embedded as an iframe on third-party websites.

The long-term plan for achieving our objectives is to provide three abstraction layers for building frontends:

  • a stable cross-domain HTTP API
  • a low-level JavaScript library for interacting with the HTTP API
  • a high-level library of WebComponents as a framework-neutral way of rapidly building frontends

The Particiapp Project

Under the umbrella of the Particiapp project we have so far developed two new components:

  • the Particiapi server which provides the HTTP API
  • the example frontend project which currently contains both the client library and an experimental example frontend built with it

Both the participation frontend and backend are fully compatible and require an existing Polis installation and can be run alongside the upstream frontend. More specifically, the administration frontend and common backend are required to administrate conversations and send out notifications and the statistics processing server is required for processing the voting results.

Particiapi server

For the backend the Python language and the Flask framework were chosen as a technological basis mainly due to developer mindshare, a large community and ecosystem and the smaller dependency chain and maintenance overhead compared to Node.js/npm. Instead of integrating specific identity providers we adopted the OpenID Connect standard as an abstraction layer for authentication which allows delegating authentication either to a self-hosted identity provider or a large number of existing external identity providers.

Particiapp Example Frontend

The experimental example frontend serves both as a test bed for the client library and as a tool for better understanding the needs of frontend designers. It also features a completely redesigned user interface and results visualization in line with our goals. Branded variants are currently used for evaluation and testing by the stakeholders.

In order to simplify evaluation, development, testing and deployment a Docker Compose configuration is made available which contains all necessary components for running Polis with our experimental example frontend. In addition, a development environment is provided which includes a preconfigured OpenID Connect identity provider (KeyCloak), SMTP-Server with web interface (MailDev), and a database frontend (PgAdmin). The new frontend can also be tested using our public demo server.

03 October, 2024 05:27AM by sunweaver

October 01, 2024

hackergotchi for Colin Watson

Colin Watson

Free software activity in September 2024

Almost all of my Debian contributions this month were sponsored by Freexian.

You can also support my work directly via Liberapay.


My main Debian project for the month turned out to be getting Pydantic back into a good state in Debian testing. I’ve used Pydantic quite a bit in various projects, most recently in Debusine, so I have an interest in making sure it works well in Debian. However, it had been stalled on 1.10.17 for quite a while due to the complexities of getting 2.x packaged. This was partly making sure everything else could cope with the transition, but in practice mostly sorting out packaging of its new Rust dependencies. Several other people (notably Alexandre Detiste, Andreas Tille, Drew Parsons, and Timo Röhling) had made some good progress on this, but nobody had quite got it over the line and it seemed a bit stuck.

Learning Rust is on my to-do list, but merely not knowing a language hasn’t stopped me before. So I learned how the Debian Rust team’s packaging works, upgraded a few packages to new upstream versions (including rust-half and upstream rust-idna test fixes), and packaged rust-jiter. After a lot of waiting around for various things and chasing some failures in other packages I was eventually able to get current versions of both pydantic-core and pydantic into testing.

I’m looking forward to being able to drop our clunky v1 compatibility code once debusine can rely on running on trixie!


I upgraded the Debian packaging to OpenSSH 9.9p1.


I upgraded python-yubihsm, yubihsm-connector, and yubihsm-shell to new upstream versions.

I noticed that I could enable some tests in python-yubihsm and yubihsm-shell; I’d previously thought the whole test suite required a real YubiHSM device, but when I looked closer it turned out that this was only true for some tests.

I fixed yubihsm-shell build failures on some 32-bit architectures (upstream PRs #431, #432), and also made it build reproducibly.

Thanks to Helmut Grohne, I fixed yubihsm-connector to apply udev rules to existing devices when the package is installed.

As usual, bookworm-backports is up to date with all these changes.

Python team

setuptools 72.0.0 removed the venerable test command. This caused some fallout in Debian, some of which was quite non-obvious as packaging helpers sometimes fell back to different ways of running test suites that didn’t quite work. I fixed django-guardian, manuel, python-autopage, python-flask-seeder, python-pgpdump, python-potr, python-precis-i18n, python-stopit, serpent, straight.plugin, supervisor, and zope.i18nmessageid.

As usual for new language versions, the addition of Python 3.13 caused some problems. I fixed psycopg2, python-time-machine, and python-traits.

I fixed build/autopkgtest failures in keymapper, python-django-test-migrations, python-rosettasciio, routes, transmissionrpc, and twisted.

buildbot was in a bit of a mess due to being incompatible with SQLAlchemy 2.0. Fortunately by the time I got to it upstream had committed a workable set of patches, and the main difficulty was figuring out what to cherry-pick since they haven’t made a new upstream release with all of that yet. I figured this out and got us up to 4.0.3.

Adrian Bunk asked whether python-zipp should be removed from trixie. I spent some time investigating this and concluded that the answer was no, but looking into it was an interesting exercise anyway.

On the other hand, I looked into flask-appbuilder, concluded that it should be removed, and filed a removal request.

I upgraded some embedded CSS files in nbconvert.

I upgraded importlib-resources, ipywidgets, jsonpickle, pydantic-settings, pylint (fixing a test failure), python-aiohttp-session, python-apptools, python-asyncssh, python-django-celery-beat, python-django-rules, python-limits, python-multidict, python-persistent, python-pkginfo, python-rt, python-spur, python-zipp, stravalib, transmissionrpc, vulture, zodbpickle, zope.exceptions (adopting it), zope.i18nmessageid, zope.proxy, and to new upstream versions.


The experimental and *-proposed-updates suites used to not have Contents-* files, and a long time ago debmirror was changed to just skip those files in those suites. They were added to the Debian archive some time ago, but debmirror carried on skipping them anyway. Once I realized what was going on, I removed these unnecessary special cases (#819925, #1080168).

01 October, 2024 01:19PM by Colin Watson

hackergotchi for Junichi Uekawa

Junichi Uekawa

Hello October.

Hello October. I've been trying to do the GPG signing from Debconf but my backlog of stuff is in my way.

01 October, 2024 01:03PM by Junichi Uekawa

hackergotchi for Guido Günther

Guido Günther

Free Software Activities September 2024

Another short status update of what happened on my side last month. Besides the usual amount of housekeeping last month was a lot about getting old issues resolved by finishing some stale merge requests and work in pogress MRs. I also pushed out the Phosh 0.42.0 Release


  • Mark mobile-data quick setting as insensitive when modem is off (MR)
  • Document handler naming (MR)
  • Phosh 0.41.1 (MR)
  • Phosh 0.42~rc1 (MR)
  • Phosh 0.42.0 (MR)
  • Handle per app notification enable setting (MR) (a 3y old MR cleaned up and out of the way)
  • Use parent's icon if child doesn't have one (MR (another 1y old MR moved out of draft status)
  • Fix Rust build and upcoming events .plugin file (MR)
  • Lint markdown (MR)
  • Sanitize versions as this otherwise breaks the libphosh-rs build (MR)
  • lockscreen: Swap deck and carousel to avoid triggering the plugins page when entering pin and let the lockscreen shrink to smaller sizes (MR) (two more year old usability issues out of the way)
  • Let bitfield values end up in the docs again (MR)
  • Don't focus incorrect app on launch (MR). This could happen with apps like calls that run a daemon (and needs more work for a clean solution).
  • Continue with wallpaper MR (MR) (still draft)
  • Brush up and land an old MR to avoid crashes on scale changes (MR). Another five month old MR out of the way.
  • API version the shared library (MR)
  • Ensure we send enough feedback when phone is blanked/locked (MR). This should be way easier now for apps as they don't need to do anything and we can avoid duplicate feedback sent from e.g. Chatty.
  • Fix possible use after free when activating notifications on the lock screen (MR)


  • Simplify layer-surface creation / destruction (MR)
  • Don't lose preedit when switching applications, opening menus, etc (MR). This fixes the case (e.g. with word completion in phosh-osk-stub enabled) where it looks to the user as if the last typed word would get lost when switching from a text editor to another app or when opening a menu
  • Ease focus debugging (MR)
  • Release 0.42~rc1 (MR)
  • Release 0.42.0 (MR)
  • Mention examples in docs and check more things (MR)


  • Release 0.42~rc1 (MR)
  • Release 0.42 (MR)
  • Update ci-fairy (MR)


  • Update Phosh-0.gir with above phosh fixes to unbreak the build (MR)
  • Rework to work with API versioned libphosh (MR)


  • Add paste button to easy pasting text (MR)
  • Add copy button (draft) (MR)
  • Fix word salad with presage completer when entering cursor navigation mode (and in some other cases) (MR 1). Presage has the best completion but was marked experimental due to that.
  • Submit preedit on changes to terminal and emoji layout (MR)
  • Enable hint based completion by default (MR)
  • Release 0.42~r1 (MR)
  • Release 0.42.0 (MR)


  • Add sound for cellbroadcast (MR)
  • Release 0.42.0 (MR)


  • Weekly image builds of nightly packages are now built in CI and uploaded.
  • Handle Fixes: tag in git commit messages as well (MR)
  • Let release prep handle non-RC versions as well (MR)
  • Add common markdown linter job (MR)


  • Update wlr-randr (MR)
  • Upload libqmi developement snapshot (MR) (Helps eSIM and CellBroadcast)
  • Update phosh to not crash with GSD from GNOME 47 (MR)
  • Fix systemd unit path in calls (MR)
  • Package wikietractor (MR)


  • More work on Cell Broadcast so we can finally undraft (MR)


  • Check consistency when building releases (MR
  • Object life cycle fixes (MR)
  • Use DBus activation (MR). This ensures it spawns quickly rather than phosh's splash screen timing out.


  • Add user unit for mpris proxy so it works out of the box (Patch) and one can skip e.g. songs in a cars media unit


  • Wrap info-bar more (MR) to fit smalls screens
  • Forward metainfo/desktop file updates from Mobian (MR) (patch originally by Arnaud Ferraris)


  • Add udev rule to support haptic on Oneplus Fajita / Enchilada's (non-mailine driver) (MR)
  • Support alert-slider on OnePlus 6/6T (MR. Based on a script by "isyourbrain foss".
  • Release 0.5.0 (MR)
  • Improve spec a bit regarding notification events (MR)


  • Don't send feedback for notifications (MR). The notification daemon does this already.
  • Add event for cellbroadcast messages (MR)
  • Switch to DBus activation (MR). This ensures the compositor sees the activation token and is will be useful for unified push.
  • Don't let scroll_down button take focus (MR). This prevents the OSK from folding when the text view is focused and ones scrolls to the bottom.
  • Use revealer to show/hide scroll_down button (MR) - just to make the visual more appealing
  • Unbreak messge display (MR)
  • Unbreak application icon (MR)
  • Drop special preedit handling (MR).


  • Drop margin so we can fit on smaller screens (MR). This helps phosh on lower effective resolutions.
  • Backport margin patch (MR)


  • Fix doc formatting for g_input_stream_read_all* (MR)


  • Add toplevel responsiveness state (MR) so phosh can inform about unresponsive apps



  • Unbreak and modernize CI a bit (MR). A passing CI is so much more motivating for contributers and reviewers.


  • Fix app-id and hence the icon shown in Phosh's overview (MR)

Help Development

If you want to support my work see donations. This includes a list of hardware we want to improve support for. Thanks a lot to all current and past donors.

01 October, 2024 11:43AM

September 30, 2024

hackergotchi for Bits from Debian

Bits from Debian

New Debian Developers and Maintainers (July and August 2024)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months:

  • Carlos Henrique Lima Melara (charles)
  • Joenio Marques da Costa (joenio)
  • Blair Noctis (ncts)

The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months:

  • Taihsiang Ho


30 September, 2024 02:30PM by Jean-Pierre Giraud

Russell Coker

September 29, 2024

hackergotchi for Dirk Eddelbuettel

Dirk Eddelbuettel

RApiSerialize 0.1.4 on CRAN: Added C++ Namespace

A new minor release 0.1.5 of RApiSerialize arrived on CRAN today. The RApiSerialize package is used by both my RcppRedis as well as by Travers excellent qs package. This release adds an optional C++ namespace, available when the API header file is included in a C++ source file. And as one often does, the release also brings a few small updates to different aspects of the packaging.

Changes in version 0.1.4 (2024-09-28)

  • Add C++ namespace in API header (Dirk in #9 closing #8)

  • Several packaging updates: switched to Authors@R, badge updates, added .editorconfig and cleanup

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is a diffstat report relative to previous release. More details are at the RApiSerialize page; code, issue tickets etc at the GitHub repositoryrapiserializerepo.

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

29 September, 2024 12:58AM

Reproducible Builds

Supporter spotlight: Kees Cook on Linux kernel security

The Reproducible Builds project relies on several projects, supporters and sponsors for financial support, but they are also valued as ambassadors who spread the word about our project and the work that we do.

This is the eighth installment in a series featuring the projects, companies and individuals who support the Reproducible Builds project. We started this series by featuring the Civil Infrastructure Platform project, and followed this up with a post about the Ford Foundation as well as recent ones about ARDC, the Google Open Source Security Team (GOSST), Bootstrappable Builds, the F-Droid project, David A. Wheeler and Simon Butler.

Today, however, we will be talking with Kees Cook, founder of the Kernel Self-Protection Project.

Vagrant Cascadian: Could you tell me a bit about yourself? What sort of things do you work on?

Kees Cook: I’m a Free Software junkie living in Portland, Oregon, USA. I have been focusing on the upstream Linux kernel’s protection of itself. There is a lot of support that the kernel provides userspace to defend itself, but when I first started focusing on this there was not as much attention given to the kernel protecting itself. As userspace got more hardened the kernel itself became a bigger target. Almost 9 years ago I formally announced the Kernel Self-Protection Project because the work necessary was way more than my time and expertise could do alone. So I just try to get people to help as much as possible; people who understand the ARM architecture, people who understand the memory management subsystem to help, people who understand how to make the kernel less buggy.

Vagrant: Could you describe the path that lead you to working on this sort of thing?

Kees: I have always been interested in security through the aspect of exploitable flaws. I always thought it was like a magic trick to make a computer do something that it was very much not designed to do and seeing how easy it is to subvert bugs. I wanted to improve that fragility. In 2006, I started working at Canonical on Ubuntu and was mainly focusing on bringing Debian and Ubuntu up to what was the state of the art for Fedora and Gentoo’s security hardening efforts. Both had really pioneered a lot of userspace hardening with compiler flags and ELF stuff and many other things for hardened binaries. On the whole, Debian had not really paid attention to it. Debian’s packaging building process at the time was sort of a chaotic free-for-all as there wasn’t centralized build methodology for defining things. Luckily that did slowly change over the years. In Ubuntu we had the opportunity to apply top down build rules for hardening all the packages. In 2011 Chrome OS was following along and took advantage of a bunch of the security hardening work as they were based on ebuild out of Gentoo and when they looked for someone to help out they reached out to me. We recognized the Linux kernel was pretty much the weakest link in the Chrome OS security posture and I joined them to help solve that. Their userspace was pretty well handled but the kernel had a lot of weaknesses, so focusing on hardening was the next place to go. When I compared notes with other users of the Linux kernel within Google there were a number of common concerns and desires. Chrome OS already had an “upstream first” requirement, so I tried to consolidate the concerns and solve them upstream. It was challenging to land anything in other kernel team repos at Google, as they (correctly) wanted to minimize their delta from upstream, so I needed to work on any major improvements entirely in upstream and had a lot of support from Google to do that. As such, my focus shifted further from working directly on Chrome OS into being entirely upstream and being more of a consultant to internal teams, helping with integration or sometimes backporting. Since the volume of needed work was so gigantic I needed to find ways to inspire other developers (both inside and outside of Google) to help. Once I had a budget I tried to get folks paid (or hired) to work on these areas when it wasn’t already their job.

Vagrant: So my understanding of some of your recent work is basically defining undefined behavior in the language or compiler?

Kees: I’ve found the term “undefined behavior” to have a really strict meaning within the compiler community, so I have tried to redefine my goal as eliminating “unexpected behavior” or “ambiguous language constructs”. At the end of the day ambiguity leads to bugs, and bugs lead to exploitable security flaws. I’ve been taking a four-pronged approach: supporting the work people are doing to get rid of ambiguity, identify new areas where ambiguity needs to be removed, actually removing that ambiguity from the C language, and then dealing with any needed refactoring in the Linux kernel source to adapt to the new constraints.

None of this is particularly novel; people have recognized how dangerous some of these language constructs are for decades and decades but I think it is a combination of hard problems and a lot of refactoring that nobody has the interest/resources to do. So, we have been incrementally going after the lowest hanging fruit. One clear example in recent years was the elimination of C’s “implicit fall-through” in switch statements. The language would just fall through between adjacent cases if a break (or other code flow directive) wasn’t present. But this is ambiguous: is the code meant to fall-through, or did the author just forget a break statement? By defining the “[[fallthrough]]” statement, and requiring its use in Linux, all switch statements now have explicit code flow, and the entire class of bugs disappeared. During our refactoring we actually found that 1 in 10 added “[[fallthrough]]” statements were actually missing break statements. This was an extraordinarily common bug!

So getting rid of that ambiguity is where we have been. Another area I’ve been spending a bit of time on lately is looking at how defensive security work has challenges associated with metrics. How do you measure your defensive security impact? You can’t say “because we installed locks on the doors, 20% fewer break-ins have happened.” Much of our signal is always secondary or retrospective, which is frustrating: “This class of flaw was used X much over the last decade so, and if we have eliminated that class of flaw and will never see it again, what is the impact?” Is the impact infinity? Attackers will just move to the next easiest thing. But it means that exploitation gets incrementally more difficult. As attack surfaces are reduced, the expense of exploitation goes up.

Vagrant: So it is hard to identify how effective this is… how bad would it be if people just gave up?

Kees: I think it would be pretty bad, because as we have seen, using secondary factors, the work we have done in the industry at large, not just the Linux kernel, has had an impact. What we, Microsoft, Apple, and everyone else is doing for their respective software ecosystems, has shown that the price of functional exploits in the black market has gone up. Especially for really egregious stuff like a zero-click remote code execution.

If those were cheap then obviously we are not doing something right, and it becomes clear that it’s trivial for anyone to attack the infrastructure that our lives depend on. But thankfully we have seen over the last two decades that prices for exploits keep going up and up into millions of dollars. I think it is important to keep working on that because, as a central piece of modern computer infrastructure, the Linux kernel has a giant target painted on it. If we give up, we have to accept that our computers are not doing what they were designed to do, which I can’t accept. The safety of my grandparents shouldn’t be any different from the safety of journalists, and political activists, and anyone else who might be the target of attacks. We need to be able to trust our devices otherwise why use them at all?

Vagrant: What has been your biggest success in recent years?

Kees: I think with all these things I am not the only actor. Almost everything that we have been successful at has been because of a lot of people’s work, and one of the big ones that has been coordinated across the ecosystem and across compilers was initializing stack variables to 0 by default. This feature was added in Clang, GCC, and MSVC across the board even though there were a lot of fears about forking the C language.

The worry was that developers would come to depend on zero-initialized stack variables, but this hasn’t been the case because we still warn about uninitialized variables when the compiler can figure that out. So you still still get the warnings at compile time but now you can count on the contents of your stack at run-time and we drop an entire class of uninitialized variable flaws. While the exploitation of this class has mostly been around memory content exposure, it has also been used for control flow attacks. So that was politically and technically a large challenge: convincing people it was necessary, showing its utility, and implementing it in a way that everyone would be happy with, resulting in the elimination of a large and persistent class of flaws in C.

Vagrant: In a world where things are generally Reproducible do you see ways in which that might affect your work?

Kees: One of the questions I frequently get is, “What version of the Linux kernel has feature $foo?” If I know how things are built, I can answer with just a version number. In a Reproducible Builds scenario I can count on the compiler version, compiler flags, kernel configuration, etc. all those things are known, so I can actually answer definitively that a certain feature exists. So that is an area where Reproducible Builds affects me most directly. Indirectly, it is just being able to trust the binaries you are running are going to behave the same for the same build environment is critical for sane testing.

Vagrant: Have you used diffoscope?

Kees: I have! One subset of tree-wide refactoring that we do when getting rid of ambiguous language usage in the kernel is when we have to make source level changes to satisfy some new compiler requirement but where the binary output is not expected to change at all. It is mostly about getting the compiler to understand what is happening, what is intended in the cases where the old ambiguity does actually match the new unambiguous description of what is intended. The binary shouldn’t change. We have used diffoscope to compare the before and after binaries to confirm that “yep, there is no change in binary”.

Vagrant: You cannot just use checksums for that?

Kees: For the most part, we need to only compare the text segments. We try to hold as much stable as we can, following the Reproducible Builds documentation for the kernel, but there are macros in the kernel that are sensitive to source line numbers and as a result those will change the layout of the data segment (and sometimes the text segment too). With diffoscope there’s flexibility where I can exclude or include different comparisons. Sometimes I just go look at what diffoscope is doing and do that manually, because I can tweak that a little harder, but diffoscope is definitely the default. Diffoscope is awesome!

Vagrant: Where has reproducible builds affected you?

Kees: One of the notable wins of reproducible builds lately was dealing with the fallout of the XZ backdoor and just being able to ask the question “is my build environment running the expected code?” and to be able to compare the output generated from one install that never had a vulnerable XZ and one that did have a vulnerable XZ and compare the results of what you get. That was important for kernel builds because the XZ threat actor was working to expand their influence and capabilities to include Linux kernel builds, but they didn’t finish their work before they were noticed. I think what happened with Debian proving the build infrastructure was not affected is an important example of how people would have needed to verify the kernel builds too.

Vagrant: What do you want to see for the near or distant future in security work?

Kees: For reproducible builds in the kernel, in the work that has been going on in the ClangBuiltLinux project, one of the driving forces of code and usability quality has been the continuous integration work. As soon as something breaks, on the kernel side, the Clang side, or something in between the two, we get a fast signal and can chase it and fix the bugs quickly. I would like to see someone with funding to maintain a reproducible kernel build CI. There have been places where there are certain architecture configurations or certain build configuration where we lose reproducibility and right now we have sort of a standard open source development feedback loop where those things get fixed but the time in between introduction and fix can be large. Getting a CI for reproducible kernels would give us the opportunity to shorten that time.

Vagrant: Well, thanks for that! Any last closing thoughts?

Kees: I am a big fan of reproducible builds, thank you for all your work. The world is a safer place because of it.

Vagrant: Likewise for your work!

For more information about the Reproducible Builds project, please see our website at If you are interested in ensuring the ongoing security of the software that underpins our civilisation and wish to sponsor the Reproducible Builds project, please reach out to the project by emailing

29 September, 2024 12:00AM

September 25, 2024

Russell Coker



I have just setup a PiKVM, here’s the Amazon link for the KVM hardware (case and Pi hat etc) and here’s an Amazon link for a Pi4 to match.

The PiKVM web site has good documentation [1] and they have a YouTube channel with videos showing how to assemble the devices [2]. It’s really convenient being able to change the playback speed from low speeds like 1/4 original speed) to double speed when watching such a video. One thing to note is that there are some revisions to the hardware that aren’t covered in the videos, the device I received had some improvements that made it easier to assemble which weren’t in the video.

When you buy the device and Pi you need to also get a SD card of at least 4G in size, a CR1220 battery for real-time clock, and a USB-2/3 to USB-C cable for keyboard/mouse MUST NOT BE USB-C to USB-C! When I first tried using it I used a USB-C to USB-C cable for keyboard and mouse and it didn’t work for reasons I don’t understand (I welcome comments with theories about this). You also need a micro-HDMI to HDMI cable to get video output if you want to set it up without having to find the IP address and ssh to it.

The system has a bright OLED display to show the IP address and some other information which is very handy.

The hardware is easy enough for a 12yo to setup. The construction of the parts are solid and well engineered with everything fitting together nicely. It has a PCI/PCIe slot adaptor for controlling power and sending LED status over the connection which I didn’t test. I definitely recommend this.


This is the download link for the RaspberryPi images for the PiKVM [3]. The “v3” image matches the hardware from the Amazon link I provided.

The default username/password is root/root. Connect it to a HDMI monitor and USB keyboard to change the password etc. If you control the DHCP server you can find the IP address it’s using and ssh to it to change the password (it is configured to allow ssh as root with password authentication).

If you get the kit to assemble it (as opposed to buying a completed unit already assembled) then you need to run the following commands as root to enable the OLED display. This means that after assembling it you can’t get the IP address without plugging in a monitor with a micro-HDMI to HDMI cable or having access to the DHCP server logs.

systemctl enable --now kvmd-oled kvmd-oled-reboot kvmd-oled-shutdown
systemctl enable --now kvmd-fan

The default webadmin username/password is admin/admin.

To change the passwords run the following commands:

kvmd-htpasswd set admin
passwd root

It is configured to have the root filesystem mounted read-only which is something I thought had gone out of fashion decades ago. I don’t think that modern versions of the Ext3/4 drivers are going to corrupt your filesystem if you have it mounted read-write when you reboot.

By default it uses a self-signed SSL certificate so with a Chrome based browser you get an error when you connect where you have to select “advanced” and then tell it to proceed regardless. I presume you could use the DNS method of Certbot authentication to get a SSL certificate to use on an internal view of your DNS to make it work normally with SSL.

The web based software has all the features you expect from a KVM. It shows the screen in any resolution up to 1920*1080 and proxies keyboard and mouse. Strangely “lsusb” on the machine being managed only reports a single USB device entry for it which covers both keyboard and mouse.

Managing Computers

For a tower PC disconnect any regular monitor(s) and connect a HDMI port to the HDMI input on the KVM. Connect a regular USB port (not USB-C) to the “OTG” port on the KVM, then it should all just work.

For a laptop connect the HDMI port to the HDMI input on the KVM. Connect a regular USB port (not USB-C) to the “OTG” port on the KVM. Then boot it up and press Fn-F8 for Dell, Fn-F7 for Lenovo or whatever the vendor code is to switch display output to HDMI during the BIOS initialisation, then Linux will follow the BIOS and send all output to the HDMI port for the early stages of booting. Apparently Lenovo systems have the Fn key mapped in the BIOS so an external keyboard could be used to switch between display outputs, but the PiKVM software doesn’t appear to support that. For other systems (probably including the Dell laptops that interest me) the Fn key apparently can’t be simulated externally. So for using this to work on laptops in another city I need to have someone local press Fn-F8 at the right time to allow me to change BIOS settings.

It is possible to configure the Linux kernel to mirror display to external HDMI and an internal laptop screen. But this doesn’t seem useful to me as the use cases for this device don’t require that. If you are using it for a server that doesn’t have iDRAC/ILO or other management hardware there will be no other “monitor” and all the output will go through the only connected HDMI device. My main use for it in the near future will be for supporting remote laptops, when Linux has a problem on boot as an easier option than talking someone through Linux commands and for such use it will be a temporary thing and not something that is desired all the time.

For the gdm3 login program you can copy the .config/monitors.xml file from a GNOME user session to the gdm home directory to keep the monitor settings. This configuration option is decent for the case where a fixed set of monitors are used but not so great if your requirement is “display a login screen on anything that’s available”. Is there an xdm type program in Debian/Ubuntu that supports this by default or with easy reconfiguration?


The PiKVM is a well engineered and designed product that does what’s expected at a low price. There are lots of minor issues with using it which aren’t the fault of the developers but are due to historical decisions in the design of BIOS and Linux software. We need to change the Linux software in question and lobby hardware vendors for BIOS improvements.

The feature for connecting to an ATX PSU was unexpected and could be really handy for some people, it’s not something I have an immediate use for but is something I could possibly use in future. I like the way they shipped the hardware for it as part of the package giving the user choices about how they use it, many vendors would make it an optional extra that costs another $100. This gives the PiKVM more functionality than many devices that are much more expensive.

The web UI wasn’t as user friendly as it might have been, but it’s a lot better than iDRAC so I don’t have a serious complaint about it. It would be nice if there was an option for creating macros for keyboard scancodes so I could try and emulate the Fn options and keys for volume control on systems that support it.

25 September, 2024 11:01PM by etbe

September 24, 2024

hackergotchi for Dirk Eddelbuettel

Dirk Eddelbuettel

RcppFastAD 0.0.4 on CRAN: Updated Again

A new release 0.0.4 of the RcppFastAD package by James Yang and myself is now on CRAN.

RcppFastAD wraps the FastAD header-only C++ library by James which provides a C++ implementation of both forward and reverse mode of automatic differentiation. It offers an easy-to-use header library (which we wrapped here) that is both lightweight and performant. With a little of bit of Rcpp glue, it is also easy to use from R in simple C++ applications. This release updates the quick fix in release 0.0.3 from a good week ago. James took a good look and properly disambiguated the statement that lead clang to complain, so we are back to compiling as C++17 under all compilers which makes for a slightly wider reach.

The NEWS file for this release follows.

Changes in version 0.0.4 (2024-09-24)

  • The package now properly addresses a clang warning on empty variadic macros arguments and is back to C++17 (James in #10)

Courtesy of my CRANberries, there is also a diffstat report for the most recent release. More information is available at the repository or the package page.

If you like this or other open-source work I do, you can sponsor me at GitHub.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

24 September, 2024 05:15PM

September 23, 2024

hackergotchi for Jonathan McDowell

Jonathan McDowell

The (lack of a) return-to-office conspiracy

During COVID companies suddenly found themselves able to offer remote working where it hadn’t previously been on offer. That’s changed over the past 2 or so years, with most places I’m aware of moving back from a fully remote situation to either some sort of hybrid, or even full time office attendance. For example last week Amazon announced a full return to office, having already pulled remote-hired workers in for 3 days a week.

I’ve seen a lot of folk stating they’ll never work in an office again, and that RTO is insanity. Despite being lucky enough to work fully remotely (for a role I’d been approached about before, but was never prepared to relocate for), I feel the objections from those who are pro-remote often fail to consider the nuances involved. So let’s talk about some of the reasons why companies might want to enforce some sort of RTO.

Real estate value

Let’s clear this one up first. It’s not about real estate value, for most companies. City planners and real estate investors might care, but even if your average company owned their building they’d close it in an instant all other things being equal. An unoccupied building costs a lot less to maintain. And plenty of companies rent and would save money even if there’s a substantial exit fee.

Occupancy levels

That said, once you have anyone in the building the equation changes. If you’re having to provide power, heating, internet, security/front desk staff etc, you want to make sure you’re getting your money’s worth. There’s no point heating a building that can seat 100 for only 10 people present. One option is to downsize the building, but that leads to not being able to assign everyone a desk, for example. No one I know likes hot desking. There are also scheduling problems about ensuring there are enough desks for everyone who might turn up on a certain day, and you’ve ruled out the option of company/office wide events.

Coexistence builds relationships

As a remote worker I wish it wasn’t true that most people find it easier to form relationships in person, but it is. Some of this can be worked on with specific “teambuilding” style events, rather than in office working, but I know plenty of folk who hate those as much as they hate the idea of being in the office. I am lucky in that I work with a bunch of folk who are terminally online, so it’s much easier to have those casual conversations even being remote, but I also accept I miss out on some things because I’m just not in the office regularly enough. You might not care about this (“I just need to put my head down and code, not talk to people”), but don’t discount it as a valid reason why companies might want their workers to be in the office. This often matters even more for folk at the start of their career, where having a bunch of experience folk around to help them learn and figure things out ends up working much better in person (my first job offered to let me go mostly remote when I moved to Norwich, but I said no as I knew I wasn’t ready for it yet).

Coexistence allows for unexpected interactions

People hate the phrase “water cooler chat”, and I get that, but it covers the idea of casual conversations that just won’t happen the same way when people are remote. I experienced this while running Black Cat; every time Simon and I met up in person we had a bunch of useful conversations even though we were on IRC together normally, and had a VoIP setup that meant we regularly talked too. Equally when I was at Nebulon there were conversations I overheard in the office where I was able to correct a misconception or provide extra context. Some of this can be replicated with the right online chat culture, but I’ve found many places end up with folk taking conversations to DMs, or they happen in “private” channels. It happens more naturally in an office environment.

It’s easier for bad managers to manage bad performers

Again, this falls into the category of things that shouldn’t be true, but are. Remote working has increased the ability for people who want to slack off to do so without being easily detected. Ideally what you want is that these folk, if they fail to perform, are then performance managed out of the organisation. That’s hard though, there are (rightly) a bunch of rights workers have (I’m writing from a UK perspective) around the procedure that needs to be followed. Managers need organisational support in this to make sure they get it right (and folk are given a chance to improve), which is often lacking.


Look, I get there are strong reasons why offering remote is a great thing from the company perspective, but what I’ve tried to outline here is that a return-to-office mandate can have some compelling reasons behind it too. Some of those might be things that wouldn’t exist in an ideal world, but unfortunately fixing them is a bigger issue than just changing where folk work from. Not acknowledging that just makes any reaction against office work seem ill-informed, to me.

23 September, 2024 05:31PM

September 22, 2024

hackergotchi for Adnan Hodzic

Adnan Hodzic

Effortless Linux backups: Power of OpenZFS Snapshots on Ubuntu 24.04

Linux snapshots? Back in the day (mid 2000’s) ReiserFS was my go to Linux filesystem, it was fast & reliable. But then after its creator...

22 September, 2024 04:00PM by Adnan Hodzic

September 21, 2024

Jamie McClelland

How do I warm up an IP Address?

After years on the waiting list, May First was just given a /24 block of IP addresses. Excellent.

Now we want to start using them for, among other things, sending email.

I haven’t added a new IP address to our mail relays in a while and things seems to change regularly in the world of email so I’m curious: what’s the best 2024 way to warm up IP addresses, particularly using postfix?

Sendergrid has a nice page on the topic. It establishes the number of messages to send per day. But I’m not entirely sure how to fit messages per day into our setup.

We use round robin DNS to direct email to one of several dozen email relay servers using postfix. And unfortunately our DNS software (knot) doesn’t have a way to add weights to ensure some IPs show up more often than others (much less limit the specific number of messages a given relay should get).

Postfix has some nice knobs for rate limiting, particularly: default_destination_recipient_limit and default_destination_rate_delay

If default_destination_recipient_limit is over 1, then default_destination_rate_delay is equal to the minimum delay between sending email to the same domain.

So, I’m staring our IP addresses out at 30m - which prevents any single domain from receiving more than 2 messages per hour. Sadly, there are a lot of different domain names that deliver to the same set of popular corporate MX servers, so I am not sure I can accurately control how many messages a given provider sees coming from a given IP address. But it’s a start.

A bigger problem is that messages that exceed the limit hang out in the active queue until they can be sent without violating the rate limit. Since I can’t fully control the number of messages a given queue receives (due to my inability to control the DNS round robin weights), a lot of messages are going to be severely delayed, especially ones with an domain name.

I know I can temporarily set relayhost to a different queue and flush deferred messages, however, as far as I can tell, it doesn’t work with active messages.

To help mitigate the problem I’m only using our bulk mail queue to warm up IPs, but really, this is not ideal.

Suggestions welcome!

Update #1

If you are running postfix in a multi-instance setup and you have instances that are already warmed up, you can move active messages between queues with these steps:

# Put the message on hold in the warming up instance
postsuper -c /etc/postfix-warmingup -h $queueid
# Copy to a warmed up instance
cp --preserve=mode,ownership,timestamp /var/spool/postfix-warmingup/hold/$queueid /var/spool/postfix-warmedup/incoming/
# Queue the message
postqueue -c /etc/postfix-warmedup -i $queueid
# Delete from the original queue.
postsuper -c /etc/postfix-warmingup -d $queueid

After just 12 hours we had thousands of messages piling up. This warm up method was never going to work without the ability to move them to a faster queue.

[Additional update: be sure to reload the postfix instance after flushing the queue so messages are drained from the active queue on the correct schedule. See update #4.]

Update #2

After 24 hours, most email is being accepted as far as I can tell. I am still getting a small percentage of email deferred by Yahoo with:

421 4.7.0 [TSS04] Messages from temporarily deferred due to unexpected volume or user complaints -; see (in reply

So I will keep it as 30m for another 24 hours or so and then move to 15m. Now that I can flush the backlog of active messages I am in less of a hurry.

Update #3

Well, this doesn’t seem to be working the way I want it to.

When a message arrives faster than the designated rate limit, it remains in the active queue.

I’m entirely sure how the timing is supposed to work, but at this point I’m down to a 5m rate delay, and the active messages are just hanging out for a lot longer than 5m. I tried flushing the queue, but that only seems to affect the deferred messages. I finally got them re-tried with systemctl reload. I wonder if there is a setting to control this retry? Or better yet, why can’t these messages that exceed the rate delayed be deferred instead?

Update #4

I think I see why I was confused in Update #3 about the timing. I suspect that when I move messages out of the active queue it screws up the timer. Reloading the instance resets the timer. Every time you muck with active messages, you should reload.

21 September, 2024 12:27PM

hackergotchi for Gunnar Wolf

Gunnar Wolf

50 years of queries

This post is a review for Computing Reviews for 50 years of queries , a article published in Communications of the ACM

The relational model is probably the one innovation that brought computers to the mainstream for business users. This article by Donald Chamberlin, creator of one of the first query languages (that evolved into the ubiquitous SQL), presents its history as a commemoration of the 50th anniversary of his publication of said query language.

The article begins by giving background on information processing before the advent of today’s database management systems: with systems storing and processing information based on sequential-only magnetic tapes in the 1950s, adopting a record-based, fixed-format filing system was far from natural. The late 1960s and early 1970s saw many fundamental advances, among which one of the best known is E. F. Codd’s relational model. The first five pages (out of 12) present the evolution of the data management community up to the 1974 SIGFIDET conference. This conference was so important in the eyes of the author that, in his words, it is the event that “starts the clock” on 50 years of relational databases.

The second part of the article tells about the growth of the structured English query language (SEQUEL)– eventually renamed SQL–including the importance of its standardization and its presence in commercial products as the dominant database language since the late 1970s. Chamberlin presents short histories of the various implementations, many of which remain dominant names today, that is, Oracle, Informix, and DB2. Entering the 1990s, open-source communities introduced MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.

The final part of the article presents controversies and criticisms related to SQL and the relational database model as a whole. Chamberlin presents the main points of controversy throughout the years: 1) the SQL language lacks orthogonality; 2) SQL tables, unlike formal relations, might contain null values; and 3) SQL tables, unlike formal relations, may contain duplicate rows. He explains the issues and tradeoffs that guided the language design as it unfolded. Finally, a section presents several points that explain how SQL and the relational model have remained, for 50 years, a “winning concept,” as well as some thoughts regarding the NoSQL movement that gained traction in the 2010s.

This article is written with clear language and structure, making it easy and pleasant to read. It does not drive a technical point, but instead is a recap on half a century of developments in one of the fields most important to the commercial development of computing, written by one of the greatest authorities on the topic.

21 September, 2024 05:03AM

September 18, 2024

Jamie McClelland

Gmail vs Tor vs Privacy

A legit email went to spam. Here are the redacted, relevant headers:

X-Spam-Flag: YES
X-Spam-Level: ******
X-Spam-Status: Yes, score=6.3 required=5.0 tests=DKIM_SIGNED,DKIM_VALID,
	*  1.0 RCVD_IN_XBL RBL: Received via a relay in Spamhaus XBL
	*      [ listed in]
	*  3.0 RCVD_IN_SBL_CSS Received via a relay in Spamhaus SBL-CSS
	*  2.5 RCVD_IN_AUTHBL Received via a relay in Spamhaus AuthBL
	*  0.0 RCVD_IN_PBL Received via a relay in Spamhaus PBL
[very first received line follows...]
Received: from [] ([])
        by with ESMTPSA id ffacd0b85a97d-378956d2ee6sm12487760f8f.83.2024.
        for <>
        (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_128_GCM_SHA256 bits=128/128);
        Wed, 11 Sep 2024 15:05:53 -0700 (PDT)

At first I though a Gmail IP address was listed in spamhaus - I even opened a ticket. But then I realized it wasn’t the last hop that Spamaus is complaining about, it’s the first hop, specifically the ip which appears to be a Tor exit node.

The sender is using their own client to relay email directly to Gmail. Like any sane person, they don’t trust Gmail to protect their privacy, so they are sending via Tor. But WTF, Gmail is not stripping the sending IP address from the header.

I’m a big fan of harm reduction and have always considered using your own client to relay email with Gmail as a nice way to avoid some of the surveillance tax Google imposes.

However, it seems that if you pursue this option you have two unpleasant choices:

  • Embed your IP address in every email message or
  • Use Tor and have your email messages go to spam

I supposed you could also use a VPN, but I doubt the IP reputation of most VPN exit nodes are going to be more reliable than Tor.

18 September, 2024 12:27PM

September 17, 2024

hackergotchi for Benjamin Mako Hill

Benjamin Mako Hill

My Chair

I realize that because I have several chairs, the phrase “my chair” is ambiguous. To reduce confusion, I will refer to the head of my academic department as “my office chair” going forward.

17 September, 2024 10:11PM by Benjamin Mako Hill

hackergotchi for Jonathan Dowland

Jonathan Dowland

ouch, part 2

Things developed since my last post. Some lesions opened up on my ankle which was initially good news: the pain substantially reduced. But they didn’t heal fast enough and so medics decided on surgical debridement. That was last night. It seemed to be successful and I’m in recovery from surgery as I write. It’s hard to predict the near-future, a lot depends on how well and fast I heal.

I’ve got a negative-pressure dressing on it, which is incredible: a constantly maintained suction to aid in debridement and healing. Modern medicine feels like a sci fi novel.

17 September, 2024 12:53PM

Russ Allbery

Review: The Book That Broke the World

Review: The Book That Broke the World, by Mark Lawrence

Series: Library Trilogy #2
Publisher: Ace
Copyright: 2024
ISBN: 0-593-43796-9
Format: Kindle
Pages: 366

The Book That Broke the World is high fantasy and a direct sequel to The Book That Wouldn't Burn. You should not start here. In a delightful break from normal practice, the author provides a useful summary of the previous volume at the start of this book to jog your memory.

At the end of The Book That Wouldn't Burn, the characters were scattered and in various states of corporeality after some major revelations about the nature of the Library and the first appearance of the insectile Skeer. The Book That Wouldn't Burn picks up where it left off, and there is a lot more contact with the Skeer, but my guess that they would be the next viewpoint characters does not pan out. Instead, we get a new group and a new protagonist: Celcha, whose sees angels who come to visit her brother.

I have complaints, but before I launch into those, I should say that I liked this book apart from the totally unnecessary cannibalism. (I'll get to that.) Livira is a bit sidelined, which is regrettable, but Celcha and her brother are interesting new characters, and both Arpix and Clovis, supporting characters in the first book, get some excellent character development. Similar to the first book, this is a puzzle box story full of world-building tidbits with intellectually-satisfying interactions. Lawrence elaborates and complicates his setting in ways that don't contradict earlier parts of the story but create more room and depth for the characters to be creative. I came away still invested in this world and eager to find out how Lawrence pulls the world-building and narrative threads together.

The biggest drawback of this book is that it's not new. My thought after finishing the first book of the series was that if Lawrence had enough world-building ideas to fill three books to that same level of density, this had the potential of being one of my favorite fantasy series of all time. By the end of the second book, I concluded that this is not the case. Instead of showing us new twists and complications the way the first book did throughout, The Book That Broke the World mostly covers the same thematic ground from some new angles. It felt like Lawrence was worried the reader of the first book may not have understood the theme or the world-building, so he spent most of the second book nailing down anything that moved.

I found that frustrating. One of the best parts of The Book That Wouldn't Burn was that Lawrence trusted the reader to keep up, which for me hit the glorious but rare sweet spot of pacing where I was figuring out the world at roughly the same pace as the characters. It surprised me in some very enjoyable ways. The Book That Broke the World did not surprise me. There are a few new things, which I enjoyed, and a few elaborations and developments of ideas, which I mostly enjoyed, but I saw the big plot twist coming at least fifty pages before it happened and found the aftermath more annoying than revelatory. It doesn't help that the plot rests on character misunderstandings, one of my least favorite tropes.

One of the other disappointments of this book is that the characters stop using the Library as a library. The Library at the center of this series is a truly marvelous piece of world-building with numerous fascinating features that are unrelated to its contents, but Livira used it first and foremost as a repository of books. The first book was full of characters solving problems by finding a relevant book and reading it.

In The Book That Broke the World, sadly, this is mostly gone. The Library is mostly reduced to a complicated Big Dumb Object setting. It's still a delightful bit of world-building, and we learn about a few new features, but I only remember two places where the actual books are important to the story. Even the book referenced in the title is mostly important as an artifact with properties unrelated to the words that it contains or to the act of reading it. I think this is a huge lost opportunity and something I hope Lawrence fixes in the last book of the trilogy.

This book instead focuses on the politics around the existence of the Library itself. Here I'm cautiously optimistic, although a lot is going to depend on the third book. Lawrence has set up a three-sided argument between groups that I will uncharitably describe as the libertarian techbros, the "burn it all down" reactionaries, and the neoliberal centrist technocrats. All three of those positions suck, and Lawrence had better be setting the stage for Livira to find a different path. Her unwillingness to commit to any of those sides gives me hope, but bringing this plot to a satisfying conclusion is going to be tricky. I hope I like what Lawrence comes up with, but it feels far from certain.

It doesn't help that he's started delivering some points with a sledgehammer, and that's where we get to the unnecessary cannibalism. Thankfully this is a fairly small part of the tail end of the book, but it was an unpleasant surprise that I did not want in this novel and that I don't think made the story any better.

It's tempting to call the cannibalism gratuitous, but it does fit one of the main themes of this story, namely that humans are depressingly good at using any rule-based object in unexpected and nasty ways that are contrary to the best intentions of the designer. This is the fundamental challenge of the Library as a whole and the question that I suspect the third book will be devoted to addressing, so I understand why Lawrence wanted to emphasize his point. The reason why there is cannibalism here is directly related to a profound misunderstanding of the properties of the library, and I detected an echo of one of C.S. Lewis's arguments in The Last Battle about the nature of Hell.

The problem, though, is that this is Satanic baby-killerism, to borrow a term from Fred Clark. There are numerous ways to show this type of perversion of well-intended systems, which I know because Lawrence used other ones in the first book that were more subtle but equally effective. One of the best parts of The Book That Wouldn't Burn is that there were few real villains. The conflict was structural, all sides had valid perspectives, and the ethical points of that story were made with some care and nuance.

The problem with cannibalism as it's used here is not merely that it's gross and disgusting and off-putting to the reader, although it is all of those things. If I wanted to read horror, I would read horror novels. I don't appreciate surprise horror used for shock value in regular fantasy. But worse, it's an abandonment of moral nuance. The function of cannibalism in this story is like the function of Satanic baby-killers: it's to signal that these people are wholly and irredeemably evil. They are the Villains, they are Wrong, and they cease to be characters and become symbols of what the protagonists are fighting. This is destructive to the story because it's designed to provoke a visceral short-circuit in the reader and let the author get away with sloppy story-telling. If the author needs to use tactics like this to point out who is the villain, they have failed to set up their moral quandary properly.

The worst part is that this was entirely unnecessary because Lawrence's story-telling wasn't sloppy and he set up his moral quandary just fine. No one was confused about the ethical point here. I as the reader was following without difficulty, and had appreciated the subtlety with which Lawrence posed the question. But apparently he thought he was too subtle and decided to come back to the point with a pile-driver. I think that seriously injured the story. The ethical argument here is much more engaging and thought-provoking when it's more finely balanced.

That's a lot of complaints, mostly because this is a good book that I badly wanted to be a great book but which kept tripping over its own feet. A lot of trilogies have weak second books. Hopefully this is another example of the mid-story sag, and the finale will be worthy of the start of the story. But I have to admit the moral short-circuiting and the de-emphasis of the actual books in the library has me a bit nervous. I want a lot out of the third book, and I hope I'm not asking this author for too much.

If you liked the first book, I think you'll like this one too, with the caveat that it's quite a bit darker and more violent in places, even apart from the surprise cannibalism. But if you've not started this series, you may want to wait for the third book to see if Lawrence can pull off the ending.

Followed by The Book That Held Her Heart, currently scheduled for publication in April of 2025.

Rating: 7 out of 10

17 September, 2024 02:57AM

September 16, 2024

Review: The Wings Upon Her Back

Review: The Wings Upon Her Back, by Samantha Mills

Publisher: Tachyon
Copyright: 2024
ISBN: 1-61696-415-4
Format: Kindle
Pages: 394

The Wings Upon Her Back is a political steampunk science fantasy novel. If the author's name sounds familiar, it may be because Samantha Mills's short story "Rabbit Test" won Nebula, Locus, Hugo, and Sturgeon awards. This is her first novel.

Winged Zemolai is a soldier of the mecha god and the protege of Mecha Vodaya, the Voice. She has served the city-state of Radezhda by defending it against all enemies, foreign and domestic, for twenty-six years. Despite that, it takes only a moment of errant mercy for her entire life to come crashing down. On a whim, she spares a kitchen worker who was concealing a statue of the scholar god, meaning that he was only pretending to worship the worker god like all workers should. Vodaya is unforgiving and uncompromising, as is the sleeping mecha god. Zemolai's wings are ripped from her back and crushed in the hand of the god, and she's left on the ground to die of mechalin withdrawal.

The Wings Upon Her Back is told in two alternating timelines. The main one follows Zemolai after her exile as she is rescued by a young group of revolutionaries who think she may be useful in their plans. The other thread starts with Zemolai's childhood and shows the reader how she became Winged Zemolai: her scholar family, her obsession with flying, her true devotion to the mecha god, and the critical early years when she became Vodaya's protege. Mills maintains the separate timelines through the book and wraps them up in a rather neat piece of symbolic parallelism in the epilogue.

I picked up this book on a recommendation from C.L. Clark, and yes, indeed, I can see why she liked this book. It's a story about a political awakening, in which Zemolai slowly realizes that she has been manipulated and lied to and that she may, in fact, be one of the baddies. The Wings Upon Her Back is more personal than some other books with that theme, since Zemolai was specifically (and abusively) groomed for her role by Vodaya. Much of the book is Zemolai trying to pull out the hooks that Vodaya put in her or, in the flashback timeline, the reader watching Vodaya install those hooks.

The flashback timeline is difficult reading. I don't think Mills could have left it out, but she says in the afterword that it was the hardest part of the book to write and it was also the hardest part of the book to read. It fills in some interesting bits of world-building and backstory, and Mills does a great job pacing the story revelations so that both threads contribute equally, but mostly it's a story of manipulative abuse. We know from the main storyline that Vodaya's tactics work, which gives those scenes the feel of a slow-motion train wreck. You know what's going to happen, you know it will be bad, and yet you can't look away.

It occurred to me while reading this that Emily Tesh's Some Desperate Glory told a similar type of story without the flashback structure, which eliminates the stifling feeling of inevitability. I don't think that would not have worked for this story. If you simply rearranged the chapters of The Wings Upon Her Back into a linear narrative, I would have bailed on the book. Watching Zemolai being manipulated would have been too depressing and awful for me to make it to the payoff without the forward-looking hope of the main timeline. It gave me new appreciation for the difficulty of what Tesh pulled off.

Mills uses this interwoven structure well, though. At about 90% through this book I had no idea how it could end in the space remaining, but it reaches a surprising and satisfying conclusion. Mills uses a type of ending that normally bothers me, but she does it by handling the psychological impact so well that I couldn't help but admire it. I'm avoiding specifics because I think it worked better when I wasn't expecting it, but it ties beautifully into the thematic point of the book.

I do have one structural objection, though. It's one of those problems I didn't notice while reading, but that started bothering me when I thought back through the story from a political lens. The Wings Upon Her Back is Zemolai's story, her redemption arc, and that means she drives the plot. The band of revolutionaries are great characters (particularly Galiana), but they're supporting characters. Zemolai is older, more experienced, and knows critical information they don't have, and she uses it to effectively take over. As setup for her character arc, I see why Mills did this. As political praxis, I have issues.

There is a tendency in politics to believe that political skill is portable and repurposable. Converting opposing operatives to the cause is welcomed not only because they indicate added support, but also because they can use their political skill to help you win instead. To an extent this is not wrong, and is probably the most true of combat skills (which Zemolai has in abundance). But there's an underlying assumption that politics is symmetric, and a critical reason why I hold many of the political positions that I do hold is that I don't think politics is symmetric.

If someone has been successfully stoking resentment and xenophobia in support of authoritarians, converts to an anti-authoritarian cause, and then produces propaganda stoking resentment and xenophobia against authoritarians, this is in some sense an improvement. But if one believes that resentment and xenophobia are inherently wrong, if one's politics are aimed at reducing the resentment and xenophobia in the world, then in a way this person has not truly converted. Worse, because this is an effective manipulation tactic, there is a strong tendency to put this type of political convert into a leadership position, where they will, intentionally or not, start turning the anti-authoritarian movement into a copy of the authoritarian movement they left. They haven't actually changed their politics because they haven't understood (or simply don't believe in) the fundamental asymmetry in the positions. It's the same criticism that I have of realpolitik: the ends do not justify the means because the means corrupt the ends.

Nothing that happens in this book is as egregious as my example, but the more I thought about the plot structure, the more it bothered me that Zemolai never listens to the revolutionaries she joins long enough to wrestle with why she became an agent of an authoritarian state and they didn't. They got something fundamentally right that she got wrong, and perhaps that should have been reflected in who got to make future decisions. Zemolai made very poor choices and yet continues to be the sole main character of the story, the one whose decisions and actions truly matter. Maybe being wrong about everything should be disqualifying for being the main character, at least for a while, even if you think you've understood why you were wrong.

That problem aside, I enjoyed this. Both timelines were compelling and quite difficult to put down, even when they got rather dark. I could have done with less body horror and a few fewer fight scenes, but I'm glad I read it.

Science fiction readers should be warned that the world-building, despite having an intricate and fascinating surface, is mostly vibes. I started the book wondering how people with giant metal wings on their back can literally fly, and thought the mentions of neural ports, high-tech materials, and immune-suppressing drugs might mean that we'd get some sort of explanation. We do not: heavier-than-air flight works because it looks really cool and serves some thematic purposes. There are enough hints of technology indistinguishable from magic that you could make up your own explanations if you wanted to, but that's not something this book is interested in. There's not a thing wrong with that, but don't get caught by surprise if you were in the mood for a neat scientific explanation of apparent magic.

Recommended if you like somewhat-harrowing character development with a heavy political lens and steampunk vibes, although it's not the sort of book that I'd press into the hands of everyone I know. The Wings Upon Her Back is a complete story in a single novel.

Content warning: the main character is a victim of physical and emotional abuse, so some of that is a lot. Also surgical gore, some torture, and genocide.

Rating: 7 out of 10

16 September, 2024 02:03AM

September 15, 2024

Russell Coker

Kogan AX1800 Wifi6 Mesh

I previously blogged about the difficulties in getting a good Wifi mesh network setup [1].

I bought the Kogan AX1800 Wifi6 Mesh with 3 nodes for $140, the price has now dropped to $130. It’s only Wifi 6 (not 6E which has the extra 6GHz frequency) because all the 6E ones were more expensive than I felt like paying.

I’ve got it running and it’s working really well. One of my laptops has a damaged wire connecting to it’s Wifi device which decreased the signal to a degree that I could usually only connect to wifi when in the computer room (and then walk with it to another room once connected). Now I can connect that laptop to wifi in any part of my home. I can now get decent wifi access in my car in front of my home which covers the important corner case of walking to my car and then immediately asking Google maps for directions. Previously my phone would be deciding whether to switch away from wifi due to poor signal and that would delay getting directions, now I get directions quickly on Google Maps.

I’ve done tests with the Android app and now get speeds of about 52Mbit/17Mbit in all parts of my home which is limited only by the speed of my NBN connection (one of the many reasons for hating conservatives is giving us expensive slow Internet). As my main reason for buying the devices is for Internet access they have clearly met my reason for purchase and probably meet the requirements for most people as well. Getting that speed is not trivial, my neighbours have lots of Wifi APs and bandwidth is congested. My Kogan 4K Android TV now plays 4K Netflix without pausing even though it only supports 2.4GHz wifi, so having a wifi mesh node next to the TV seems to help it.

I did some tests with the Olive Tree FTP server on a Galaxy Note 9 phone running the stock Samsung Android and got over 10MByte (80Mbit) upload and 8Mbyte (64Mbit) download speeds. This might be limited by the Android app or might be limited by the older version of Android. But it still gives higher speeds than my home Internet connection and much higher speeds than I need from an Android device.

Running iperf on Linux laptops talking to a Linux workstation that’s wired to the main mesh node I get speeds of 27.5Mbit from an old laptop on 2.4GHz wifi, 398Mbit from a new Wifi5 laptop when near the main mesh node, and 91Mbit from the same laptop when at the far end of my home. So not as fast as I’d like but still acceptable speeds.

The claims about Wifi 6 vs Wifi 5 speeds are that 6 will be about 3* faster. That would be 20% faster than the Gigabit ethernet ports on the wifi nodes. So while 2.5Gbit ethernet on Wifi 6 APs would be a good feature to have it seems that it might provide a 20% benefit at some future time when I have laptops with Wifi 6. At this time all the devices with 2.5Gbit ethernet cost more than I wanted to pay so I’m happy with this. It will probably be quite a while before laptops with Wifi 6 are in the price range I feel like paying.

For Wifi 6E it seems that anything less than 2.5Gbit ethernet will be a significant bottleneck. But I expect that by the time I buy a Wifi 6E mesh they will all have 2.5Gbit ethernet as standard.

The configuration of this device was quite easy via the built in web pages, everything worked pretty much as I expected and I hardly had to look at the manual. The mesh nodes are supposed to connect to each other when you press hardware buttons but that didn’t work for me so I used the web admin page to tell them to connect which worked perfectly. The admin of this seemed to be about as good as it gets.


The performance of this mesh hardware is quite decent. I can’t know for sure if it’s good or bad because performance really depends on what interference there is. But using this means that for me the Internet connection is now the main bottleneck for all parts of my home and I think it’s quite likely that most people in Australia who buy it will find the same result.

So for everyone in Australia who doesn’t have fiber to their home this seems like an ideal set of mesh hardware. It’s cheap, easy to setup, has no cloud stuff to break your configuration, gives quite adequate speed, and generally just does the job.

15 September, 2024 12:15PM by etbe

September 14, 2024

hackergotchi for Evgeni Golov

Evgeni Golov

Fixing the volume control in an Alesis M1Active 330 USB Speaker System

I've a set of Alesis M1Active 330 USB on my desk to listen to music. They were relatively inexpensive (~100€), have USB and sound pretty good for their size/price.

They were also sitting on my desk unused for a while, because the left speaker didn't produce any sound. Well, almost any. If you'd move the volume knob long enough you might have found a position where the left speaker would work a bit, but it'd be quieter than the right one and stop working again after some time. Pretty unacceptable when you want to listen to music.

Given the right speaker was working just fine and the left would work a bit when the volume knob is moved, I was quite certain which part was to blame: the potentiometer.

So just open the right speaker (it contains all the logic boards, power supply, etc), take out the broken potentiometer, buy a new one, replace, done. Sounds easy?

Well, to open the speaker you gotta loosen 8 (!) screws on the back. At least it's not glued, right? Once the screws are removed you can pull out the back plate, which will bring the power supply, USB controller, sound amplifier and cables, lots of cables: two pairs of thick cables, one to each driver, one thin pair for the power switch and two sets of "WTF is this, I am not going to trace pinouts today", one with a 6 pin plug, one with a 5 pin one.

Unplug all of these! Yes, they are plugged, nice. Nope, still no friggin' idea how to get to the potentiometer. If you trace the "thin pair" and "WTF1" cables, you see they go inside a small wooden box structure. So we have to pull the thing from the front?

Okay, let's remove the plastic part of the knob Right, this looks like a potentiometer. Unscrew it. No, no need for a Makita wrench, I just didn't have anything else in the right size (10mm).

right Alesis M1Active 330 USB speaker with a Makita wrench where the volume knob is

Still, no movement. Let's look again from the inside! Oh ffs, there are six more screws inside, holding the front. Away with them! Just need a very long PH1 screwdriver.

Now you can slowly remove the part of the front where the potentiometer is. Be careful, the top tweeter is mounted to the front, not the main case and so is the headphone jack, without an obvious way to detach it. But you can move away the front far enough to remove the small PCB with the potentiometer and the LED.

right Alesis M1Active 330 USB speaker open

Great, this was the easy part!

The only thing printed on the potentiometer is "A10K". 10K is easy -- 10kOhm. A?! Wikipedia says "A" means "logarithmic", but only if made in the US or Asia. In Europe that'd be "linear". "B" in US/Asia means "linear", in Europe "logarithmic". Do I need to tap the sign again? (The sign is a print of XKCD#927.) My multimeter says in this case it's something like logarithmic. On the right channel anyway, the left one is more like a chopping board. And what's this green box at the end? Oh right, this thing also turns the power on and off. So it's a power switch.

Where the fuck do I get a logarithmic 10kOhm stereo potentiometer with a power switch? And then in the exact right size too?!

Of course not at any of the big German electronics pharmacies. But AliExpress saves the day, again. It's even the same color!

Soldering without pulling out the cable out of the case was a bit challenging, but I've managed it and now have stereo sound again. Yay!

PS: Don't operate this thing open to try it out. 230V are dangerous!

14 September, 2024 06:38PM by evgeni

September 13, 2024

hackergotchi for Daniel Pocock

Daniel Pocock

Houston Energy & Climate Week 2024

The inaugural Houston Energy & Climate Week was held from 9 to 13 September 2024.

The schedule included a wide range of events about energy and climate issues on both a local and global scale.

Australian American Chamber of Commerce (AACC) Texas

On the afternoon of Tuesday, 10 September, the Australian American Chamber of Commerce (AACC) Texas ran a panel discussion involving businesses and entrepreneurs with Australian connections.

Many people commented that it was well organized and fun and one of the highlights of the week.

Lucas Marks, Green Li-ion, Gabrielle Hall, Geeta Thakorlal, Houston Climate Week 2024


Megan Lund, Woodside, Dr. Suman Khatiwada, Syzygy Plasmonics, Lucas Marks, Green Li-ion, Gabrielle Hall, Houston Climate Week 2024


Megan Lund, Woodside, Dr. Suman Khatiwada, Syzygy Plasmonics, Lucas Marks, Green Li-ion, Houston Climate Week 2024

Energy Tech Nexus Founder After Party

For those who survived the Australians and a full day of activities for the opening of Energy Tech Nexus in Texas, there was an after party in the penthouse of the Esperson building.

Juliana Garaizar, Payal Patel, Jason Ethier, Houston Climate Week 2024


Juliana Garaizar, Payal Patel, Jason Ethier, Houston Climate Week 2024


Juliana Garaizar, Payal Patel, Jason Ethier, Houston Climate Week 2024

Foxy Moxy cocktails

The fun continued into the following evening with a cocktail reception at the Houston Moxy hotel. Sustainable beverages were available for people to try.

Smiling Oak sustainable whiskey is produced locally in Texas and seeks to reuse barrels and other materials in the production process.

Houston Climate Week 2024


Houston Climate Week 2024


Houston Climate Week 2024

The Moxy team provided a wide range of food and drinks.

Christina Dunn Scott, Houston Climate Week 2024

Telmont wines provided champagne from France.

Ana Colmenares, Telmont wines, Houston Climate Week 2024


Ana Colmenares, Telmont wines, Houston Climate Week 2024


Houston Climate Week 2024


Christina Dunn Scott, Ingrid Velasco, Houston Climate Week 2024


Houston Climate Week 2024


Pankaj Tanwar, CarbonBetter, Houston Climate Week 2024

Katie Mehnert (ALLY Energy) gave a speech thanking the volunteers, sponsors and partners who participated in the cocktail event.

Katie Mehnert, Houston Climate Week 2024


Katie Mehnert, Houston Climate Week 2024


Katie Mehnert, Houston Climate Week 2024


Katie Mehnert, Houston Climate Week 2024


Houston Climate Week 2024


Katie Mehnert, Houston Climate Week 2024


Katie Mehnert, Ana Colmenares, Houston Climate Week 2024


Katie Mehnert, Joe Pelati, Houston Climate Week 2024


Houston Climate Week 2024


Katie Mehnert, Christina Dunn Scott, Houston Climate Week 2024


Thalia Kruger, Katie Mehnert, Naomie Jabbari, Houston Climate Week 2024


Thalia Kruger, Katie Mehnert, Naomie Jabbari, Houston Climate Week 2024


Emma Vafi, Katie Mehnert, Naomie Jabbari, Houston Climate Week 2024


Ana Colmenares, Telmont wines, Houston Climate Week 2024


Katie Mehnert, Houston Climate Week 2024


13 September, 2024 07:30PM

September 11, 2024

Jamie McClelland

MariaDB mystery

I keep getting an error in our backup logs:

Sep 11 05:08:03 Warning: mysqldump: Error 2013: Lost connection to server during query when dumping table `1C4Uonkwhe_options` at row: 1402
Sep 11 05:08:03 Warning: Failed to dump mysql databases ic_wp

It’s a WordPress database having trouble dumping the options table.

The error log has a corresponding message:

Sep 11 13:50:11 mysql007 mariadbd[580]: 2024-09-11 13:50:11 69577 [Warning] Aborted connection 69577 to db: 'ic_wp' user: 'root' host: 'localhost' (Got an error writing communication packets)

The Internet is full of suggestions, almost all of which either focus on the network connection between the client and the server or the FEDERATED plugin. We aren’t using the federated plugin and this error happens when conneting via the socket.

Check it out - what is better than a consistently reproducible problem!

It happens if I try to select all the values in the table:

root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'select * from 1C4Uonkwhe_options' ic_wp > /dev/null
ERROR 2013 (HY000) at line 1: Lost connection to server during query

It happens when I specifiy one specific offset:

root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'select * from 1C4Uonkwhe_options limit 1 offset 1402' ic_wp
ERROR 2013 (HY000) at line 1: Lost connection to server during query

It happens if I specify the field name explicitly:

root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'select option_id,option_name,option_value,autoload from 1C4Uonkwhe_options limit 1 offset 1402' ic_wp
ERROR 2013 (HY000) at line 1: Lost connection to server during query

It doesn’t happen if I specify the key field:

root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'select option_id from 1C4Uonkwhe_options limit 1 offset 1402' ic_wp
| option_id |
|  16296351 |

It does happen if I specify the value field:

root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'select option_value from 1C4Uonkwhe_options limit 1 offset 1402' ic_wp
ERROR 2013 (HY000) at line 1: Lost connection to server during query

It doesn’t happen if I query the specific row by key field:

root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'select * from 1C4Uonkwhe_options where option_id = 16296351' ic_wp
| option_id | option_name          | option_value | autoload |
|  16296351 | z_taxonomy_image8905 |              | yes      |

Hm. Surely there is some funky non-printing character in that option_value right?

root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'select CHAR_LENGTH(option_value) from 1C4Uonkwhe_options where option_id = 16296351' ic_wp
| CHAR_LENGTH(option_value) |
|                         0 |
root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'select HEX(option_value) from 1C4Uonkwhe_options where option_id = 16296351' ic_wp
| HEX(option_value) |
|                   |

Resetting the value to an empty value doesn’t make a difference:

root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'update 1C4Uonkwhe_options set option_value = "" where option_id = 16296351' ic_wp
root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'select * from 1C4Uonkwhe_options' ic_wp > /dev/null
ERROR 2013 (HY000) at line 1: Lost connection to server during query

Deleting the row in question causes the error to specify a new offset:

root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'delete from 1C4Uonkwhe_options where option_id = 16296351' ic_wp
root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'select * from 1C4Uonkwhe_options' ic_wp > /dev/null
ERROR 2013 (HY000) at line 1: Lost connection to server during query
root@mysql007:~# mysqldump ic_wp > /dev/null
mysqldump: Error 2013: Lost connection to server during query when dumping table `1C4Uonkwhe_options` at row: 1401

If I put the record I deleted back in, we return to the old offset:

root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'insert into 1C4Uonkwhe_options VALUES(16296351,"z_taxonomy_image8905","","yes");' ic_wp 
root@mysql007:~# mysqldump ic_wp > /dev/null
mysqldump: Error 2013: Lost connection to server during query when dumping table `1C4Uonkwhe_options` at row: 1402

I’m losing my little mind. Let’s get drastic and create a whole new table, copy over the data delicately working around the deadly offset:

oot@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'create table 1C4Uonkwhe_new_options like 1C4Uonkwhe_options;' ic_wp 
root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'insert into 1C4Uonkwhe_new_options select * from 1C4Uonkwhe_options limit 1402 offset 0;' ic_wp 
--- There is only 33 more records, not sure how to specify unlimited limit but 100 does the trick.
root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'insert into 1C4Uonkwhe_new_options select * from 1C4Uonkwhe_options limit 100 offset 1403;' ic_wp 

Now let’s make sure all is working properly:

root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'select * from 1C4Uonkwhe_new_options' ic_wp >/dev/null;

Now let’s examine which row we are missing:

root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'select option_id from 1C4Uonkwhe_options where option_id not in (select option_id from 1C4Uonkwhe_new_options) ;' ic_wp 
| option_id |
|  18405297 |

Wait, what? I was expecting option_id 16296351.

Oh, now we are getting somewhere. And I see my mistake: when using offsets, you need to use ORDER BY or you won’t get consistent results.

root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'select option_id from 1C4Uonkwhe_options order by option_id limit 1 offset 1402' ic_wp ;
| option_id |
|  18405297 |

Now that I have the correct row… what is in it:

root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'select * from 1C4Uonkwhe_options where option_id = 18405297' ic_wp ;
ERROR 2013 (HY000) at line 1: Lost connection to server during query

Well, that makes a lot more sense. Let’s start over with examining the value:

root@mysql007:~# mysql --protocol=socket -e 'select CHAR_LENGTH(option_value) from 1C4Uonkwhe_options where option_id = 18405297' ic_wp ;
| CHAR_LENGTH(option_value) |
|                  50814767 |

Wow, that’s a lot of characters. If it were a book, it would be 35,000 pages long (I just discovered this site). It’s a LONGTEXT field so it should be able to handle it. But now I have a better idea of what could be going wrong. The name of the option is “rewrite_rules” so it seems like something is going wrong with the generation of that option.

I imagine there is some tweak I can make to allow MariaDB to cough up the value (read_buffer_size? tmp_table_size?). But I’ll start with checking in with the database owner because I don’t think 35,000 pages of rewrite rules is appropriate for any site.

11 September, 2024 12:27PM

September 10, 2024

hackergotchi for Steinar H. Gunderson

Steinar H. Gunderson

GS1900-10HP web session hijack

While fiddling around, I found a (fairly serious) vulnerability in Zyxel's GS1900-10HP and related switches; today Zyxel released an advisory with updated firmware, so I can publish my side of it as well. (Unfortunately there's no Zyxel bounty program, but Zyxel PSIRT has been forthcoming all along, which I guess is all you can hope for.)

The CVE (CVE-2024-38270) is sparse on details, so I'll simply paste my original message to Zyxel below:


GS1900-10HP (probably also many other switches in the same series),
firmware V2.80(AAZI.0) (also older ones) generate web authentication
tokens in an unsafe way. This makes it possible for an attacker
to guess them and hijack the session.

web_util_randStr_generate() contains code that is functionally
the same as this:

        char token[17];
        struct timeval now;
        gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
        srandom(now.tv_sec + now.tv_usec);
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; ++i) {
                long r = random() % 62;
                char c;
                if (r < 10) {
                        c = r + '0';  // 0..9
                } else if (r < 36) {
                        c = r + ('A' - 10);  // A..Z
                } else {
                        c = r + ('a' - 36);  // a..z
                token[i] = c;
        token[16] = 0;

(random() comes from uclibc, but it has the same generator as glibc,
so the code runs just as well on desktop Linux)

This token is generated on initial login, and stored in a cookie
on the client. This has multiple problems:

First, the clock is a known quantity; even if the switch is not on SNTP,
it is trivial to get its idea of time-of-day by just doing a HTTP
request and looking at the Date header. This means that if an attacker
knows precisely when the administrator logged in (for instance, by observing
a HTTPS login on the network), they will have a very limited range of
possible tokens to check.

Second, tv_sec and tv_usec are combined in an improper way, canceling
out much of the intended entropy. As long as one assumes that the
administrator logged in less than a day ago, the entire range of possible
seeds it contained within the range [now - 86400, now + 999999], i.e.
only about 1.1M possible cookies, which can simply be tried serially
even if one did not observe the original login. There is no brute-force
protection on the web interface.

I have verified that this attack is practical, by simply generating all the
tokens and asking for the status page repeatedly (it is trivial to see
whether it returns an authentication success or failure). The switch can
sustain about one try every 96 ms on average against an attacker on a local
LAN (there is no keepalive or multithreading, so the most trivial code is
seemingly also the best one), which means that an attack will succeed on
average after about 15 hours; my test run succeeded after a bit under three
hours. If there are multiple administrator sessions active, the expected time
to success is of course lower, although the tries are also somewhat slower
because the switch has to deal with the keepalive traffic from the admins.

This is a straightforward case of CWE-330 (Use of Insufficiently Random
Values), with subcategories CWE-331, CWE-334, CWE-335, CWE-337, CWE-339,
CWE-340, CWE-341 and probably others. The suggested fix is simple: Read
entropy from /dev/urandom or another good source, instead of using random().
(Make sure that you don't get bias issues due to the use of modulo; you can
use e.g. rejection sampling.)

Session timeout does help against this attack (by default, it is 3 minutes),
but only as long as the administrator has not kept a tab open. If the tab is
left open, that keeps on making background requests that refreshes the token
every five seconds, guaranteeing a 100% success rate if given a day or two.

There is also _tons_ of outdated software on the switch (kernel from 2008,
OpenSSH from 2013, netkit-telnetd which is no longer maintained, a fork of
a very old NET-SNMP, etc.), but I did not check whether there are any
relevant security holes or whether you have actually backported patches.

I haven't verified what their fix looks like, but it's probably somewhere there in the GPL dump. :-)

10 September, 2024 07:55AM

hackergotchi for Ben Hutchings

Ben Hutchings

FOSS activity in August 2024

10 September, 2024 12:51AM by Ben Hutchings

September 09, 2024

FOSS activity in July 2024

09 September, 2024 11:57PM by Ben Hutchings

hackergotchi for Wouter Verhelst

Wouter Verhelst

NBD: Write Zeroes and Rotational

The NBD protocol has grown a number of new features over the years. Unfortunately, some of those features are not (yet?) supported by the Linux kernel.

I suggested a few times over the years that the maintainer of the NBD driver in the kernel, Josef Bacik, take a look at these features, but he hasn't done so; presumably he has other priorities. As with anything in the open source world, if you want it done you must do it yourself.

I'd been off and on considering to work on the kernel driver so that I could implement these new features, but I never really got anywhere.

A few months ago, however, Christoph Hellwig posted a patch set that reworked a number of block device drivers in the Linux kernel to a new type of API. Since the NBD mailinglist is listed in the kernel's MAINTAINERS file, this patch series were crossposted to the NBD mailinglist, too, and when I noticed that it explicitly disabled the "rotational" flag on the NBD device, I suggested to Christoph that perhaps "we" (meaning, "he") might want to vary the decision on whether a device is rotational depending on whether the NBD server signals, through the flag that exists for that very purpose, whether the device is rotational.

To which he replied "Can you send a patch".

That got me down the rabbit hole, and now, for the first time in the 20+ years of being a C programmer who uses Linux exclusively, I got a patch merged into the Linux kernel... twice.

So, what do these things do?

The first patch adds support for the ROTATIONAL flag. If the NBD server mentions that the device is rotational, it will be treated as such, and the elevator algorithm will be used to optimize accesses to the device. For the reference implementation, you can do this by adding a line "rotational = true" to the relevant section (relating to the export where you want it to be used) of the config file.

It's unlikely that this will be of much benefit in most cases (most nbd-server installations will be exporting a file on a filesystem and have the elevator algorithm implemented server side and then it doesn't matter whether the device has the rotational flag set), but it's there in case you wish to use it.

The second set of patches adds support for the WRITE_ZEROES command. Most devices these days allow you to tell them "please write a N zeroes starting at this offset", which is a lot more efficient than sending over a buffer of N zeroes and asking the device to do DMA to copy buffers etc etc for just zeroes.

The NBD protocol has supported its own WRITE_ZEROES command for a while now, and hooking it up was reasonably simple in the end. The only problem is that it expects length values in bytes, whereas the kernel uses it in blocks. It took me a few tries to get that right -- and then I also fixed up handling of discard messages, which required the same conversion.

09 September, 2024 03:00PM

September 08, 2024

Thorsten Alteholz

My Debian Activities in August 2024

FTP master

This month I accepted 441 and rejected 15 packages. The overall number of packages that got accepted was 442.

I am ashamed of some occurrences that happened this month and I apologize for this. Unfortunately I have no idea how to prevent this in the future without becoming a solo entertainer.

Debian LTS

This was my hundred-twenty-second month that I did some work for the Debian LTS initiative, started by Raphael Hertzog at Freexian.

  • [#1073518] bookworm-pu: cups 2.4.2-3+deb12u6 has been closed
  • [#1074439] bookworm-pu: cups 2.4.2-3+deb12u7 has been closed
  • [#1073519] bullseye-pu: cups 2.3.3op2-3+deb11u7 has been closed
  • [#1074438] bullseye-pu: cups 2.3.3op2-3+deb11u8 has been closed

Unfortunately Bullseye was not handed over to LTS in August. So I only prepared new packages of asterisk, libvirt and tinyproxy and will upload them next month.

Last but not least I did a week of FD this month.

Debian ELTS

This month was the seventy-third ELTS month. During my allocated time I uploaded or worked on:

  • [ELA-1160-1]tiff security update for two CVEs in Jessie and Stretch. The Buster upload was already done before. This upload fixed a segmentation fault and a memory leak
  • [ELA-1161-1]libvirt security update for six CVEs to fix issues related to use-after-free, an off-by-one, a null pointer dereference, a badly handled mutex, a privilege escalation and breaking out of the sVirt confinement. In this case only Jessie and Stretch needed an update.
  • [ELA-1166-1]frr security update for one CVEs in Buster to fix a missing length check.

I also did a week of FD.

Debian Printing

This month I uploaded …

This work is generously funded by Freexian!

Debian Astro

This month I uploaded a new upstream or bugfix version of:

Debian Mobcom

The following packages have been prepared by the GSoC student Nathan:

It was so much fun working with Nathan. Unfortunately GSoC is over now, but Nathan will continue working in Debian and become a Debian Maintainer.


This month I uploaded new upstream or bugfix versions of:

I also filed an RM bug against meep-openmpi. As Adrian made me ware, this package is no longer needed.

08 September, 2024 11:37PM by alteholz

Dima Kogan

GNU Make: details regarding intermediate files

Suppose I have this Makefile:

a: b
      touch $@
      touch $@

# A common chain of build steps
%-GENERATED.c: %-generate
      touch $@
%.o: %.c
      touch $@ %-GENERATED.o
      touch $@
xxx-GENERATED.o: CFLAGS += adsf

# Imitates .d files created with "gcc -MMD". Does not exist on the initial build
ifneq ($(wildcard,)

This is all very simple build-system stuff. Let's see how it works:

$ rm -rf a b xxx-GENERATED.c xxx-GENERATED.o
  [start from a clean slate]

$ touch xxx-generate xxx.h
  [Files that would be available in a project exist; xxx-generate is some tool]
  [that would generate xxx-GENERATED.c                                        ]

$ touch a
  ["a" exists but the file "b" it depends on does not]

$ make a

  touch b
  touch a
  touch xxx-GENERATED.c
  touch xxx-GENERATED.o
  rm xxx-GENERATED.c

  [It built everything, but then deleted xxx-GENERATED.c]

$ make a

  remake: 'a' is up to date.
  touch xxx-GENERATED.c
  touch xxx-GENERATED.o

  [It knew to not rebuild "a", but the missing xxx-GENERATED.c caused it to]
  [re-build stuff                                                          ]

Well that's not good. What if we add .SECONDARY: to the end of the Makefile to mark everything as a secondary file?

$ rm -rf a b xxx-GENERATED.c xxx-GENERATED.o
$ touch xxx-generate xxx.h
$ touch a

$ make a

  remake: 'a' is up to date.
  touch xxx-GENERATED.c
  touch xxx-GENERATED.o

  [It didn't bother rebuilding "a" even though its prerequisites "b" doesn't]
  [exist. But it didn't delete the xxx-GENERATED.c at least                 ]

$ make a

  remake: 'a' is up to date.
  remake: '' is up to date.

  [It knew to not rebuild anything. Great.]

So it doesn't work right with or without .SECONDARY:, but it's much closer with it. The solution is to mark everything as not an intermediate file. mrbuild cannot do this without a bleeding-edge version of GNU Make, but users of mrbuild can do this by explicitly mentioning specific files in rules. This would suffice:

___dummy___: file1 file2

Detailed notes are in a commit in mrbuild (mrbuild 1.13) and in a post to LKML by Masahiro Yamada.

08 September, 2024 07:31PM by Dima Kogan

Jacob Adams

Linux's Bedtime Routine

How does Linux move from an awake machine to a hibernating one? How does it then manage to restore all state? These questions led me to read way too much C in trying to figure out how this particular hardware/software boundary is navigated.

This investigation will be split into a few parts, with the first one going from invocation of hibernation to synchronizing all filesystems to disk.

This article has been written using Linux version 6.9.9, the source of which can be found in many places, but can be navigated easily through the Bootlin Elixir Cross-Referencer:

Each code snippet will begin with a link to the above giving the file path and the line number of the beginning of the snippet.

A Starting Point for Investigation: /sys/power/state and /sys/power/disk

These two system files exist to allow debugging of hibernation, and thus control the exact state used directly. Writing specific values to the state file controls the exact sleep mode used and disk controls the specific hibernation mode1.

This is extremely handy as an entry point to understand how these systems work, since we can just follow what happens when they are written to.

Show and Store Functions

These two files are defined using the power_attr macro:


#define power_attr(_name) \
static struct kobj_attribute _name##_attr = {   \
    .attr   = {             \
        .name = __stringify(_name), \
        .mode = 0644,           \
    },                  \
    .show   = _name##_show,         \
    .store  = _name##_store,        \

show is called on reads and store on writes.

state_show is a little boring for our purposes, as it just prints all the available sleep states.


 * state - control system sleep states.
 * show() returns available sleep state labels, which may be "mem", "standby",
 * "freeze" and "disk" (hibernation).
 * See Documentation/admin-guide/pm/sleep-states.rst for a description of
 * what they mean.
 * store() accepts one of those strings, translates it into the proper
 * enumerated value, and initiates a suspend transition.
static ssize_t state_show(struct kobject *kobj, struct kobj_attribute *attr,
			  char *buf)
	char *s = buf;
	suspend_state_t i;

	for (i = PM_SUSPEND_MIN; i < PM_SUSPEND_MAX; i++)
		if (pm_states[i])
			s += sprintf(s,"%s ", pm_states[i]);

	if (hibernation_available())
		s += sprintf(s, "disk ");
	if (s != buf)
		/* convert the last space to a newline */
		*(s-1) = '\n';
	return (s - buf);

state_store, however, provides our entry point. If the string “disk” is written to the state file, it calls hibernate(). This is our entry point.


static ssize_t state_store(struct kobject *kobj, struct kobj_attribute *attr,
			   const char *buf, size_t n)
	suspend_state_t state;
	int error;

	error = pm_autosleep_lock();
	if (error)
		return error;

	if (pm_autosleep_state() > PM_SUSPEND_ON) {
		error = -EBUSY;
		goto out;

	state = decode_state(buf, n);
	if (state < PM_SUSPEND_MAX) {
		if (state == PM_SUSPEND_MEM)
			state = mem_sleep_current;

		error = pm_suspend(state);
	} else if (state == PM_SUSPEND_MAX) {
		error = hibernate();
	} else {
		error = -EINVAL;

	return error ? error : n;


static suspend_state_t decode_state(const char *buf, size_t n)
	suspend_state_t state;
	char *p;
	int len;

	p = memchr(buf, '\n', n);
	len = p ? p - buf : n;

	/* Check hibernation first. */
	if (len == 4 && str_has_prefix(buf, "disk"))
		return PM_SUSPEND_MAX;

	for (state = PM_SUSPEND_MIN; state < PM_SUSPEND_MAX; state++) {
		const char *label = pm_states[state];

		if (label && len == strlen(label) && !strncmp(buf, label, len))
			return state;

	return PM_SUSPEND_ON;

Could we have figured this out just via function names? Sure, but this way we know for sure that nothing else is happening before this function is called.


Our first detour is into the autosleep system. When checking the state above, you may notice that the kernel grabs the pm_autosleep_lock before checking the current state.

autosleep is a mechanism originally from Android that sends the entire system to either suspend or hibernate whenever it is not actively working on anything.

This is not enabled for most desktop configurations, since it’s primarily for mobile systems and inverts the standard suspend and hibernate interactions.

This system is implemented as a workqueue2 that checks the current number of wakeup events, processes and drivers that need to run3, and if there aren’t any, then the system is put into the autosleep state, typically suspend. However, it could be hibernate if configured that way via /sys/power/autosleep in a similar manner to using /sys/power/state to manually enable hibernation.


static ssize_t autosleep_store(struct kobject *kobj,
			       struct kobj_attribute *attr,
			       const char *buf, size_t n)
	suspend_state_t state = decode_state(buf, n);
	int error;

	if (state == PM_SUSPEND_ON
	    && strcmp(buf, "off") && strcmp(buf, "off\n"))
		return -EINVAL;

	if (state == PM_SUSPEND_MEM)
		state = mem_sleep_current;

	error = pm_autosleep_set_state(state);
	return error ? error : n;



static DEFINE_MUTEX(autosleep_lock);
static struct wakeup_source *autosleep_ws;

static void try_to_suspend(struct work_struct *work)
	unsigned int initial_count, final_count;

	if (!pm_get_wakeup_count(&initial_count, true))
		goto out;


	if (!pm_save_wakeup_count(initial_count) ||
		system_state != SYSTEM_RUNNING) {
		goto out;

	if (autosleep_state == PM_SUSPEND_ON) {
	if (autosleep_state >= PM_SUSPEND_MAX)


	if (!pm_get_wakeup_count(&final_count, false))
		goto out;

	 * If the wakeup occurred for an unknown reason, wait to prevent the
	 * system from trying to suspend and waking up in a tight loop.
	if (final_count == initial_count)
		schedule_timeout_uninterruptible(HZ / 2);


static DECLARE_WORK(suspend_work, try_to_suspend);

void queue_up_suspend_work(void)
	if (autosleep_state > PM_SUSPEND_ON)
		queue_work(autosleep_wq, &suspend_work);

The Steps of Hibernation

Hibernation Kernel Config

It’s important to note that most of the hibernate-specific functions below do nothing unless you’ve defined CONFIG_HIBERNATION in your Kconfig4. As an example, hibernate itself is defined as the following if CONFIG_HIBERNATE is not set.


static inline int hibernate(void) { return -ENOSYS; }

Check if Hibernation is Available

We begin by confirming that we actually can perform hibernation, via the hibernation_available function.


if (!hibernation_available()) {
	pm_pr_dbg("Hibernation not available.\n");
	return -EPERM;


bool hibernation_available(void)
	return nohibernate == 0 &&
		!security_locked_down(LOCKDOWN_HIBERNATION) &&
		!secretmem_active() && !cxl_mem_active();

nohibernate is controlled by the kernel command line, it’s set via either nohibernate or hibernate=no.

security_locked_down is a hook for Linux Security Modules to prevent hibernation. This is used to prevent hibernating to an unencrypted storage device, as specified in the manual page kernel_lockdown(7). Interestingly, either level of lockdown, integrity or confidentiality, locks down hibernation because with the ability to hibernate you can extract bascially anything from memory and even reboot into a modified kernel image.

secretmem_active checks whether there is any active use of memfd_secret, and if so it prevents hibernation. memfd_secret returns a file descriptor that can be mapped into a process but is specifically unmapped from the kernel’s memory space. Hibernating with memory that not even the kernel is supposed to access would expose that memory to whoever could access the hibernation image. This particular feature of secret memory was apparently controversial, though not as controversial as performance concerns around fragmentation when unmapping kernel memory (which did not end up being a real problem).

cxl_mem_active just checks whether any CXL memory is active. A full explanation is provided in the commit introducing this check but there’s also a shortened explanation from cxl_mem_probe that sets the relevant flag when initializing a CXL memory device.


* The kernel may be operating out of CXL memory on this device,
* there is no spec defined way to determine whether this device
* preserves contents over suspend, and there is no simple way
* to arrange for the suspend image to avoid CXL memory which
* would setup a circular dependency between PCI resume and save
* state restoration.

Check Compression

The next check is for whether compression support is enabled, and if so whether the requested algorithm is enabled.


 * Query for the compression algorithm support if compression is enabled.
if (!nocompress) {
	strscpy(hib_comp_algo, hibernate_compressor, sizeof(hib_comp_algo));
	if (crypto_has_comp(hib_comp_algo, 0, 0) != 1) {
		pr_err("%s compression is not available\n", hib_comp_algo);
		return -EOPNOTSUPP;

The nocompress flag is set via the hibernate command line parameter, setting hibernate=nocompress.

If compression is enabled, then hibernate_compressor is copied to hib_comp_algo. This synchronizes the current requested compression setting (hibernate_compressor) with the current compression setting (hib_comp_algo).

Both values are character arrays of size CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME (128 in this kernel).


static char hibernate_compressor[CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME] = CONFIG_HIBERNATION_DEF_COMP;

 * Compression/decompression algorithm to be used while saving/loading
 * image to/from disk. This would later be used in 'kernel/power/swap.c'
 * to allocate comp streams.
char hib_comp_algo[CRYPTO_MAX_ALG_NAME];

hibernate_compressor defaults to lzo if that algorithm is enabled, otherwise to lz4 if enabled5. It can be overwritten using the hibernate.compressor setting to either lzo or lz4.


	prompt "Default compressor"
	depends on HIBERNATION

	bool "lzo"
	depends on CRYPTO_LZO

	bool "lz4"
	depends on CRYPTO_LZ4


	default "lzo" if HIBERNATION_COMP_LZO
	default "lz4" if HIBERNATION_COMP_LZ4
	  Default compressor to be used for hibernation.


static const char * const comp_alg_enabled[] = {

static int hibernate_compressor_param_set(const char *compressor,
		const struct kernel_param *kp)
	unsigned int sleep_flags;
	int index, ret;

	sleep_flags = lock_system_sleep();

	index = sysfs_match_string(comp_alg_enabled, compressor);
	if (index >= 0) {
		ret = param_set_copystring(comp_alg_enabled[index], kp);
		if (!ret)
			strscpy(hib_comp_algo, comp_alg_enabled[index],
	} else {
		ret = index;


	if (ret)
		pr_debug("Cannot set specified compressor %s\n",

	return ret;
static const struct kernel_param_ops hibernate_compressor_param_ops = {
	.set    = hibernate_compressor_param_set,
	.get    = param_get_string,

static struct kparam_string hibernate_compressor_param_string = {
	.maxlen = sizeof(hibernate_compressor),
	.string = hibernate_compressor,

We then check whether the requested algorithm is supported via crypto_has_comp. If not, we bail out of the whole operation with EOPNOTSUPP.

As part of crypto_has_comp we perform any needed initialization of the algorithm, loading kernel modules and running initialization code as needed6.

Grab Locks

The next step is to grab the sleep and hibernation locks via lock_system_sleep and hibernate_acquire.


sleep_flags = lock_system_sleep();
/* The snapshot device should not be opened while we're running */
if (!hibernate_acquire()) {
	error = -EBUSY;
	goto Unlock;

First, lock_system_sleep marks the current thread as not freezable, which will be important later7. It then grabs the system_transistion_mutex, which locks taking snapshots or modifying how they are taken, resuming from a hibernation image, entering any suspend state, or rebooting.

The GFP Mask

The kernel also issues a warning if the gfp mask is changed via either pm_restore_gfp_mask or pm_restrict_gfp_mask without holding the system_transistion_mutex.

GFP flags tell the kernel how it is permitted to handle a request for memory.


 * GFP flags are commonly used throughout Linux to indicate how memory
 * should be allocated.  The GFP acronym stands for get_free_pages(),
 * the underlying memory allocation function.  Not every GFP flag is
 * supported by every function which may allocate memory.

In the case of hibernation specifically we care about the IO and FS flags, which are reclaim operators, ways the system is permitted to attempt to free up memory in order to satisfy a specific request for memory.


 * Reclaim modifiers
 * -----------------
 * Please note that all the following flags are only applicable to sleepable
 * allocations (e.g. %GFP_NOWAIT and %GFP_ATOMIC will ignore them).
 * %__GFP_IO can start physical IO.
 * %__GFP_FS can call down to the low-level FS. Clearing the flag avoids the
 * allocator recursing into the filesystem which might already be holding
 * locks.

gfp_allowed_mask sets which flags are permitted to be set at the current time.

As the comment below outlines, preventing these flags from being set avoids situations where the kernel needs to do I/O to allocate memory (e.g. read/writing swap8) but the devices it needs to read/write to/from are not currently available.


 * The following functions are used by the suspend/hibernate code to temporarily
 * change gfp_allowed_mask in order to avoid using I/O during memory allocations
 * while devices are suspended.  To avoid races with the suspend/hibernate code,
 * they should always be called with system_transition_mutex held
 * (gfp_allowed_mask also should only be modified with system_transition_mutex
 * held, unless the suspend/hibernate code is guaranteed not to run in parallel
 * with that modification).
static gfp_t saved_gfp_mask;

void pm_restore_gfp_mask(void)
	if (saved_gfp_mask) {
		gfp_allowed_mask = saved_gfp_mask;
		saved_gfp_mask = 0;

void pm_restrict_gfp_mask(void)
	saved_gfp_mask = gfp_allowed_mask;
	gfp_allowed_mask &= ~(__GFP_IO | __GFP_FS);

Sleep Flags

After grabbing the system_transition_mutex the kernel then returns and captures the previous state of the threads flags in sleep_flags. This is used later to remove PF_NOFREEZE if it wasn’t previously set on the current thread.


unsigned int lock_system_sleep(void)
	unsigned int flags = current->flags;
	current->flags |= PF_NOFREEZE;
	return flags;


#define PF_NOFREEZE		0x00008000	/* This thread should not be frozen */

Then we grab the hibernate-specific semaphore to ensure no one can open a snapshot or resume from it while we perform hibernation. Additionally this lock is used to prevent hibernate_quiet_exec, which is used by the nvdimm driver to active its firmware with all processes and devices frozen, ensuring it is the only thing running at that time9.


bool hibernate_acquire(void)
	return atomic_add_unless(&hibernate_atomic, -1, 0);

Prepare Console

The kernel next calls pm_prepare_console. This function only does anything if CONFIG_VT_CONSOLE_SLEEP has been set.

This prepares the virtual terminal for a suspend state, switching away to a console used only for the suspend state if needed.


void pm_prepare_console(void)
	if (!pm_vt_switch())

	orig_fgconsole = vt_move_to_console(SUSPEND_CONSOLE, 1);
	if (orig_fgconsole < 0)

	orig_kmsg = vt_kmsg_redirect(SUSPEND_CONSOLE);

The first thing is to check whether we actually need to switch the VT


 * There are three cases when a VT switch on suspend/resume are required:
 *   1) no driver has indicated a requirement one way or another, so preserve
 *      the old behavior
 *   2) console suspend is disabled, we want to see debug messages across
 *      suspend/resume
 *   3) any registered driver indicates it needs a VT switch
 * If none of these conditions is present, meaning we have at least one driver
 * that doesn't need the switch, and none that do, we can avoid it to make
 * resume look a little prettier (and suspend too, but that's usually hidden,
 * e.g. when closing the lid on a laptop).
static bool pm_vt_switch(void)
	struct pm_vt_switch *entry;
	bool ret = true;

	if (list_empty(&pm_vt_switch_list))
		goto out;

	if (!console_suspend_enabled)
		goto out;

	list_for_each_entry(entry, &pm_vt_switch_list, head) {
		if (entry->required)
			goto out;

	ret = false;
	return ret;

There is an explanation of the conditions under which a switch is performed in the comment above the function, but we’ll also walk through the steps here.

Firstly we grab the vt_switch_mutex to ensure nothing will modify the list while we’re looking at it.

We then examine the pm_vt_switch_list. This list is used to indicate the drivers that require a switch during suspend. They register this requirement, or the lack thereof, via pm_vt_switch_required.


 * pm_vt_switch_required - indicate VT switch at suspend requirements
 * @dev: device
 * @required: if true, caller needs VT switch at suspend/resume time
 * The different console drivers may or may not require VT switches across
 * suspend/resume, depending on how they handle restoring video state and
 * what may be running.
 * Drivers can indicate support for switchless suspend/resume, which can
 * save time and flicker, by using this routine and passing 'false' as
 * the argument.  If any loaded driver needs VT switching, or the
 * no_console_suspend argument has been passed on the command line, VT
 * switches will occur.
void pm_vt_switch_required(struct device *dev, bool required)

Next, we check console_suspend_enabled. This is set to false by the kernel parameter no_console_suspend, but defaults to true.

Finally, if there are any entries in the pm_vt_switch_list, then we check to see if any of them require a VT switch.

Only if none of these conditions apply, then we return false.

If a VT switch is in fact required, then we move first the currently active virtual terminal/console10 (vt_move_to_console) and then the current location of kernel messages (vt_kmsg_redirect) to the SUSPEND_CONSOLE. The SUSPEND_CONSOLE is the last entry in the list of possible consoles, and appears to just be a black hole to throw away messages.



Interestingly, these are separate functions because you can use TIOCL_SETKMSGREDIRECT (an ioctl11) to send kernel messages to a specific virtual terminal, but by default its the same as the currently active console.

The locations of the previously active console and the previous kernel messages location are stored in orig_fgconsole and orig_kmsg, to restore the state of the console and kernel messages after the machine wakes up again. Interestingly, this means orig_fgconsole also ends up storing any errors, so has to be checked to ensure it’s not less than zero before we try to do anything with the kernel messages on both suspend and resume.


/* Perform a kernel triggered VT switch for suspend/resume */

static int disable_vt_switch;

int vt_move_to_console(unsigned int vt, int alloc)
	int prev;

	/* Graphics mode - up to X */
	if (disable_vt_switch) {
		return 0;
	prev = fg_console;

	if (alloc && vc_allocate(vt)) {
		/* we can't have a free VC for now. Too bad,
		 * we don't want to mess the screen for now. */
		return -ENOSPC;

	if (set_console(vt)) {
		 * We're unable to switch to the SUSPEND_CONSOLE.
		 * Let the calling function know so it can decide
		 * what to do.
		return -EIO;
	if (vt_waitactive(vt + 1)) {
		pr_debug("Suspend: Can't switch VCs.");
		return -EINTR;
	return prev;

Unlike most other locking functions we’ve seen so far, console_lock needs to be careful to ensure nothing else is panicking and needs to dump to the console before grabbing the semaphore for the console and setting a couple flags.


Panics are tracked via an atomic integer set to the id of the processor currently panicking.


 * console_lock - block the console subsystem from printing
 * Acquires a lock which guarantees that no consoles will
 * be in or enter their write() callback.
 * Can sleep, returns nothing.
void console_lock(void)

	/* On panic, the console_lock must be left to the panic cpu. */
	while (other_cpu_in_panic())

	console_locked = 1;
	console_may_schedule = 1;


 * Return true if a panic is in progress on a remote CPU.
 * On true, the local CPU should immediately release any printing resources
 * that may be needed by the panic CPU.
bool other_cpu_in_panic(void)
	return (panic_in_progress() && !this_cpu_in_panic());


static bool panic_in_progress(void)
	return unlikely(atomic_read(&panic_cpu) != PANIC_CPU_INVALID);


/* Return true if a panic is in progress on the current CPU. */
bool this_cpu_in_panic(void)
	 * We can use raw_smp_processor_id() here because it is impossible for
	 * the task to be migrated to the panic_cpu, or away from it. If
	 * panic_cpu has already been set, and we're not currently executing on
	 * that CPU, then we never will be.
	return unlikely(atomic_read(&panic_cpu) == raw_smp_processor_id());

console_locked is a debug value, used to indicate that the lock should be held, and our first indication that this whole virtual terminal system is more complex than might initially be expected.


 * This is used for debugging the mess that is the VT code by
 * keeping track if we have the console semaphore held. It's
 * definitely not the perfect debug tool (we don't know if _WE_
 * hold it and are racing, but it helps tracking those weird code
 * paths in the console code where we end up in places I want
 * locked without the console semaphore held).
static int console_locked;

console_may_schedule is used to see if we are permitted to sleep and schedule other work while we hold this lock. As we’ll see later, the virtual terminal subsystem is not re-entrant, so there’s all sorts of hacks in here to ensure we don’t leave important code sections that can’t be safely resumed.

Disable VT Switch

As the comment below lays out, when another program is handling graphical display anyway, there’s no need to do any of this, so the kernel provides a switch to turn the whole thing off. Interestingly, this appears to only be used by three drivers, so the specific hardware support required must not be particularly common.



 * Normally during a suspend, we allocate a new console and switch to it.
 * When we resume, we switch back to the original console.  This switch
 * can be slow, so on systems where the framebuffer can handle restoration
 * of video registers anyways, there's little point in doing the console
 * switch.  This function allows you to disable it by passing it '0'.
void pm_set_vt_switch(int do_switch)
	disable_vt_switch = !do_switch;

The rest of the vt_switch_console function is pretty normal, however, simply allocating space if needed to create the requested virtual terminal and then setting the current virtual terminal via set_console.

Virtual Terminal Set Console

With set_console, we begin (as if we haven’t been already) to enter the madness that is the virtual terminal subsystem. As mentioned previously, modifications to its state must be made very carefully, as other stuff happening at the same time could create complete messes.

All this to say, calling set_console does not actually perform any work to change the state of the current console. Instead it indicates what changes it wants and then schedules that work.


int set_console(int nr)
	struct vc_data *vc = vc_cons[fg_console].d;

	if (!vc_cons_allocated(nr) || vt_dont_switch ||
		(vc->vt_mode.mode == VT_AUTO && vc->vc_mode == KD_GRAPHICS)) {

		 * Console switch will fail in console_callback() or
		 * change_console() so there is no point scheduling
		 * the callback
		 * Existing set_console() users don't check the return
		 * value so this shouldn't break anything
		return -EINVAL;

	want_console = nr;

	return 0;

The check for vc->vc_mode == KD_GRAPHICS is where most end-user graphical desktops will bail out of this change, as they’re in graphics mode and don’t need to switch away to the suspend console.

vt_dont_switch is a flag used by the ioctls11 VT_LOCKSWITCH and VT_UNLOCKSWITCH to prevent the system from switching virtual terminal devices when the user has explicitly locked it.

VT_AUTO is a flag indicating that automatic virtual terminal switching is enabled12, and thus deliberate switching to a suspend terminal is not required.

However, if you do run your machine from a virtual terminal, then we indicate to the system that we want to change to the requested virtual terminal via the want_console variable and schedule a callback via schedule_console_callback.


void schedule_console_callback(void)

console_work is a workqueue2 that will execute the given task asynchronously.

Console Callback


 * This is the console switching callback.
 * Doing console switching in a process context allows
 * us to do the switches asynchronously (needed when we want
 * to switch due to a keyboard interrupt).  Synchronization
 * with other console code and prevention of re-entrancy is
 * ensured with console_lock.
static void console_callback(struct work_struct *ignored)

	if (want_console >= 0) {
		if (want_console != fg_console &&
		    vc_cons_allocated(want_console)) {
			/* we only changed when the console had already
			   been allocated - a new console is not created
			   in an interrupt routine */
		want_console = -1;

console_callback first looks to see if there is a console change wanted via want_console and then changes to it if it’s not the current console and has been allocated already. We do first remove any cursor state with hide_cursor.


static void hide_cursor(struct vc_data *vc)
	if (vc_is_sel(vc))

	vc->vc_sw->con_cursor(vc, false);

A full dive into the tty driver is a task for another time, but this should give a general sense of how this system interacts with hibernation.

Notify Power Management Call Chain


pm_notifier_call_chain_robust(PM_HIBERNATION_PREPARE, PM_POST_HIBERNATION)

This will call a chain of power management callbacks, passing first PM_HIBERNATION_PREPARE and then PM_POST_HIBERNATION on startup or on error with another callback.


int pm_notifier_call_chain_robust(unsigned long val_up, unsigned long val_down)
	int ret;

	ret = blocking_notifier_call_chain_robust(&pm_chain_head, val_up, val_down, NULL);

	return notifier_to_errno(ret);

The power management notifier is a blocking notifier chain, which means it has the following properties.


 *	Blocking notifier chains: Chain callbacks run in process context.
 *		Callouts are allowed to block.

The callback chain is a linked list with each entry containing a priority and a function to call. The function technically takes in a data value, but it is always NULL for the power management chain.


struct notifier_block;

typedef	int (*notifier_fn_t)(struct notifier_block *nb,
			unsigned long action, void *data);

struct notifier_block {
	notifier_fn_t notifier_call;
	struct notifier_block __rcu *next;
	int priority;

The head of the linked list is protected by a read-write semaphore.


struct blocking_notifier_head {
	struct rw_semaphore rwsem;
	struct notifier_block __rcu *head;

Because it is prioritized, appending to the list requires walking it until an item with lower13 priority is found to insert the current item before.


 *	Blocking notifier chain routines.  All access to the chain is
 *	synchronized by an rwsem.

static int __blocking_notifier_chain_register(struct blocking_notifier_head *nh,
					      struct notifier_block *n,
					      bool unique_priority)
	int ret;

	 * This code gets used during boot-up, when task switching is
	 * not yet working and interrupts must remain disabled.  At
	 * such times we must not call down_write().
	if (unlikely(system_state == SYSTEM_BOOTING))
		return notifier_chain_register(&nh->head, n, unique_priority);

	ret = notifier_chain_register(&nh->head, n, unique_priority);
	return ret;


 *	Notifier chain core routines.  The exported routines below
 *	are layered on top of these, with appropriate locking added.

static int notifier_chain_register(struct notifier_block **nl,
				   struct notifier_block *n,
				   bool unique_priority)
	while ((*nl) != NULL) {
		if (unlikely((*nl) == n)) {
			WARN(1, "notifier callback %ps already registered",
			return -EEXIST;
		if (n->priority > (*nl)->priority)
		if (n->priority == (*nl)->priority && unique_priority)
			return -EBUSY;
		nl = &((*nl)->next);
	n->next = *nl;
	rcu_assign_pointer(*nl, n);
	trace_notifier_register((void *)n->notifier_call);
	return 0;

Each callback can return one of a series of options.


#define NOTIFY_DONE		0x0000		/* Don't care */
#define NOTIFY_OK		0x0001		/* Suits me */
#define NOTIFY_STOP_MASK	0x8000		/* Don't call further */
						/* Bad/Veto action */

When notifying the chain, if a function returns STOP or BAD then the previous parts of the chain are called again with PM_POST_HIBERNATION14 and an error is returned.


 * notifier_call_chain_robust - Inform the registered notifiers about an event
 *                              and rollback on error.
 * @nl:		Pointer to head of the blocking notifier chain
 * @val_up:	Value passed unmodified to the notifier function
 * @val_down:	Value passed unmodified to the notifier function when recovering
 *              from an error on @val_up
 * @v:		Pointer passed unmodified to the notifier function
 * NOTE:	It is important the @nl chain doesn't change between the two
 *		invocations of notifier_call_chain() such that we visit the
 *		exact same notifier callbacks; this rules out any RCU usage.
 * Return:	the return value of the @val_up call.
static int notifier_call_chain_robust(struct notifier_block **nl,
				     unsigned long val_up, unsigned long val_down,
				     void *v)
	int ret, nr = 0;

	ret = notifier_call_chain(nl, val_up, v, -1, &nr);
	if (ret & NOTIFY_STOP_MASK)
		notifier_call_chain(nl, val_down, v, nr-1, NULL);

	return ret;

Each of these callbacks tends to be quite driver-specific, so we’ll cease discussion of this here.

Sync Filesystems

The next step is to ensure all filesystems have been synchronized to disk.

This is performed via a simple helper function that times how long the full synchronize operation, ksys_sync takes.


void ksys_sync_helper(void)
	ktime_t start;
	long elapsed_msecs;

	start = ktime_get();
	elapsed_msecs = ktime_to_ms(ktime_sub(ktime_get(), start));
	pr_info("Filesystems sync: %ld.%03ld seconds\n",
		elapsed_msecs / MSEC_PER_SEC, elapsed_msecs % MSEC_PER_SEC);

ksys_sync wakes and instructs a set of flusher threads to write out every filesystem, first their inodes15, then the full filesystem, and then finally all block devices, to ensure all pages are written out to disk.


 * Sync everything. We start by waking flusher threads so that most of
 * writeback runs on all devices in parallel. Then we sync all inodes reliably
 * which effectively also waits for all flusher threads to finish doing
 * writeback. At this point all data is on disk so metadata should be stable
 * and we tell filesystems to sync their metadata via ->sync_fs() calls.
 * Finally, we writeout all block devices because some filesystems (e.g. ext2)
 * just write metadata (such as inodes or bitmaps) to block device page cache
 * and do not sync it on their own in ->sync_fs().
void ksys_sync(void)
	int nowait = 0, wait = 1;

	iterate_supers(sync_inodes_one_sb, NULL);
	iterate_supers(sync_fs_one_sb, &nowait);
	iterate_supers(sync_fs_one_sb, &wait);
	if (unlikely(laptop_mode))

It follows an interesting pattern of using iterate_supers to run both sync_inodes_one_sb and then sync_fs_one_sb on each known filesystem16. It also calls both sync_fs_one_sb and sync_bdevs twice, first without waiting for any operations to complete and then again waiting for completion17.

When laptop_mode is enabled the system runs additional filesystem synchronization operations after the specified delay without any writes.


 * Flag that puts the machine in "laptop mode". Doubles as a timeout in jiffies:
 * a full sync is triggered after this time elapses without any disk activity.
int laptop_mode;


However, when running a filesystem synchronization operation, the system will add an additional timer to schedule more writes after the laptop_mode delay. We don’t want the state of the system to change at all while performing hibernation, so we cancel those timers.


 * We're in laptop mode and we've just synced. The sync's writes will have
 * caused another writeback to be scheduled by laptop_io_completion.
 * Nothing needs to be written back anymore, so we unschedule the writeback.
void laptop_sync_completion(void)
	struct backing_dev_info *bdi;


	list_for_each_entry_rcu(bdi, &bdi_list, bdi_list)


As a side note, the ksys_sync function is simply called when the system call sync is used.


	return 0;

The End of Preparation

With that the system has finished preparations for hibernation. This is a somewhat arbitrary cutoff, but next the system will begin a full freeze of userspace to then dump memory out to an image and finally to perform hibernation. All this will be covered in future articles!

  1. Hibernation modes are outside of scope for this article, see the previous article for a high-level description of the different types of hibernation. 

  2. Workqueues are a mechanism for running asynchronous tasks. A full description of them is a task for another time, but the kernel documentation on them is available here:  2

  3. This is a bit of an oversimplification, but since this isn’t the main focus of this article this description has been kept to a higher level. 

  4. Kconfig is Linux’s build configuration system that sets many different macros to enable/disable various features. 

  5. Kconfig defaults to the first default found 

  6. Including checking whether the algorithm is larval? Which appears to indicate that it requires additional setup, but is an interesting choice of name for such a state. 

  7. Specifically when we get to process freezing, which we’ll get to in the next article in this series. 

  8. Swap space is outside the scope of this article, but in short it is a buffer on disk that the kernel uses to store memory not current in use to free up space for other things. See Swap Management for more details. 

  9. The code for this is lengthy and tangential, thus it has not been included here. If you’re curious about the details of this, see kernel/power/hibernate.c:858 for the details of hibernate_quiet_exec, and drivers/nvdimm/core.c:451 for how it is used in nvdimm

  10. Annoyingly this code appears to use the terms “console” and “virtual terminal” interchangeably. 

  11. ioctls are special device-specific I/O operations that permit performing actions outside of the standard file interactions of read/write/seek/etc.  2

  12. I’m not entirely clear on how this flag works, this subsystem is particularly complex. 

  13. In this case a higher number is higher priority. 

  14. Or whatever the caller passes as val_down, but in this case we’re specifically looking at how this is used in hibernation. 

  15. An inode refers to a particular file or directory within the filesystem. See Wikipedia for more details. 

  16. Each active filesystem is registed with the kernel through a structure known as a superblock, which contains references to all the inodes contained within the filesystem, as well as function pointers to perform the various required operations, like sync. 

  17. I’m including minimal code in this section, as I’m not looking to deep dive into the filesystem code at this time. 

08 September, 2024 12:00AM

September 07, 2024

Sergio Durigan Junior

Chatting in the 21st century

Several people have been asking me to explain and/or write about my solution for chatting nowadays. I realize that the current scenario is much more complex than, say, 10 or 20 years ago. Back then, this post would probably be more about the IRC client I used than about different chatting technologies.

I have also spent a non trivial amount of time setting things up the way I want, so I understand that it’s about time to write about my setup not only because I think it can be helpful to others, but also because I would like to document things for myself.

The backbone: Matrix

I chose to use Matrix as the place where I integrate everything. Despite there being some heavy (and justified) criticism on the protocol itself, it serves me well for what I need right now. Obviously, I don’t like the fact that I have to provide Matrix and all of its accompanying bridges a VPS with 4GB of RAM and 3 vCPUs, but I think that that ship has sailed, unfortunately.

In an ideal world, I would be using XMPP and dedicating only a fraction of the resources I’m using today to have a full chat system. And since I have been running my personal XMPP server for more than a decade now, I did try to find a solution that would allow me to keep using it, but unfortunately the protocol became almost a hobbyist thing, so there’s that.

A few disclaimers

I self-host everything, including my Matrix server. Much of what I did won’t work if you don’t self-host Matrix, so keep that in mind.

This won’t be a post teaching you how to deploy the services. My intention is to describe what I use and for what purpose.

Also, as much as I try to use Debian packages for everything I do, I opted to deploy all services using a community-maintained Ansible playbook which is very well written and organized: matrix-docker-ansible-deploy.

Last but not least, as I said above, you will likely need a machine with a good amount of RAM, CPU and storage, especially if you deploy Synapse as your Matrix homeserver (which is what I recommend if you plan to use the bridges I’ll mention). My current VPS has 4GB of RAM, 3 vCPUs and 80GB of storage (of which I’m currently using approximately 55GB).

Problem #1: my Matrix client(s)

There are a lot of clients that can talk the Matrix protocol, but most of them are either web clients or GUI programs. I live on the terminal, more specifically inside Emacs, so I settled for the amazing ement.el Emacs mode. It works surprisingly well, but unfortunately doesn’t support end-to-end encryption out of the box; for that, you have to hook it up with pantalaimon. Unfortunately, the project seems abandoned and therefore I don’t recommend you to use it. I don’t use it myself.

When I have to reply some E2E encrypted message from another user, I go to my web browser and use my self-hosted Element client. It’s a nuisance, but one that I’m willing to accept because of security concerns.

If you’re into web clients and don’t want to use Element (because it is heavy), you can try Cinny. It’s lightweight and supports a decent set of features.

If you’re a terminal lover but don’t use Emacs, you may want to try gomuks or iamb.

Problem #2: IRC bridging

There are basically two types of IRC bridges for Matrix:

  • The regular and most used matrix-appservice-irc. This bridge takes Matrix to IRC (think of IRC users with the [m] suffix appended to their nicknames), and is what the and other big homeservers (including use. It’s a complex service which allows thousands of Matrix users to connect to IRC networks, but that unfortunately has complex problems and is only worth using if you intend to host a community server.

  • A bouncer-like bridge called Heisenbridge. This is what I use personally. It takes IRC to Matrix, which means that people on IRC will not know that you’re using Matrix. This bridge is much simpler, and because it acts like a bouncer it’s pretty much impossible for it to cause problems with the IRC network.

Due to the fact that I sometimes like to use other IRC clients, I still run a regular ZNC bouncer, and I use Heisenbridge to connect to my ZNC. This means that I can use, e.g., ERC inside Emacs and my Matrix bridge at the same time. But you don’t necessarily need to run another bouncer; you can simply use Heisenbridge and connect directly to the IRC network(s) you want.

A word of caution, though: unlike ZNC, Heisenbridge doesn’t support per-user configuration when you use it in bouncer mode. This is the reason why you need to self-host it, and why it’s not possible to offer the service to other users (they would have access to your IRC network configuration otherwise).

It’s also worth talking about logs. I find that keeping logs of everything that goes on IRC has saved me a bunch of times, and so I find it really important to continue doing that. Unfortunately, neither ement.el nor Element support logging things out of the box (at least not that I know). This is also one of the reasons why I still keep my ZNC around: I configure it to log everything.

Problem #3: Telegram

I don’t use Telegram myself, but unfortunately several people from the Debian community do, especially in Brazil. There is a whole Debian community on Telegram, and I wanted to be able to bridge our Debian Matrix channels to their Telegram counterparts.

I am currently using mautrix-telegram for that, and it’s working great. You need someone with a Telegram account to configure their credentials so that the bridge can connect to it, but afterwards it’s really easy to bridge channels together.

Problem #4: GitLab webhooks

Something else I wanted to be able to do was to receive notifications regarding new issues, merge requests and other activities from Salsa. For this, I’m using maubot, which is awesome and has a huge list of plugins. I’m using the gitlab one.

Final thoughts

Overall, I’m satisfied with the setup I have now. It has certainly taken some time and effort to find the right tool for each problem I needed to solve, and I still feel like there are some rough edges to soften (like the fact that my Emacs client doesn’t support E2E encryption out of the box, or the whole logging situation), but otherwise things are working fine and I haven’t had any big problems with the deployment. You do have to be much more careful about stuff (for example, when I installed an unrelated service that “hijacked” my Apache configuration and made Matrix’s federation silently stop working), though.

If you have more specific questions about any part of my setup, shoot me an email and I’ll do my best to help.

Happy chatting!

07 September, 2024 09:25PM